
时间:2021-06-12 22:04:38


  • (PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)
  • explode — Split a string by string
  • explode — 使用一个字符串分割另一个字符串


array explode ( 
string $delimiter ,
string $string [,
int $limit = PHP_INT_MAX ]
//Returns an array of strings, each of which is a substring of string formed by splitting it on boundaries formed by the string delimiter.
//此函数返回由字符串组成的数组,每个元素都是 string 的一个子串,它们被字符串 delimiter 作为边界点分割出来。



  • The boundary string.
  • 边界上的分隔字符。


  • The input string.
  • 输入的字符串。


  • If limit is set and positive, the returned array will contain a maximum of limit elements with the last element containing the rest of string.
  • 如果设置了 limit 参数并且是正数,则返回的数组包含最多 limit 个元素,而最后那个元素将包含 string 的剩余部分。

  • If the limit parameter is negative, all components except the last -limit are returned.
  • 如果 limit 参数是负数,则返回除了最后的 -limit 个元素外的所有元素。

  • If the limit parameter is zero, then this is treated as 1.
  • 如果 limit 是 0,则会被当做 1。


  • Although implode() can, for historical reasons, accept its parameters in either order, explode() cannot. You must ensure that the delimiter argument comes before the string argument.
  • 由于历史原因,虽然 implode() 可以接收两种参数顺序,但是 explode() 不行。你必须保证 separator 参数在 string 参数之前才行。

Return Values

  • Returns an array of strings created by splitting the string parameter on boundaries formed by the delimiter.
  • 此函数返回由字符串组成的 array,每个元素都是 string 的一个子串,它们被字符串 delimiter 作为边界点分割出来。

  • If delimiter is an empty string (""), explode() will return FALSE. If delimiter contains a value that is not contained in string and a negative limit is used, then an empty array will be returned, otherwise an array containing string will be returned.
  • 如果 delimiter 为空字符串(""),explode() 将返回 FALSE。 如果 delimiter 所包含的值在 string 中找不到,并且使用了负数的 limit , 那么会返回空的 array, 否则返回包含 string 单个元素的数组。


* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: zhangrongxiang
* Date: 2018/2/16
* Time: 下午3:49
// 示例 1
$pizza = "piece1 piece2 piece3 piece4 piece5 piece6";
$pieces = explode( " ", $pizza );
echo $pieces[0] . PHP_EOL; // piece1
echo $pieces[1] . PHP_EOL; // piece2

// 示例 2
$data = "foo:*:1023:1000::/home/foo:/bin/sh";
list( $user, $pass, $uid, $gid, $gecos, $home, $shell ) = explode( ":", $data );
echo $user . PHP_EOL; // foo
echo $pass . PHP_EOL; // *
print_r( explode( ';', $data ) );// [0] => foo:*:1023:1000::/home/foo:/bin/sh

$str = 'one|two|three|four';
// 正数的 limit
//[0] => one
//[1] => two|three|four
print_r( explode( '|', $str, 2 ) );
// 负数的 limit(自 PHP 5.1 起)
//[0] => one
//[1] => two
//[2] => three
//如果 limit 参数是负数,则返回除了最后的 -limit 个元素外的所有元素。
print_r( explode( '|', $str, - 1 ) );

$path = '/Users/zhangrongxiang/WorkSpace/phpProjects/PHPTEST';
//[0] =>
//[1] => Users
//[2] => zhangrongxiang
//[3] => WorkSpace
//[4] => phpProjects
//[5] => PHPTEST
$rs = explode( '/', $path );
print_r( $rs );

//[0] =>
//[1] => Users
//[2] => zhangrongxiang/WorkSpace/phpProjects/PHPTEST
$rs = explode( '/', $path, 3 );
print_r( $rs );

//[0] =>
//[1] => Users
//[2] => zhangrongxiang
$rs = explode( '/', $path, - 3 );
print_r( $rs );

function multiexplode( $delimiters, $string ) {
$ready = str_replace( $delimiters, $delimiters[0], $string );
//here is a sample, this text, and this will be exploded, this also , this one too ,)
echo $ready . PHP_EOL;
$launch = explode( $delimiters[0], $ready );

return $launch;

//[0] => here is a sample
//[1] => this text
//[2] => and this will be exploded
//[3] => this also
//[4] => this one too
//[5] => )
$text = "here is a sample: this text, and this will be exploded. this also | this one too :)";
$exploded = multiexplode( array( ",", ".", "|", ":" ), $text );
print_r( $exploded );

$str = "";
$res = explode( ",", $str );
// [0] =>
print_r( $res );
$res = array_filter( explode( ",", $str ) );
print_r( $res );

//a simple one line method to explode & trim whitespaces from the exploded elements
array_map( 'trim', explode( ",", $str ) );
$str = "one ,two , three , four ";
//[0] => one
//[1] => two
//[2] => three
//[3] => four
print_r( array_map( 'trim', explode( ",", $str ) ) );

//the function
//Param 1 has to be an Array
//Param 2 has to be a String
function multiexplode2( $delimiters, $string ) {
$ary = explode( $delimiters[0], $string );
array_shift( $delimiters );
if ( $delimiters != null ) {
foreach ( $ary as $key => $val ) {
$ary[ $key ] = multiexplode2( $delimiters, $val );

return $ary;

// Example of use
$string = "1-2-3|4-5|6:7-8-9-0|1,2:3-4|5";
$delimiters = Array( ",", ":", "|", "-" );

$res = multiexplode2( $delimiters, $string );
print_r( $res );


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