
时间:2022-07-14 22:03:00

Should one apply functional programming practices at the design level, i.e. when we identify and design class hierarchy, or is it applicable only when it comes to writing function bodies?


What I feel is that we do the design process applying normal OOPs techniques and write implementations using a functional approach.


Your thoughts, please!


4 个解决方案


Brian McNamara, of the F# Development team, has an interesting blog titled How does functional programming affect the structure of your code?.

F#开发团队的Brian McNamara有一个有趣的博客,名为“函数式编程如何影响代码结构?”。

I tend to agree with his assessment that functional programming tends to have the largest influence on actual code structure, at the level of implementation and individual routines, and less influence on overall architecture, at the level of modules and subsystems.


That said, I also think that FP can influence how the problem is attacked, and can often lead to entirely different approaches, such as DSL's, async code, filter graphs, actors, etc., but these can all be considered "in the medium" solutions which don't effect the larger architecture, such as distributed, REST, client-server, etc.

也就是说,我也认为FP可以影响问题的攻击方式,并且通常可以导致完全不同的方法,例如DSL,异步代码,过滤器图,演员等,但这些都可以被认为是“在媒体中“不影响大型架构的解决方案,例如分布式,REST,客户端 - 服务器等。


The design process should be OOP agnostic. Maybe we'll need objects and classes, maybe we won't. Maybe a large portion will use functional techniques. Maybe all it needs is a 5 minute perl script. It depends on what we're trying to accomplish.


That said, an argument could be made that OOP may get in the way of a purely functional design. Other arguments could be made that it doesn't. Another argument could be made that you just need to use your best judgement and balance the two paradigms. Others will chime in and say the two approaches are orthogonal and can be combined without conflict.


But it's all abstract really. The answer is MU. Pose a real problem you have, and then we'll be able to tell you whether a functional or oop approach is appropriate, and at what level.



I am a bit biased towards the FP approach at design if you want to implement in FP.
But, Breton makes a good point that the selection is subjective.



  1. Another * question: How can I use functional programming in the real world?.
  2. 另一个*问题:我如何在现实世界中使用函数式编程? JavaScript:使用函数式编程技术编写优雅的JavaScript F#primer:在.NET Framework中使用函数式编程技术讨论主题:为什么人们不使用函数式编程?链接:应用于实际任务的功能程序列表


I agree that an OOP high-level decomposition with FP implementation techniques is a good strategy; I discuss this some in a blog:


How does functional programming affect the structure of your code?



Brian McNamara, of the F# Development team, has an interesting blog titled How does functional programming affect the structure of your code?.

F#开发团队的Brian McNamara有一个有趣的博客,名为“函数式编程如何影响代码结构?”。

I tend to agree with his assessment that functional programming tends to have the largest influence on actual code structure, at the level of implementation and individual routines, and less influence on overall architecture, at the level of modules and subsystems.


That said, I also think that FP can influence how the problem is attacked, and can often lead to entirely different approaches, such as DSL's, async code, filter graphs, actors, etc., but these can all be considered "in the medium" solutions which don't effect the larger architecture, such as distributed, REST, client-server, etc.

也就是说,我也认为FP可以影响问题的攻击方式,并且通常可以导致完全不同的方法,例如DSL,异步代码,过滤器图,演员等,但这些都可以被认为是“在媒体中“不影响大型架构的解决方案,例如分布式,REST,客户端 - 服务器等。


The design process should be OOP agnostic. Maybe we'll need objects and classes, maybe we won't. Maybe a large portion will use functional techniques. Maybe all it needs is a 5 minute perl script. It depends on what we're trying to accomplish.


That said, an argument could be made that OOP may get in the way of a purely functional design. Other arguments could be made that it doesn't. Another argument could be made that you just need to use your best judgement and balance the two paradigms. Others will chime in and say the two approaches are orthogonal and can be combined without conflict.


But it's all abstract really. The answer is MU. Pose a real problem you have, and then we'll be able to tell you whether a functional or oop approach is appropriate, and at what level.



I am a bit biased towards the FP approach at design if you want to implement in FP.
But, Breton makes a good point that the selection is subjective.



  1. Another * question: How can I use functional programming in the real world?.
  2. 另一个*问题:我如何在现实世界中使用函数式编程? JavaScript:使用函数式编程技术编写优雅的JavaScript F#primer:在.NET Framework中使用函数式编程技术讨论主题:为什么人们不使用函数式编程?链接:应用于实际任务的功能程序列表


I agree that an OOP high-level decomposition with FP implementation techniques is a good strategy; I discuss this some in a blog:


How does functional programming affect the structure of your code?
