
时间:2021-08-07 22:04:16

I have a function that joins an array of objects with a conditional separator.


function getSegmentsLabel(segments) {
    var separator = '-';

    var segmentsLabel = '';
    var nextSeparator = '';
    _.forEach(segments, function(segment) {
        segmentsLabel += nextSeparator + segment.label;
        nextSeparator = segment.separatorUsed ? separator : ' ';
    return segmentsLabel;


var segments = [
    {label: 'First', separatorUsed: true},
    {label: 'Second', separatorUsed: false},
    {label: 'Third', separatorUsed: true},
    {label: 'Forth', separatorUsed: true}

getSegmentsLabel(segments); // Result: "First-Second Third-Forth"

How can the above getSegmentsLabel function be written in a purely functional way without mutating variables? We can use lodash functions.


6 个解决方案



You can use map() method that will return new array and then join() to get string form that array.


var segments = [
    {label: 'First', separatorUsed: true},
    {label: 'Second', separatorUsed: false},
    {label: 'Third', separatorUsed: true},
    {label: 'Forth', separatorUsed: true}

function getSegmentsLabel(segments) {
  return segments.map(function(e, i) {
    return e.label + (i != segments.length - 1 ? (e.separatorUsed ? '-' : ' ') : '')





or instead of map/reduce/join, you can use direct recursion – the benefit here is that we don't iterate thru the collection multiple times to compute the result – oh and the program is really small so it's easy to digest

或者代替map / reduce / join,你可以使用直接递归 - 这里的好处是我们不会多次迭代通过集合来计算结果 - 哦,程序非常小,所以很容易消化

be careful of stack overflows in javascript tho; relevant: How do I replace while loops with a functional programming alternative without tail call optimization?


var segments = [
  {label: 'First', separatorUsed: true},
  {label: 'Second', separatorUsed: false},
  {label: 'Third', separatorUsed: true},
  {label: 'Forth', separatorUsed: true}

const main = ([x,...xs]) =>
  x === undefined
    ? ''
    : xs.length === 0
      ? x.label
      : x.label + (x.separatorUsed ? '-' : ' ') + main (xs)
console.log (main (segments))
// First-Second Third-Forth

functional programming

that last implementation of our function is awfully specific - functional programming isn't just about using map and reduce, it's about making meaningful abstractions and writing generic procedures that can easily be reused

我们函数的最后一个实现是非常具体的 - 函数式编程不只是使用map和reduce,而是关于进行有意义的抽象和编写可以轻松重用的泛型过程

this example is intentionally very different from your original code with the hope that it will get you to think about programs in a different way – if this stuff interests you, as a follow up to this post, you could start reading about monoids.

这个例子有意与原始代码有很大的不同,希望它能让你以不同的方式思考程序 - 如果这些东西让你感兴趣,作为这篇文章的后续内容,你可以开始阅读关于幺半群的内容。

by writing our program this way, we've represented this idea of "joinable pieces of text with conditional separators" in a generic text module that could be used in any other program – writers can create units of text using Text.make and combine them using Text.concat

通过这种方式编写我们的程序,我们在一个通用文本模块中表示了“带条件分隔符的可连接文本”的概念,可以在任何其他程序中使用 - 编写者可以使用Text.make创建文本单元并将它们组合起来使用Text.concat

another advantage in this program is the separator is parameter-controlled


// type Text :: { text :: String, separator :: String }
const Text =
    // Text.make :: (String × String?) -> Text
    make: (text, separator = '') =>
      ({ type: 'text', text, separator }),
    // Text.empty :: Text
    empty: () =>
      Text.make (''),
    // Text.isEmpty :: Text -> Boolean
    isEmpty: l =>
      l.text === '',
    // Text.concat :: (Text × Text) -> Text
    concat: (x,y) =>
      Text.isEmpty (y)
        ? x
        : Text.make (x.text + x.separator + y.text, y.separator),
    // Text.concatAll :: [Text] -> Text
    concatAll: ts =>
      ts.reduce (Text.concat, Text.empty ())  

// main :: [Text] -> String
const main = xs =>
  Text.concatAll (xs) .text
// data :: [Text]
const data =
  [ Text.make ('First', '-'), Text.make ('Second', ' '), Text.make ('Third', '-'), Text.make ('Fourth', '-') ]
console.log (main (data))
// First-Second Third-Fourth



It's better to use reduceRight instead of map in this case:


const segments = [
    {label: 'First',  separatorUsed: true},
    {label: 'Second', separatorUsed: false},
    {label: 'Third',  separatorUsed: true},
    {label: 'Forth',  separatorUsed: true}

const getSegmentsLabel = segments =>
    segments.slice(0, -1).reduceRight((segmentsLabel, {label, separatorUsed}) =>
        label + (separatorUsed ? "-" : " ") + segmentsLabel,
    segments[segments.length - 1].label);


As you can see, it's better to iterate through the array from right to left.


