
时间:2022-04-22 21:47:14

In BeautifulSoup, is there any difference between .text and .get_text()?


Which one should be preferred for getting element's text?


>>> from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
>>> html = "<div>text1 <span>text2</span><div>"
>>> soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")
>>> div = soup.div
>>> div.text
'text1 text2'
>>> div.get_text()
'text1 text2'

1 个解决方案



It looks like .text is just a property that calls get_text. Therefore, calling get_text without arguments is the same thing as .text. However, get_text can also support various keyword arguments to change how it behaves (separator, strip, types). If you need more control over the result, then you need the functional form.




It looks like .text is just a property that calls get_text. Therefore, calling get_text without arguments is the same thing as .text. However, get_text can also support various keyword arguments to change how it behaves (separator, strip, types). If you need more control over the result, then you need the functional form.
