
时间:2022-02-27 22:04:26

Say I want to sum a.x for each element in arr.


arr = [{x:1},{x:2},{x:4}]
arr.reduce(function(a,b){return a.x + b.x})
>> NaN

I have cause to believe that a.x is undefined at some point.


The following works fine


arr = [1,2,4]
arr.reduce(function(a,b){return a + b})
>> 7

What am I doing wrong in the first example?


8 个解决方案



After the first iteration your're returning a number and then trying to get property x of it to add to the next object which is undefined and maths involving undefined results in NaN.


try returning an object contain an x property with the sum of the x properties of the parameters:


var arr = [{x:1},{x:2},{x:4}];

arr.reduce(function (a, b) {
  return {x: a.x + b.x}; // returns object with property x

// ES6
arr.reduce((a, b) => ({x: a.x + b.x}));

// -> {x: 7}

Explanation added from comments:


The return value of each iteration of [].reduce used as the a variable in the next iteration.


Iteration 1: a = {x:1}, b = {x:2}, {x: 3} assigned to a in Iteration 2

迭代1:a = {x:1}, b = {x:2}, {x: 3}在迭代2中分配给a。

Iteration 2: a = {x:3}, b = {x:4}.

迭代2:a = {x:3}, b = {x:4}。

The problem with your example is that you're returning a number literal.


function (a, b) {
  return a.x + b.x; // returns number literal

Iteration 1: a = {x:1}, b = {x:2}, // returns 3 as a in next iteration

迭代1:a = {x:1}, b = {x:2}, //在下一次迭代中返回3。

Iteration 2: a = 3, b = {x:2} returns NaN

迭代2:a = 3, b = {x:2}返回NaN。

A number literal 3 does not (typically) have a property called x so it's undefined and undefined + b.x returns NaN and NaN + <anything> is always NaN

数字3不(通常)有一个名为x的属性,所以它是未定义的和未定义的+ b。返回NaN和NaN + <任何> 都是NaN。

Clarification: I prefer my method over the other top answer in this thread as I disagree with the idea that passing an optional parameter to reduce with a magic number to get out a number primitive is cleaner. It may result in fewer lines written but imo it is less readable.




A cleaner way to accomplish this is by providing an initial value:


var arr = [{x:1}, {x:2}, {x:4}];
arr.reduce(function (acc, obj) { return acc + obj.x; }, 0); // 7

The first time the anonymous function is called, it gets called with (0, {x: 1}) and returns 0 + 1 = 1. The next time, it gets called with (1, {x: 2}) and returns 1 + 2 = 3. It's then called with (3, {x: 4}), finally returning 7.

第一次调用匿名函数时,它会调用(0,{x: 1})并返回0 + 1 = 1。下一次,它将被调用(1,{x: 2}),返回1 + 2 = 3。然后调用它(3,{x: 4}),最后返回7。



Others have answered this question, but I thought I'd toss in another approach. Rather than go directly to summing a.x, you can combine a map (from a.x to x) and reduce (to add the x's):


arr = [{x:1},{x:2},{x:4}] {return a.x;})
   .reduce(function(a,b) {return a + b;});

Admittedly, it's probably going to be slightly slower, but I thought it worth mentioning it as an option.




TL;DR, set the initial value


arr.reduce( (sum,cur) => sum+cur.x , 0)

加勒比海盗。减少((和,cur)= >总和+坏蛋。x,0)

The key to this is setting initial value. The return value becomes first parameter of the next iteration.


First pass, sum is zero. cur is the first value in the array, an object. So we access the x property. We add that number to sum and return it.


Next iteration, same thing. sum is now the last returned value and we add the next item and so on.


If we didn't set that 0 at the end, the first iteration sum would be an object and we'd write logic to handle an object. We'd also have to return an object because the next iteration is setup to handle an object.


A little more background


The reduce method takes two parameters,


Array.prototype.reduce( callback, initialItem )

The callback function takes the following parameters


(accumulator, itemInArray, indexInArray, entireArray) => { /* do stuff */ }

When initialItem is provided, it is passed in as accumulator into the callback function on first past and itemInArray is the first item in the array.


If initialItem isn't set, the reduce takes the first item in the array as initialItem and passes the the second item in as itemInArray. This can be confusing behavior.