Here's a more efficient version of the program, although it uses mutation:


const segments = [
    {label: 'First',  separatorUsed: true},
    {label: 'Second', separatorUsed: false},
    {label: 'Third',  separatorUsed: true},
    {label: 'Forth',  separatorUsed: true}

const reduceRight = (xs, step, base) => {
    const x = xs.pop(), result = xs.reduceRight(step, base(x));
    return xs.push(x), result;

const getSegmentsLabel = segments =>
    reduceRight(segments, (segmentsLabel, {label, separatorUsed}) =>
        label + (separatorUsed ? "-" : " ") + segmentsLabel,
    ({label}) => label);


It's not purely functional but if we treat reduceRight as a black box then you can define getSegmentsLabel in a purely functional way.




You could use an array for the separators and decide, if a spacer, a dash or no separator for strings at the end.


const separators = [' ', '', '-'];
var getSegmentsLabel = array => array
        .map(({ label, separatorUsed }, i, a) =>
            label + separators[2 * separatorUsed - (i + 1 === a.length)])

var segments = [{ label: 'First', separatorUsed: true }, { label: 'Second', separatorUsed: false }, { label: 'Third', separatorUsed: true }, { label: 'Forth', separatorUsed: true }];




Here I separate out the functions:


// buildSeparatedStr returns a function that can be used
// in the reducer, employing a template literal as the returned value
const buildSeparatedStr = (sep) => (p, c, i, a) => {
  const separator = !c.separatorUsed || i === a.length - 1 ? ' ' : sep;
  return `${p}${c.label}${separator}`;

// Accept an array and the buildSeparatedStr function
const getSegmentsLabel = (arr, fn) => arr.reduce(fn, '');

// Pass in the array, and the buildSeparatedStr function with
// the separator
const str = getSegmentsLabel(segments, buildSeparatedStr('-'));




const segments = [
    {label: 'First',  separatorUsed: true},
    {label: 'Second', separatorUsed: false},
    {label: 'Third',  separatorUsed: true},
    {label: 'Forth',  separatorUsed: true}

const segmentsLabel = segments.reduce((label, segment, i, arr) => {
    const separator = (i === arr.length - 1) ? '' : (segment.separatorUsed) ? '-' : ' ';
    return label + segment.label + separator;
 }, '');




You can use map() method that will return new array and then join() to get string form that array.


var segments = [
    {label: 'First', separatorUsed: true},
    {label: 'Second', separatorUsed: false},
    {label: 'Third', separatorUsed: true},
    {label: 'Forth', separatorUsed: true}

function getSegmentsLabel(segments) {
  return segments.map(function(e, i) {
    return e.label + (i != segments.length - 1 ? (e.separatorUsed ? '-' : ' ') : '')





or instead of map/reduce/join, you can use direct recursion – the benefit here is that we don't iterate thru the collection multiple times to compute the result – oh and the program is really small so it's easy to digest

或者代替map / reduce / join,你可以使用直接递归 - 这里的好处是我们不会多次迭代通过集合来计算结果 - 哦,程序非常小,所以很容易消化

be careful of stack overflows in javascript tho; relevant: How do I replace while loops with a functional programming alternative without tail call optimization?


var segments = [
  {label: 'First', separatorUsed: true},
  {label: 'Second', separatorUsed: false},
  {label: 'Third', separatorUsed: true},
  {label: 'Forth', separatorUsed: true}

const main = ([x,...xs]) =>
  x === undefined
    ? ''
    : xs.length === 0
      ? x.label
      : x.label + (x.separatorUsed ? '-' : ' ') + main (xs)
console.log (main (segments))
// First-Second Third-Forth

functional programming

that last implementation of our function is awfully specific - functional programming isn't just about using map and reduce, it's about making meaningful abstractions and writing generic procedures that can easily be reused

我们函数的最后一个实现是非常具体的 - 函数式编程不只是使用map和reduce,而是关于进行有意义的抽象和编写可以轻松重用的泛型过程

this example is intentionally very different from your original code with the hope that it will get you to think about programs in a different way – if this stuff interests you, as a follow up to this post, you could start reading about monoids.

