
时间:2021-10-09 21:58:33

I would like to get the first item from a list matching a condition. It's important that the resulting method not process the entire list, which could be quite large. For example, the following function is adequate:


def first(the_iterable, condition = lambda x: True):
    for i in the_iterable:
        if condition(i):
            return i

This function could be used something like this:


>>> first(range(10))
>>> first(range(10), lambda i: i > 3)

However, I can't think of a good built-in / one-liner to let me do this. I don't particularly want to copy this function around if I don't have to. Is there a built-in way to get the first item matching a condition?


13 个解决方案



In Python 2.6 or better:

在Python 2.6或更好的版本中:

If you want StopIteration to be raised if no matching element is found:


next(x for x in the_iterable if x > 3)

接下来(x在the_iterable中,如果x > 3)

If you want default_value (e.g. None) to be returned instead:


next( (x for x in the_iterable if x>3), default_value)

接下来(x表示the_iterable中的x,如果x>3), default_value)

Note that you need an extra pair of parentheses around the generator expression in this case - they are needed always when the generator expression isn't the only argument.


I see most answers resolutely ignore the next built-in and so I assume that for some mysterious reason they're 100% focused on versions 2.5 and older -- without mentioning the Python-version issue (but then I don't see that mention in the answers that do mention the next built-in, which is why I thought it necessary to provide an answer myself -- at least the "correct version" issue gets on record this way;-).


In 2.5, the .next() method of iterators immediately raises StopIteration if the iterator immediately finishes -- i.e., for your use case, if no item in the iterable satisfies the condition. If you don't care (i.e., you know there must be at least one satisfactory item) then just use .next() (best on a genexp, line for the next built-in in Python 2.6 and better).

在2.5中,如果迭代器立即结束,迭代器的.next()方法会立即引发StopIteration——即。,对于您的用例,如果iterable中没有项满足条件。如果你不在乎(例如:,您知道必须至少有一个满意的项)然后使用.next()(在genexp上最好,Python 2.6中的下一个内置行更好)。

If you do care, wrapping things in a function as you had first indicated in your Q seems best, and while the function implementation you proposed is just fine, you could alternatively use itertools, a for...: break loop, or a genexp, or a try/except StopIteration as the function's body, as various answers suggested. There's not much added value in any of these alternatives so I'd go for the starkly-simple version you first proposed.

如果您确实关心这个问题,那么按照您在Q中第一次指出的那样将事情包装到函数中似乎是最好的,并且尽管您建议的函数实现很好,但是您也可以使用itertools, a for…:中断循环,或genexp,或try/except StopIteration,如各种答案所示。这些方案中没有多少附加价值,所以我将采用您最初提出的非常简单的版本。



As a reusable, documented and tested function

def first(iterable, condition = lambda x: True):
    Returns the first item in the `iterable` that
    satisfies the `condition`.

    If the condition is not given, returns the first item of
    the iterable.

    Raises `StopIteration` if no item satysfing the condition is found.

    >>> first( (1,2,3), condition=lambda x: x % 2 == 0)
    >>> first(range(3, 100))
    >>> first( () )
    Traceback (most recent call last):

    return next(x for x in iterable if condition(x))



Similar to using ifilter, you could use a generator expression:


>>> (x for x in xrange(10) if x > 5).next()

In either case, you probably want to catch StopIteration though, in case no elements satisfy your condition.


Technically speaking, I suppose you could do something like this:


>>> foo = None
>>> for foo in (x for x in xrange(10) if x > 5): break
>>> foo

It would avoid having to make a try/except block. But that seems kind of obscure and abusive to the syntax.




Damn Exceptions!

I love this answer. However, since next() raise a StopIteration exception when there are no items, i would use the following snippet to avoid an exception:


a = []
item = next((x for x in a), None)

For example,


a = []
item = next(x for x in a)

Will raise a StopIteration exception;


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>



For older versions of Python where the next built-in doesn't exist:


(x for x in range(10) if x > 3).next()



I would write this


next(x for x in xrange(10) if x > 3)



The itertools module contains a filter function for iterators. The first element of the filtered iterator can be obtained by calling next() on it:


from itertools import ifilter

print ifilter((lambda i: i > 3), range(10)).next()



By using


(index for index, value in enumerate(the_iterable) if condition(value))

one can check the condition of the value of the first item in the_iterable, and obtain its index without the need to evaluate all of the items in the_iterable.


The complete expression to use is


first_index = next(index for index, value in enumerate(the_iterable) if condition(value))

Here first_index assumes the value of the first value identified in the expression discussed above.




Since you've requested a built-in one-liner, this will avoid the issue of a StopIteration exception, though it requires that your iterable is small so you can cast it to a list, since that is the only construct I know of which will swallow a StopIteration and let you peek at the values:


(lambda x:x[0] if x else None)(list(y for y in ITERABLE if CONDITION))

(If no element matches, you will get None rather than a StopIteration exception.)




