I am writing a simple batch file that copies a video from a web server using a user submitted url. I would like to extract parts of the user submitted string and set them as a variables. Below is my example code.
@echo OFF
SET outputdir= %~dp0output\
SET libav= %~dp0libav\win64\usr\bin
CD %libav%
SET /p code= "Paste the download code from your browser: "
The user will be inputting a string that is in this exact format for %code%:
avconv -i "http://example.com/i/index_0_av.m3u8" -codec copy -qscale 0 video_name.mp4
I want to use a space as the delimiter. I need to set the 3rd item as %url% and 8th item as %filename%. Basically I am trying to do what explode() does in PHP.
The goal is to run the following as the final line in the file.
call avconv -i "%url%" -codec copy -qscale 0 %outputdir%%filename%
3 个解决方案
Although there are several ways to do what you want in Batch, the version below do it emulating PHP's explode:
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set code=avconv -i "http://example.com/i/index_0_av.m3u8" -codec copy -qscale 0 video_name.mp4
rem Explode "code" string into "item" array
set i=0
for %%a in (%code%) do (
set /A i+=1
set "item[!i!]=%%~a"
rem Set 3rd item as url and 8th item as filename
set url=%item[3]%
set filename=%item[8]%
echo call avconv -i "%url%" -codec copy -qscale 0 %outputdir%%filename%
For /f "tokens=3" %A in ("%CODE%") Do Echo %A
Which is same as
For /f "tokens=3" %A in ("avconv -i http://example.com/i/index_0_av.m3u8 -codec copy -qscale 0 video_name.mp4") Do Echo %A
I removed your quotes. Quotes only needed with spaces. URLs can't have spaces.
In a batch file use %%A
ratherthan %A
at command prompt.
在批处理文件中,在命令提示符下使用%% A ratherthan%A。
If you need quotes see UseBackQ option where single quotes enclose string.
SET /p "code=Paste the download code from your browser: "
for /f "tokens=3,8,9 delims= " %%a in ("%code%") do (
if "%%b"=="" echo too few parameters & goto :loop
if not "%%c"=="" echo too much parameters & goto :loop
set "url=%%~a"
set "filename=%%b"
echo %url%, %filename%
Note: the tilde in %%~a
removes the quotes. Leave out the tilde, if you want to keep the quotes.
注意:%% ~a中的波浪号将删除引号。如果你想保留报价,请忽略波浪号。
Edited to implement a simple input check
Although there are several ways to do what you want in Batch, the version below do it emulating PHP's explode:
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set code=avconv -i "http://example.com/i/index_0_av.m3u8" -codec copy -qscale 0 video_name.mp4
rem Explode "code" string into "item" array
set i=0
for %%a in (%code%) do (
set /A i+=1
set "item[!i!]=%%~a"
rem Set 3rd item as url and 8th item as filename
set url=%item[3]%
set filename=%item[8]%
echo call avconv -i "%url%" -codec copy -qscale 0 %outputdir%%filename%
For /f "tokens=3" %A in ("%CODE%") Do Echo %A
Which is same as
For /f "tokens=3" %A in ("avconv -i http://example.com/i/index_0_av.m3u8 -codec copy -qscale 0 video_name.mp4") Do Echo %A
I removed your quotes. Quotes only needed with spaces. URLs can't have spaces.
In a batch file use %%A
ratherthan %A
at command prompt.
在批处理文件中,在命令提示符下使用%% A ratherthan%A。
If you need quotes see UseBackQ option where single quotes enclose string.
SET /p "code=Paste the download code from your browser: "
for /f "tokens=3,8,9 delims= " %%a in ("%code%") do (
if "%%b"=="" echo too few parameters & goto :loop
if not "%%c"=="" echo too much parameters & goto :loop
set "url=%%~a"
set "filename=%%b"
echo %url%, %filename%
Note: the tilde in %%~a
removes the quotes. Leave out the tilde, if you want to keep the quotes.
注意:%% ~a中的波浪号将删除引号。如果你想保留报价,请忽略波浪号。
Edited to implement a simple input check