
时间:2022-02-06 21:43:58

I'm having some difficulty with my syntax. The purpose of the below program is to print an array of 20 random numbers, find the max of the array and then print the array and the max. I've got the sections to initialize and create the array without any problem, but my issue is with the find_max function. In the main function, I'm trying to work out the syntax to call my find_max function there so I can print the results. If anyone can help to fix my syntax, I'd really appreciate it.


#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
namespace std;

init_array(int array[], int size, int range)
   for (int index = 0; index < size; index++)
      array[index] = rand() % range;

void print_array(int array[], int size)
   for (int index = 0; index < size; index++)
      cout << array[index] << " ";
   cout << endl;

int find_max (int array[], int size)
   int max = array[0];
   for (int index = 0; index < size; index++)
      if (array[index] > max)
         max = array[index];
   return max;

int main()
   // Declare array of integers
    const int size = 20;
    int array[size] = {0};
    int max = find_max(array,size);

   // Initialize and print array
   init_array(array, size, 100);
   print_array(array, size);
   cout << "The max is:" << max << endl;

   return 0 ;

4 个解决方案



You try to find max before the array is initialized. That is not what you want. The following works:


   const int DATA_SIZE = 20;
   int data[DATA_SIZE] = {0};

   // Initialize and print array
   init_array(data, DATA_SIZE, 100);
   print_array(data, DATA_SIZE);

   // Find maximum value
   int max = find_max(data, DATA_SIZE);

   cout << "max = " << max << endl;

   return 0;



Your call of find_max needs to use your declared variables and that after you call init_array. Otherwise your array is empty.


The call to find_max should look like this:


int max = find_max(data, DATA_SIZE);



Well, when declaring the array this way:


int data[DATA_SIZE] = {0};

so all 20 elements in it equals zero. your main function should look like this:


int main()
   // Declare array of integers
   const int DATA_SIZE = 20;
   int data[DATA_SIZE] = {0};

   // Initialize and print array
   init_array(data, DATA_SIZE, 100);
   cout<< find_max(data, DATA_SIZE)<< endl;
   print_array(data, DATA_SIZE);

   return 0 ;

you give the 20 elements random values first by calling init_array and then you try finding the Max of them.




You can give your function the start address of your array and the size of array, then you can use pointers to traverse the array. :)

您可以为函数指定数组的起始地址和数组的大小,然后可以使用指针遍历数组。 :)



You try to find max before the array is initialized. That is not what you want. The following works:


   const int DATA_SIZE = 20;
   int data[DATA_SIZE] = {0};

   // Initialize and print array
   init_array(data, DATA_SIZE, 100);
   print_array(data, DATA_SIZE);

   // Find maximum value
   int max = find_max(data, DATA_SIZE);

   cout << "max = " << max << endl;

   return 0;



Your call of find_max needs to use your declared variables and that after you call init_array. Otherwise your array is empty.


The call to find_max should look like this:


int max = find_max(data, DATA_SIZE);



Well, when declaring the array this way:


int data[DATA_SIZE] = {0};

so all 20 elements in it equals zero. your main function should look like this:


int main()
   // Declare array of integers
   const int DATA_SIZE = 20;
   int data[DATA_SIZE] = {0};

   // Initialize and print array
   init_array(data, DATA_SIZE, 100);
   cout<< find_max(data, DATA_SIZE)<< endl;
   print_array(data, DATA_SIZE);

   return 0 ;

you give the 20 elements random values first by calling init_array and then you try finding the Max of them.




You can give your function the start address of your array and the size of array, then you can use pointers to traverse the array. :)

您可以为函数指定数组的起始地址和数组的大小,然后可以使用指针遍历数组。 :)