This question already has great answers. I'm only adding my two cents because I landed here trying to find a solution to my own problem, which is very similar to the OP.


If you want to find the INDEX of the first item matching a criteria using generators, you can simply do:


next(index for index, value in enumerate(iterable) if condition)



The most efficient way in Python 3 are one of the following (using a similar example):

Python 3中最有效的方法是以下方法之一(使用类似的示例):

With "comprehension" style:

next(i for i in range(100000000) if i == 1000)

WARNING: The expression works also with Python 2, but in the example is used range that returns an iterable object in Python 3 instead of a list like Python 2 (if you want to construct an iterable in Python 2 use xrange instead).

警告:表达式也适用于Python 2,但是在示例中使用range返回Python 3中的可迭代对象,而不是像Python 2那样的列表(如果您想在Python 2中构造一个可迭代对象,请使用xrange)。

Note that the expression avoid to construct a list in the comprehension expression next([i for ...]), that would cause to create a list with all the elements before filter the elements, and would cause to process the entire options, instead of stop the iteration once i == 1000.

注意,表达式避免在下一个([i for…])中构造一个列表,这将导致在筛选元素之前创建一个包含所有元素的列表,并导致处理整个选项,而不是在i = 1000时停止迭代。

With "functional" style:

next(filter(lambda i: i == 1000, range(100000000)))

WARNING: This doesn't work in Python 2, even replacing range with xrange due that filter create a list instead of a iterator (inefficient), and the next function only works with iterators.

警告:这在Python 2中不起作用,甚至替换了xrange,因为该过滤器创建了一个列表而不是迭代器(效率低),下一个函数只与迭代器一起工作。

Default value

As mentioned in other responses, you must add a extra-parameter to the function next if you want to avoid an exception raised when the condition is not fulfilled.


"functional" style:

next(filter(lambda i: i == 1000, range(100000000)), False)

"comprehension" style:

With this style you need to surround the comprehension expression with () to avoid a SyntaxError: Generator expression must be parenthesized if not sole argument:


next((i for i in range(100000000) if i == 1000), False)



In Python 3:

在Python 3:

a = (None, False, 0, 1)
assert next(filter(None, a)) == 1

In Python 2.6:

在Python 2.6:

a = (None, False, 0, 1)
assert next(iter(filter(None, a))) == 1





thefirst = [i for i in range(10) if i > 3][0]

If youre not sure that any element will be valid according to the criteria, you should enclose this with try/except since that [0] can raise an IndexError.




In Python 2.6 or better:

在Python 2.6或更好的版本中:

If you want StopIteration to be raised if no matching element is found:


next(x for x in the_iterable if x > 3)

接下来(x在the_iterable中,如果x > 3)

If you want default_value (e.g. None) to be returned instead:


next( (x for x in the_iterable if x>3), default_value)

接下来(x表示the_iterable中的x,如果x>3), default_value)

Note that you need an extra pair of parentheses around the generator expression in this case - they are needed always when the generator expression isn't the only argument.


I see most answers resolutely ignore the next built-in and so I assume that for some mysterious reason they're 100% focused on versions 2.5 and older -- without mentioning the Python-version issue (but then I don't see that mention in the answers that do mention the next built-in, which is why I thought it necessary to provide an answer myself -- at least the "correct version" issue gets on record this way;-).


In 2.5, the .next() method of iterators immediately raises StopIteration if the iterator immediately finishes -- i.e., for your use case, if no item in the iterable satisfies the condition. If you don't care (i.e., you know there must be at least one satisfactory item) then just use .next() (best on a genexp, line for the next built-in in Python 2.6 and better).

在2.5中,如果迭代器立即结束,迭代器的.next()方法会立即引发StopIteration——即。,对于您的用例,如果iterable中没有项满足条件。如果你不在乎(例如:,您知道必须至少有一个满意的项)然后使用.next()(在genexp上最好,Python 2.6中的下一个内置行更好)。

If you do care, wrapping things in a function as you had first indicated in your Q seems best, and while the function implementation you proposed is just fine, you could alternatively use itertools, a for...: break loop, or a genexp, or a try/except StopIteration as the function's body, as various answers suggested. There's not much added value in any of these alternatives so I'd go for the starkly-simple version you first proposed.

如果您确实关心这个问题,那么按照您在Q中第一次指出的那样将事情包装到函数中似乎是最好的,并且尽管您建议的函数实现很好,但是您也可以使用itertools, a for…:中断循环,或genexp,或try/except StopIteration,如各种答案所示。这些方案中没有多少附加价值,所以我将采用您最初提出的非常简单的版本。



As a reusable, documented and tested function

def first(iterable, condition = lambda x: True):
    Returns the first item in the `iterable` that
    satisfies the `condition`.

