
时间:2021-03-24 21:51:04

Sysdig is a simple tool for deep system visibility, with native support for containers.


We built sysdig to give you easy access to the actual behavior of your Linux systems and containers. Honestly, the best way to understand sysdig is to try it - its super easy! Or here's a quick video introduction to csysdig, the simple, intuitive, and fully customizable curses-based UI for sysdig:

Far too often, system-level monitoring and troubleshooting still involves logging into a machine with SSH and using a plethora of dated tools with very inconsistent interfaces. And many of these classic Linux tools breakdown completely in containerized environments. Sysdig unites your Linux toolkit into a single, consistent, easy-to-use interface. And sysdig's unique architecture allows deep inspection into containers, right out of the box, without having to instrument the containers themselves in any way.

Sysdig instruments your physical and virtual machines at the OS level by installing into the Linux kernel and capturing system calls and other OS events. Sysdig also makes it possible to create trace files for system activity, similarly to what you can do for networks with tools like tcpdump and Wireshark. This way, problems can be analyzed at a later time, without losing important information. Rich system state is stored in the trace files, so that the captured activity can be put into full context.

Think about sysdig as strace + tcpdump + htop + iftop + lsof + ...awesome sauce.

Sysdig 就是 system(系统)+dig(挖掘)的组合。Sysdig 是一个开源系统发掘工具,用于系统级别的勘察和排障,我们也可以把它看作一系列传统的 unix 系统工具的组合,主要包括:

  • strace:追踪某个进程产生和接收的系统调用。

  • tcpdump:分析网络数据,监控原始网络通信。

  • lsof: list opened files, 列出打开的文件。

  • top:监控系统性能工具。

  • htop :交互式的进程浏览器,可以用来替换 top 命令。

  • iftop :主要用来显示本机网络流量情况及各相互通信的流量集合。

  • lua:一个小巧的脚本语言。该语言的设计目的是为了嵌入应用程序中,从而为应用程序提供灵活的扩展和定制功能。

另外 Sysdig 的特性之一在于它不仅能分析 linux 系统的“现场”状态,也能将该状态保存为转储文件以供离线分析检查。你也可以自定义 Sysdig 的行为,通过内建的名为凿子(chisel)的小脚本增强其功能。所以 Sysdig 经常被翻译为

系统之锹。通过 Sysdig 工具,用户能够很方便地查看到主机上所有应用程序的 cpu、文件 i/o、网络访问状况,这个工具最初的产生就是为了取代传统服务器上的一系列系统检测工具如 strace、tcpdump、htop、iftop、lsof 等。它的 logo 被设计为一个铲子的轮廓,寓意着 Sysdig 对系统信息的强大挖掘能力。


Sysdig: 系统故障排查利器

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