I teach and recommend always setting the initial value of reduce. Furthermore, as you grow as a developer and start reaching for transducers or other enhanced libraries, you'll find that setting the initial value is a must.


For a full article on Array.prototype.reduce see:


Hope this helps!




To formalize what has been pointed out, a reducer is a catamorphism which takes two arguments which may be the same type by coincidence, and returns a type which matches the first argument.


function reducer (accumulator: X, currentValue: Y): X { }

That means that the body of the reducer needs to be about converting currentValue and the current value of the accumulator to the value of the new accumulator.


This works in a straightforward way, when adding, because the accumulator and the element values both happen to be the same type (but serve different purposes).


[1, 2, 3].reduce((x, y) => x + y);

This just works because they're all numbers.


[{ age: 5 }, { age: 2 }, { age: 8 }]
  .reduce((total, thing) => total + thing.age, 0);

Now we're giving a starting value to the aggregator. The starting value should be the type that you expect the aggregator to be (the type you expect to come out as the final value), in the vast majority of cases. While you aren't forced to do this (and shouldn't be), it's important to keep in mind.


Once you know that, you can write meaningful reductions for other n:1 relationship problems.


Removing repeated words:


const skipIfAlreadyFound = (words, word) => words.includes(word)
    ? words
    : words.concat(word);

const deduplicatedWords = aBunchOfWords.reduce(skipIfAlreadyFound, []);

Providing a count of all words found:


const incrementWordCount = (counts, word) => {
  counts[word] = (counts[word] || 0) + 1;
  return counts;
const wordCounts = words.reduce(incrementWordCount, { });

Reducing an array of arrays, to a single flat array:


const concat = (a, b) => a.concat(b);

const numbers = [
  [1, 2, 3],
  [4, 5, 6],
  [7, 8, 9]
].reduce(concat, []);

Any time you're looking to go from an array of things, to a single value that doesn't match a 1:1, reduce is something you might consider.


In fact, map and filter can both be implemented as reductions:


const map = (transform, array) =>
  array.reduce((list, el) => list.concat(transform(el)), []);

const filter = (predicate, array) => array.reduce(
  (list, el) => predicate(el) ? list.concat(el) : list,

I hope this provides some further context for how to use reduce.


The one addition to this, which I haven't broken into yet, is when there is an expectation that the input and output types are specifically meant to be dynamic, because the array elements are functions:


const compose = (...fns) => x =>
  fns.reduceRight((x, f) => f(x), x);

const hgfx = h(g(f(x)));
const hgf = compose(h, g, f);
const hgfy = hgf(y);
const hgfz = hgf(z);



At each step of your reduce, you aren't returning a new {x:???} object. So you either need to do:


arr = [{x:1},{x:2},{x:4}]
arr.reduce(function(a,b){return a + b.x})

or you need to do


arr = [{x:1},{x:2},{x:4}]
arr.reduce(function(a,b){return {x: a.x + b.x}; }) 



reduce function iterates over a collection


arr = [{x:1},{x:2},{x:4}] // is a collection

arr.reduce(function(a,b){return a.x + b.x})

translates to:


    //for each index in the collection, this callback function is called
  function (
    a, //a = accumulator ,during each callback , value of accumulator is 
         passed inside the variable "a"
    b, //currentValue , for ex currentValue is {x:1} in 1st callback
  ) {
    return a.x + b.x; 
  accumulator // this is returned at the end of arr.reduce call 
    //accumulator = returned value i.e return a.x + b.x  in each callback. 

during each index callback, value of variable "accumulator" is passed into "a" parameter in the callback function. If we don't initialize "accumulator", its value will be undefined. Calling undefined.x would give you error.


To solve this, initialize "accumulator" with value 0 as Casey's answer showed above.


To understand the in-outs of "reduce" function, I would suggest you look at the source code of this function. Lodash library has reduce function which works exactly same as "reduce" function in ES6.


Here is the link : reduce source code




In the first step, it will work fine as the value of a will be 1 and that of b will be 2 but as 2+1 will be returned and in the next step the value of b will be the return value from step 1 i.e 3 and so b.x will be undefined...and undefined + anyNumber will be NaN and that is why you are getting that result.

