I have a long list of data organised as below (INPUT). I want to split the data up so that I get an output as below (desired OUTPUT).
The code below first identifies all the lines containing ">gi" and saves the linecount of those lines in an array called B. Then, in a new file, it should replace those lines from array B with the shortened version of the text following the ">gi"
下面的代码首先标识包含“> gi”的所有行,并将这些行的行数保存在名为B的数组中。然后,在新文件中,它应该将数组B中的那些行替换为后面的文本的缩短版本。 “> GI”
I figured the easiest way would be to split at "|", however this does not work (no separation happens with my code if i replace " " with "|")
My code is below and does split nicely after the " " if I replace the "|" by " " in the INPUT, however I get into trouble when I want to get the text between the [ ] brackets, which is NOT always there and not always only 2 words...:
B=$( grep -n ">gi" 1VAO_1DII_5fxe_all_hits_combined.txt | cut -d : -f 1)
awk <1VAO_1DII_5fxe_all_hits_combined.txt >seqIDs_1VAO_1DII_5fxe_all_hits_combined.txt -v lines="$B" '
BEGIN {split(lines, a, " "); for (i in a) change[a[i]]=1}
NR in change {$0 = ">" $4}
let me know if more explanations are needed!
>gi|9955361|pdb|1E0Y|A:1-560 Chain A, Structure Of The D170sT457E DOUBLE MUTANT OF VANILLYL- Alcohol Oxidase
>gi|557721169|dbj|GAD99964.1|:1-560 hypothetical protein NECHADRAFT_63237 [Byssochlamys spectabilis No. 5]
desired OUTPUT:
>GAD99964.1 Byssochlamys spectabilis No. 5
1 个解决方案
This can be done in one step with awk (gnu awk):
这可以用awk(gnu awk)一步完成:
awk -F'|' '/^>gi/{a=1;match($NF,/\[([^]]*)]/, b);print ">"$4" "b[1];next}a{print}!$0{a=0}' input > output
In a more readable way:
/^>gi/ { # when the line starts with ">gi"
a=1; # set flag "a" to 1
# extract the eventual part between brackets in the last field
match($NF,"\\[([^]]*)]", b);
print ">"$4" "b[1]; # display the line
next # jump to the next record
a { print } # when "a" (allowed block) display the line
!$0 { a=0 } # when the line is empty, set "a" to 0 to stop the display
This can be done in one step with awk (gnu awk):
这可以用awk(gnu awk)一步完成:
awk -F'|' '/^>gi/{a=1;match($NF,/\[([^]]*)]/, b);print ">"$4" "b[1];next}a{print}!$0{a=0}' input > output
In a more readable way:
/^>gi/ { # when the line starts with ">gi"
a=1; # set flag "a" to 1
# extract the eventual part between brackets in the last field
match($NF,"\\[([^]]*)]", b);
print ">"$4" "b[1]; # display the line
next # jump to the next record
a { print } # when "a" (allowed block) display the line
!$0 { a=0 } # when the line is empty, set "a" to 0 to stop the display