    If the condition is not given, returns the first item of
    the iterable.

    Raises `StopIteration` if no item satysfing the condition is found.

    >>> first( (1,2,3), condition=lambda x: x % 2 == 0)
    >>> first(range(3, 100))
    >>> first( () )
    Traceback (most recent call last):

    return next(x for x in iterable if condition(x))



Similar to using ifilter, you could use a generator expression:


>>> (x for x in xrange(10) if x > 5).next()

In either case, you probably want to catch StopIteration though, in case no elements satisfy your condition.


Technically speaking, I suppose you could do something like this:


>>> foo = None
>>> for foo in (x for x in xrange(10) if x > 5): break
>>> foo

It would avoid having to make a try/except block. But that seems kind of obscure and abusive to the syntax.




Damn Exceptions!

I love this answer. However, since next() raise a StopIteration exception when there are no items, i would use the following snippet to avoid an exception:


a = []
item = next((x for x in a), None)

For example,


a = []
item = next(x for x in a)

Will raise a StopIteration exception;


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>



For older versions of Python where the next built-in doesn't exist:


(x for x in range(10) if x > 3).next()



I would write this


next(x for x in xrange(10) if x > 3)



The itertools module contains a filter function for iterators. The first element of the filtered iterator can be obtained by calling next() on it:


from itertools import ifilter

print ifilter((lambda i: i > 3), range(10)).next()



By using


(index for index, value in enumerate(the_iterable) if condition(value))

one can check the condition of the value of the first item in the_iterable, and obtain its index without the need to evaluate all of the items in the_iterable.


The complete expression to use is


first_index = next(index for index, value in enumerate(the_iterable) if condition(value))

Here first_index assumes the value of the first value identified in the expression discussed above.




Since you've requested a built-in one-liner, this will avoid the issue of a StopIteration exception, though it requires that your iterable is small so you can cast it to a list, since that is the only construct I know of which will swallow a StopIteration and let you peek at the values:


(lambda x:x[0] if x else None)(list(y for y in ITERABLE if CONDITION))

(If no element matches, you will get None rather than a StopIteration exception.)




This question already has great answers. I'm only adding my two cents because I landed here trying to find a solution to my own problem, which is very similar to the OP.


If you want to find the INDEX of the first item matching a criteria using generators, you can simply do:


next(index for index, value in enumerate(iterable) if condition)



The most efficient way in Python 3 are one of the following (using a similar example):

Python 3中最有效的方法是以下方法之一(使用类似的示例):

With "comprehension" style:

next(i for i in range(100000000) if i == 1000)

WARNING: The expression works also with Python 2, but in the example is used range that returns an iterable object in Python 3 instead of a list like Python 2 (if you want to construct an iterable in Python 2 use xrange instead).

警告:表达式也适用于Python 2,但是在示例中使用range返回Python 3中的可迭代对象,而不是像Python 2那样的列表(如果您想在Python 2中构造一个可迭代对象,请使用xrange)。

Note that the expression avoid to construct a list in the comprehension expression next([i for ...]), that would cause to create a list with all the elements before filter the elements, and would cause to process the entire options, instead of stop the iteration once i == 1000.

注意,表达式避免在下一个([i for…])中构造一个列表,这将导致在筛选元素之前创建一个包含所有元素的列表,并导致处理整个选项,而不是在i = 1000时停止迭代。

With "functional" style:

next(filter(lambda i: i == 1000, range(100000000)))

WARNING: This doesn't work in Python 2, even replacing range with xrange due that filter create a list instead of a iterator (inefficient), and the next function only works with iterators.

警告:这在Python 2中不起作用,甚至替换了xrange,因为该过滤器创建了一个列表而不是迭代器(效率低),下一个函数只与迭代器一起工作。

Default value

As mentioned in other responses, you must add a extra-parameter to the function next if you want to avoid an exception raised when the condition is not fulfilled.


"functional" style:

next(filter(lambda i: i == 1000, range(100000000)), False)

"comprehension" style:

With this style you need to surround the comprehension expression with () to avoid a SyntaxError: Generator expression must be parenthesized if not sole argument:


next((i for i in range(100000000) if i == 1000), False)



In Python 3:

在Python 3:

a = (None, False, 0, 1)
assert next(filter(None, a)) == 1

In Python 2.6:

在Python 2.6:

a = (None, False, 0, 1)
assert next(iter(filter(None, a))) == 1





thefirst = [i for i in range(10) if i > 3][0]

If youre not sure that any element will be valid according to the criteria, you should enclose this with try/except since that [0] can raise an IndexError.