在第一步中,a的值是1,而b的值是2,但当2+1返回时,b的值将是第1步的返回值。e 3和b。x将未定义……undefined + anyNumber是NaN,这就是为什么你得到这个结果。

Instead you can try this by giving initial value as zero i.e

arr.reduce(function(a,b){return a + b.x},0);



After the first iteration your're returning a number and then trying to get property x of it to add to the next object which is undefined and maths involving undefined results in NaN.


try returning an object contain an x property with the sum of the x properties of the parameters:


var arr = [{x:1},{x:2},{x:4}];

arr.reduce(function (a, b) {
  return {x: a.x + b.x}; // returns object with property x

// ES6
arr.reduce((a, b) => ({x: a.x + b.x}));

// -> {x: 7}

Explanation added from comments:


The return value of each iteration of [].reduce used as the a variable in the next iteration.


Iteration 1: a = {x:1}, b = {x:2}, {x: 3} assigned to a in Iteration 2

迭代1:a = {x:1}, b = {x:2}, {x: 3}在迭代2中分配给a。

Iteration 2: a = {x:3}, b = {x:4}.

迭代2:a = {x:3}, b = {x:4}。

The problem with your example is that you're returning a number literal.


function (a, b) {
  return a.x + b.x; // returns number literal

Iteration 1: a = {x:1}, b = {x:2}, // returns 3 as a in next iteration

迭代1:a = {x:1}, b = {x:2}, //在下一次迭代中返回3。

Iteration 2: a = 3, b = {x:2} returns NaN

迭代2:a = 3, b = {x:2}返回NaN。

A number literal 3 does not (typically) have a property called x so it's undefined and undefined + b.x returns NaN and NaN + <anything> is always NaN

数字3不(通常)有一个名为x的属性,所以它是未定义的和未定义的+ b。返回NaN和NaN + <任何> 都是NaN。

Clarification: I prefer my method over the other top answer in this thread as I disagree with the idea that passing an optional parameter to reduce with a magic number to get out a number primitive is cleaner. It may result in fewer lines written but imo it is less readable.




A cleaner way to accomplish this is by providing an initial value:


var arr = [{x:1}, {x:2}, {x:4}];
arr.reduce(function (acc, obj) { return acc + obj.x; }, 0); // 7

The first time the anonymous function is called, it gets called with (0, {x: 1}) and returns 0 + 1 = 1. The next time, it gets called with (1, {x: 2}) and returns 1 + 2 = 3. It's then called with (3, {x: 4}), finally returning 7.

第一次调用匿名函数时,它会调用(0,{x: 1})并返回0 + 1 = 1。下一次,它将被调用(1,{x: 2}),返回1 + 2 = 3。然后调用它(3,{x: 4}),最后返回7。



Others have answered this question, but I thought I'd toss in another approach. Rather than go directly to summing a.x, you can combine a map (from a.x to x) and reduce (to add the x's):


arr = [{x:1},{x:2},{x:4}] {return a.x;})
   .reduce(function(a,b) {return a + b;});

Admittedly, it's probably going to be slightly slower, but I thought it worth mentioning it as an option.




TL;DR, set the initial value


arr.reduce( (sum,cur) => sum+cur.x , 0)

加勒比海盗。减少((和,cur)= >总和+坏蛋。x,0)

The key to this is setting initial value. The return value becomes first parameter of the next iteration.


First pass, sum is zero. cur is the first value in the array, an object. So we access the x property. We add that number to sum and return it.


Next iteration, same thing. sum is now the last returned value and we add the next item and so on.


If we didn't set that 0 at the end, the first iteration sum would be an object and we'd write logic to handle an object. We'd also have to return an object because the next iteration is setup to handle an object.


A little more background


The reduce method takes two parameters,


Array.prototype.reduce( callback, initialItem )

The callback function takes the following parameters


(accumulator, itemInArray, indexInArray, entireArray) => { /* do stuff */ }

When initialItem is provided, it is passed in as accumulator into the callback function on first past and itemInArray is the first item in the array.


If initialItem isn't set, the reduce takes the first item in the array as initialItem and passes the the second item in as itemInArray. This can be confusing behavior.


I teach and recommend always setting the initial value of reduce. Furthermore, as you grow as a developer and start reaching for transducers or other enhanced libraries, you'll find that setting the initial value is a must.


For a full article on Array.prototype.reduce see:


Hope this helps!




