如何将typename作为函数中的参数? (C ++)

时间:2022-09-11 21:48:16

I need to be able to pass a typename as a parameter:


int X = FileRead(file, 9, char);

The concept is for FileRead(std::fstream, int pos, ???) to read pos*sizeof(whatever the type is) to get the desired position. I tried templates:

这个概念是为FileRead(std :: fstream,int pos,???)读取pos * sizeof(无论类型是什么)来获得所需的位置。我试过模板:

template<typename T>
T FileRead(std::fstream file, int pos, T type)
    T data;
    file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&data), sizeof(data));
    return data;

but that required that I create a variable of the type to use every time I wanted to use FileRead, and I really don't feel like redesigning an entire program just because of one function, so is there anyway to use a typename as a parameter?


3 个解决方案


To use the name of a type as a parameter, use a template.


template<typename T>
T FileRead(std::fstream &file, int pos)
    T data;
    file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&data), sizeof(T));
    return data;

This assumes that the type is default constructible. If it is not, I guess you would have difficulty streaming it out of a file anyway.


Call it like this:


char value=FileRead<char>(file, pos);

If you do not want to have to specify the type in the call, you could modify your API:


template<typename T>
void FileRead(std::fstream &file, int pos, T &data)
    file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&data), sizeof(T));

Then call it like this - the type is inferred:

然后像这样调用它 - 推断类型:

char value;
FileRead(file, pos, value);


Very simple:

template<typename T>
T FileRead(std::fstream file, int pos)
    T data;
    file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&data), sizeof(data));
    return data;

and call it via:


char x = FileRead<char>(file, pos);


There is no such things as types once your program is compiled. This is the style of C++.

编译程序后,没有类型的东西。这是C ++的风格。


To use the name of a type as a parameter, use a template.


template<typename T>
T FileRead(std::fstream &file, int pos)
    T data;
    file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&data), sizeof(T));
    return data;

This assumes that the type is default constructible. If it is not, I guess you would have difficulty streaming it out of a file anyway.


Call it like this:


char value=FileRead<char>(file, pos);

If you do not want to have to specify the type in the call, you could modify your API:


template<typename T>
void FileRead(std::fstream &file, int pos, T &data)
    file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&data), sizeof(T));

Then call it like this - the type is inferred:

然后像这样调用它 - 推断类型:

char value;
FileRead(file, pos, value);


Very simple:

template<typename T>
T FileRead(std::fstream file, int pos)
    T data;
    file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&data), sizeof(data));
    return data;

and call it via:


char x = FileRead<char>(file, pos);


There is no such things as types once your program is compiled. This is the style of C++.

编译程序后,没有类型的东西。这是C ++的风格。