It’s hard work monitoring and debugging Linux performance problems, but it’s easier with the right tools at the right time. Here’s the most comprehensive list of Linux Monitoring Tools on the Internet:监控和调试linux的性能问题是比较困难的工作,但是如果在合适的时候选择合适的工具相对会简单很多,这里罗列了网上广泛使用的linux监控工具:

Command Line Tools(命令行工具)

This is a small tool which is pre-installed on many unix systems. When you want an overview of all the processes or threads running in the system: top is a good tool. Order processes on different criteria – the default of which is CPU. 这个小工具在许多unix系统上已经预装好了,当我们想要了解系统所有进程或者线程运行的概况时,top是一个很棒的工具。它默认是按照CPU使用率排序的,我们可以选择不同的条件来排序。

htop is essentially an enhanced version of top. It’s easier to sort by processes. It’s visually easier to understand and has built in commands for common things you would like to do. Plus it’s fully interactive.htop本质上是top的加强版,更容易按照进程来进行排序查看,直观上更容易理解,并且有许多内置的命令来查看你想要查看的信息,另外,它完全是交互式的。

mytop is a neat tool for monitoring threads and performance of mysql. It gives you a live look into the database and what queries it’s processing in real time.mytop 是一个小巧的工具,通常用于监控mysql线程和性能,能够实时地展现数据库信息,以及正在处理的请求。

Desktop Monitoring(桌面监控)
ntopng is the next generation of ntop and the tool provides a graphical user interface via the browser for network monitoring. It can do stuff such as: geolocate hosts, get network traffic and show ip traffic distribution and analyze it.ntopng是ntop的改良版,该工具提供了一种基于浏览器的图形化界面,用来网络监控。它也可以做一些其他的事,比如定位主机,获取网络流量和ip分布并且进行分析。

iftop is similar to top, but instead of mainly checking for cpu usage it listens to network traffic on selected network interfaces and displays a table of current usage. It can be handy for answering questions such as “Why on earth is my internet connection so slow?!iftop跟top相似,但不是主要用于反映cpu使用情况的,而是用来监听某个特定的网卡的流量,以表格的形式显示。用它你可以很方便的回答这类问题,比如:“我的网络链接这么慢,tm到底为什么?”

darkstat captures network traffic and calculates statistics about usage. The reports are served over a simple HTTP server and gives you a nice graphical user interface of the graphs. darkstat 抓取到网络流量并统计出使用情况。这些报表可以通过一个简单的http服务查看,而且提供了很友好的图形用户界面。

Infrastructure Monitoring(基础设施监控)

OpenNMS has four main functional areas: event management and notifications; discovery and provisioning; service monitoring and data collection. It’s designed to be customizable to work in a variety of network environments.OpenNMS 有四个主要功能区域︰ 事件管理和通知; 发现和调配资源;服务监测和数据收集。它的设计支持用户自定义,这样它就可以在不同的网络环境中进行工作。

SysUsage monitors your system continuously via Sar and other system commands. It also allows notifications to alarm you once a threshold is reached. SysUsage itself can be run from a centralized place where all the collected statistics are also being stored. It has a web interface where you can view all the stats.
SysUsage 通过SAR和其他系统命令持续的监控系统。它可以在达到阈值时向用户发送告警。SysUsage 不一定要运行在存储所有统计数据的节点上(可以运行在*节点之外--译者注)。它有一个 web 界面,可以查看所有的统计数据。

Nagios is system and network monitoring tool that helps you monitor monitor your many servers. It has support for alerting for when things go wrong. It also has many plugins written for the platform. Nagios 是系统和网络监控工具,可帮助您监控大量的服务器。它可以在运行出错时提供报警。Nagios还提供了多种插件对不同的平台进行支持。

Network Monitoring(网络监控)

strace is used to diagnose, debug and monitor interactions between processes. The most common thing to do is making strace print a list of system calls made by the program which is useful if the program does not behave as expected.

DTrace is the big brother of strace. It dynamically patches live running instructions with instrumentation code. This allows you to do in-depth performance analysis and troubleshooting. However, it’s not for the weak of heart as there is a 1200 book written on the topic. DTrace是strace的大哥。它用代码植入动态地修补正在运行的指令。这使您可以进行深入的性能分析和故障排除。但是,它并不简单,关于这个话题有1200本书之多。

Webmin is a web-based system administration tool. It removes the need to manually edit unix configuration files and lets you manage the system remotely if need be. It has a couple of monitoring modules that you can attach to it. Webmin是基于Web的系统管理工具。它不需要手动编辑unix配置文件,并且可以根据需要远程管理系统。它有几个监控模块可以随时添加。

Log Monitoring Tools(日志监控工具)

GoAccess is a real-time web log analyzer which analyzes the access log from either apache, nginx or amazon cloudfront. It’s also possible to output the data into HTML, JSON or CSV. It will give you general statistics, top visitors, 404s, geolocation and many other things.

Much like Logwatch Swatch also monitors your logs, but instead of giving reports it watches for regular expression and notifies you via mail or the console when there is a match. It could be used for intruder detection for example.就像Logwatch一样,Swatch也能监控您的日志,但不是给你一个报告,它会匹配你定义的正则表达式,当匹配到后会通过邮件或控制台通知你。它可用于检测入侵者。

MultiTail helps you monitor logfiles in multiple windows. You can merge two or more of these logfiles into one. It will also use colors to display the logfiles for easier reading with the help of regular expressions.MultiTail可以帮助您在多个窗口中监控日志文件。 您可以将这些日志文件中的两个或多个合并为一个。 它还能用颜色来显示日志文件,以便在正则表达式的帮助下更容易阅读。80个工具完完全版PDF请访问网盘
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