To formalize what has been pointed out, a reducer is a catamorphism which takes two arguments which may be the same type by coincidence, and returns a type which matches the first argument.


function reducer (accumulator: X, currentValue: Y): X { }

That means that the body of the reducer needs to be about converting currentValue and the current value of the accumulator to the value of the new accumulator.


This works in a straightforward way, when adding, because the accumulator and the element values both happen to be the same type (but serve different purposes).


[1, 2, 3].reduce((x, y) => x + y);

This just works because they're all numbers.


[{ age: 5 }, { age: 2 }, { age: 8 }]
  .reduce((total, thing) => total + thing.age, 0);

Now we're giving a starting value to the aggregator. The starting value should be the type that you expect the aggregator to be (the type you expect to come out as the final value), in the vast majority of cases. While you aren't forced to do this (and shouldn't be), it's important to keep in mind.


Once you know that, you can write meaningful reductions for other n:1 relationship problems.


Removing repeated words:


const skipIfAlreadyFound = (words, word) => words.includes(word)
    ? words
    : words.concat(word);

const deduplicatedWords = aBunchOfWords.reduce(skipIfAlreadyFound, []);

Providing a count of all words found:


const incrementWordCount = (counts, word) => {
  counts[word] = (counts[word] || 0) + 1;
  return counts;
const wordCounts = words.reduce(incrementWordCount, { });

Reducing an array of arrays, to a single flat array:


const concat = (a, b) => a.concat(b);

const numbers = [
  [1, 2, 3],
  [4, 5, 6],
  [7, 8, 9]
].reduce(concat, []);

Any time you're looking to go from an array of things, to a single value that doesn't match a 1:1, reduce is something you might consider.


In fact, map and filter can both be implemented as reductions:


const map = (transform, array) =>
  array.reduce((list, el) => list.concat(transform(el)), []);

const filter = (predicate, array) => array.reduce(
  (list, el) => predicate(el) ? list.concat(el) : list,

I hope this provides some further context for how to use reduce.


The one addition to this, which I haven't broken into yet, is when there is an expectation that the input and output types are specifically meant to be dynamic, because the array elements are functions:


const compose = (...fns) => x =>
  fns.reduceRight((x, f) => f(x), x);

const hgfx = h(g(f(x)));
const hgf = compose(h, g, f);
const hgfy = hgf(y);
const hgfz = hgf(z);



At each step of your reduce, you aren't returning a new {x:???} object. So you either need to do:


arr = [{x:1},{x:2},{x:4}]
arr.reduce(function(a,b){return a + b.x})

or you need to do


arr = [{x:1},{x:2},{x:4}]
arr.reduce(function(a,b){return {x: a.x + b.x}; }) 



reduce function iterates over a collection


arr = [{x:1},{x:2},{x:4}] // is a collection

arr.reduce(function(a,b){return a.x + b.x})

translates to:


    //for each index in the collection, this callback function is called
  function (
    a, //a = accumulator ,during each callback , value of accumulator is 
         passed inside the variable "a"
    b, //currentValue , for ex currentValue is {x:1} in 1st callback
  ) {
    return a.x + b.x; 
  accumulator // this is returned at the end of arr.reduce call 
    //accumulator = returned value i.e return a.x + b.x  in each callback. 

during each index callback, value of variable "accumulator" is passed into "a" parameter in the callback function. If we don't initialize "accumulator", its value will be undefined. Calling undefined.x would give you error.


To solve this, initialize "accumulator" with value 0 as Casey's answer showed above.


To understand the in-outs of "reduce" function, I would suggest you look at the source code of this function. Lodash library has reduce function which works exactly same as "reduce" function in ES6.


Here is the link : reduce source code




In the first step, it will work fine as the value of a will be 1 and that of b will be 2 but as 2+1 will be returned and in the next step the value of b will be the return value from step 1 i.e 3 and so b.x will be undefined...and undefined + anyNumber will be NaN and that is why you are getting that result.

在第一步中,a的值是1,而b的值是2,但当2+1返回时,b的值将是第1步的返回值。e 3和b。x将未定义……undefined + anyNumber是NaN,这就是为什么你得到这个结果。

Instead you can try this by giving initial value as zero i.e

arr.reduce(function(a,b){return a + b.x},0);