这个例子有意与原始代码有很大的不同,希望它能让你以不同的方式思考程序 - 如果这些东西让你感兴趣,作为这篇文章的后续内容,你可以开始阅读关于幺半群的内容。

by writing our program this way, we've represented this idea of "joinable pieces of text with conditional separators" in a generic text module that could be used in any other program – writers can create units of text using Text.make and combine them using Text.concat

通过这种方式编写我们的程序,我们在一个通用文本模块中表示了“带条件分隔符的可连接文本”的概念,可以在任何其他程序中使用 - 编写者可以使用Text.make创建文本单元并将它们组合起来使用Text.concat

another advantage in this program is the separator is parameter-controlled


// type Text :: { text :: String, separator :: String }
const Text =
    // Text.make :: (String × String?) -> Text
    make: (text, separator = '') =>
      ({ type: 'text', text, separator }),
    // Text.empty :: Text
    empty: () =>
      Text.make (''),
    // Text.isEmpty :: Text -> Boolean
    isEmpty: l =>
      l.text === '',
    // Text.concat :: (Text × Text) -> Text
    concat: (x,y) =>
      Text.isEmpty (y)
        ? x
        : Text.make (x.text + x.separator + y.text, y.separator),
    // Text.concatAll :: [Text] -> Text
    concatAll: ts =>
      ts.reduce (Text.concat, Text.empty ())  

// main :: [Text] -> String
const main = xs =>
  Text.concatAll (xs) .text
// data :: [Text]
const data =
  [ Text.make ('First', '-'), Text.make ('Second', ' '), Text.make ('Third', '-'), Text.make ('Fourth', '-') ]
console.log (main (data))
// First-Second Third-Fourth



It's better to use reduceRight instead of map in this case:


const segments = [
    {label: 'First',  separatorUsed: true},
    {label: 'Second', separatorUsed: false},
    {label: 'Third',  separatorUsed: true},
    {label: 'Forth',  separatorUsed: true}

const getSegmentsLabel = segments =>
    segments.slice(0, -1).reduceRight((segmentsLabel, {label, separatorUsed}) =>
        label + (separatorUsed ? "-" : " ") + segmentsLabel,
    segments[segments.length - 1].label);


As you can see, it's better to iterate through the array from right to left.


Here's a more efficient version of the program, although it uses mutation:


const segments = [
    {label: 'First',  separatorUsed: true},
    {label: 'Second', separatorUsed: false},
    {label: 'Third',  separatorUsed: true},
    {label: 'Forth',  separatorUsed: true}

const reduceRight = (xs, step, base) => {
    const x = xs.pop(), result = xs.reduceRight(step, base(x));
    return xs.push(x), result;

const getSegmentsLabel = segments =>
    reduceRight(segments, (segmentsLabel, {label, separatorUsed}) =>
        label + (separatorUsed ? "-" : " ") + segmentsLabel,
    ({label}) => label);


It's not purely functional but if we treat reduceRight as a black box then you can define getSegmentsLabel in a purely functional way.




You could use an array for the separators and decide, if a spacer, a dash or no separator for strings at the end.


const separators = [' ', '', '-'];
var getSegmentsLabel = array => array
        .map(({ label, separatorUsed }, i, a) =>
            label + separators[2 * separatorUsed - (i + 1 === a.length)])

var segments = [{ label: 'First', separatorUsed: true }, { label: 'Second', separatorUsed: false }, { label: 'Third', separatorUsed: true }, { label: 'Forth', separatorUsed: true }];




Here I separate out the functions:


// buildSeparatedStr returns a function that can be used
// in the reducer, employing a template literal as the returned value
const buildSeparatedStr = (sep) => (p, c, i, a) => {
  const separator = !c.separatorUsed || i === a.length - 1 ? ' ' : sep;
  return `${p}${c.label}${separator}`;

// Accept an array and the buildSeparatedStr function
const getSegmentsLabel = (arr, fn) => arr.reduce(fn, '');

// Pass in the array, and the buildSeparatedStr function with
// the separator
const str = getSegmentsLabel(segments, buildSeparatedStr('-'));




const segments = [
    {label: 'First',  separatorUsed: true},
    {label: 'Second', separatorUsed: false},
    {label: 'Third',  separatorUsed: true},
    {label: 'Forth',  separatorUsed: true}

const segmentsLabel = segments.reduce((label, segment, i, arr) => {
    const separator = (i === arr.length - 1) ? '' : (segment.separatorUsed) ? '-' : ' ';
    return label + segment.label + separator;
 }, '');
