寻找List >>的替代品

时间:2021-03-30 21:49:34

Ended up with this awful data structure:


List<KeyValuePair<string, KeyValuePair<string, string>>>

It's not likely to get huge (<1K I estimate) and I am gonna iterate this list over and over.


Anyone can think of some better alternative with built-in types?


2 个解决方案


The best option would be to wrap your own Tuple class, sort of like the one shipping in .NET 4.0.

最好的选择是包装你自己的Tuple类,有点像.NET 4.0中的那个。

Then you could have a single:



This is easy enough to write in .NET 2.0 - it's basically just a triplet of values, instead of having 2 in a KeyValuePair. There is no built-in equivelent for a triplet of values in .NET 2.0, though.

这很容易用.NET 2.0编写 - 它基本上只是一个三元组的值,而不是KeyValuePair中的2。但是,.NET 2.0中的三元组值没有内置等效。


After reading your comment about querying in another post, I thought I'd mention this as well -

在阅读了关于在另一篇文章中查询的评论后,我想我也会提到这一点 -

Even if you don't have unique values in key1, you could dramatically speed up any type of query/search by using:


Dictionary<string, List<KeyValuePair<string,string>>>

Then, instead of storing a single KeyValuePair, you could look up the list of them via the key in the first element. This would be much, much faster if you needed to find all of the elements with a given first key...



struct MrStruct
   public string Key1,
   public string Key2,
   public string Value1


This is assuming that you are accessing the list sequentially as you did say iterate over. Potentially, other data structures could be faster for searching.



The best option would be to wrap your own Tuple class, sort of like the one shipping in .NET 4.0.

最好的选择是包装你自己的Tuple类,有点像.NET 4.0中的那个。

Then you could have a single:



This is easy enough to write in .NET 2.0 - it's basically just a triplet of values, instead of having 2 in a KeyValuePair. There is no built-in equivelent for a triplet of values in .NET 2.0, though.

这很容易用.NET 2.0编写 - 它基本上只是一个三元组的值,而不是KeyValuePair中的2。但是,.NET 2.0中的三元组值没有内置等效。


After reading your comment about querying in another post, I thought I'd mention this as well -

在阅读了关于在另一篇文章中查询的评论后,我想我也会提到这一点 -

Even if you don't have unique values in key1, you could dramatically speed up any type of query/search by using:


Dictionary<string, List<KeyValuePair<string,string>>>

Then, instead of storing a single KeyValuePair, you could look up the list of them via the key in the first element. This would be much, much faster if you needed to find all of the elements with a given first key...



struct MrStruct
   public string Key1,
   public string Key2,
   public string Value1


This is assuming that you are accessing the list sequentially as you did say iterate over. Potentially, other data structures could be faster for searching.
