I'm trying to alter the class example I found in this video to make it a bit more streamlined to use. Hopefully my comments explain what I'm trying to accomplish well enough. The problem I'm having is that when I try to use the data table it gives me this error: lua: class example.lua:7: attempt to index field 'data' (a nil value)
我正在尝试更改我在此视频中找到的类示例,以使其更加流线型使用。希望我的评论能够解释我想要达到的目标。我遇到的问题是,当我尝试使用数据表时,它给了我这个错误:lua:class example.lua:7:尝试索引字段'data'(零值)
I'm assuming that this means that array isn't being properly passed into the function, but I don't know why. I am very much a beginner with Lua.
Here's what I've got:
local enemy = {}; --enemy class table
function enemy:New(data)
local object = {}; --table to store all of data within class
local len = # data --get length of passed table
for i = 1, len, 2 do --loop to input all data from passed table into object table
object.data[i] = data[i + 1];
function object:getData(choice) --function that allows us to retrieve data from the class
return self[choice];
return object; --return class data table so we can create objects using the class
local monsterdata = {"name", "monster", "x", 64, "y", 128, "hp", 4}; --table containing data of monster. keys are odd numbered, values to those keys are even numbered
local monster = enemy:New(monsterdata); --create a object using the class
local test = monster:getData("x"); --set variable to a value with the getData function
3 个解决方案
If you want object
to hold the data, you probably meant to write
object[data[i]] = data[i + 1];
instead of
object.data[i] = data[i + 1];
Doing this the result printed is 64
You didn't create the object.data
table -- each table in Lua needs to be initialized:
您没有创建object.data表 - Lua中的每个表都需要初始化:
local object = {}
local object.data = {}
local object = { data = {} }
However, your example will not work the intended way, unless you fix the getData function:
function object:getData(choice)
return self.data[choice]
Finally, this is Lua, so you don't need any ;
in your code :P.
Like the others said, object.data
needs to be initialized, and there's a flaw in the for
loop and getData
. Also, while it's not a bug exactly, your system of passing keys as odd and values as even is a very good way to do it in a C-based language, with no associative-array/dictionary/table literals, but in Lua, the idiom is
{keyname = value, keyname = value, ...}
{keyname = value,keyname = value,...}
and, if the table spans multiple lines
keyname = value;
keyname = value;
keyname = value;
So in your case, monsterdata
could simply be
name = "monster";
x = 64;
y = 128;
hp = 4;
and you could remove the for
loop altogether
note: you can only represent string keys this way. For other kinds of keys, like numbers, booleans, or even functions and other tables, surround the key in [
square brackets]
. For example, if you wanted a mynot
table, to map booleans to their opposites, you could use:
[true] = false;
[false] = true;
or, if you wanted to map a set of functions to their libaries
[print] = "standard";
[os.execute] = "standard os";
[math.sin] = "standard math";
[function() print "a user function" end] = "me!";
I think the more you learn about Lua the more you'll like it. It's really a great language, with a lot of fun little features. Happy coding!
If you want object
to hold the data, you probably meant to write
object[data[i]] = data[i + 1];
instead of
object.data[i] = data[i + 1];
Doing this the result printed is 64
You didn't create the object.data
table -- each table in Lua needs to be initialized:
您没有创建object.data表 - Lua中的每个表都需要初始化:
local object = {}
local object.data = {}
local object = { data = {} }
However, your example will not work the intended way, unless you fix the getData function:
function object:getData(choice)
return self.data[choice]
Finally, this is Lua, so you don't need any ;
in your code :P.
Like the others said, object.data
needs to be initialized, and there's a flaw in the for
loop and getData
. Also, while it's not a bug exactly, your system of passing keys as odd and values as even is a very good way to do it in a C-based language, with no associative-array/dictionary/table literals, but in Lua, the idiom is
{keyname = value, keyname = value, ...}
{keyname = value,keyname = value,...}
and, if the table spans multiple lines
keyname = value;
keyname = value;
keyname = value;
So in your case, monsterdata
could simply be
name = "monster";
x = 64;
y = 128;
hp = 4;
and you could remove the for
loop altogether
note: you can only represent string keys this way. For other kinds of keys, like numbers, booleans, or even functions and other tables, surround the key in [
square brackets]
. For example, if you wanted a mynot
table, to map booleans to their opposites, you could use:
[true] = false;
[false] = true;
or, if you wanted to map a set of functions to their libaries
[print] = "standard";
[os.execute] = "standard os";
[math.sin] = "standard math";
[function() print "a user function" end] = "me!";
I think the more you learn about Lua the more you'll like it. It's really a great language, with a lot of fun little features. Happy coding!