
时间:2022-11-19 21:45:32

In How to convert an array of array into a matrix? we learned how to convert an array of arrays to a matrix. But what about the other way around? How do we go from input to output, as shown below?


input = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]
output = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]

2 个解决方案



If you want to make a copy of the data then:


[input[i, :] for i in 1:size(input, 1)]

If you do not want to make a copy of the data you can use views:


[view(input, i, :) for i in 1:size(input, 1)]

After some thought those are alternatives using broadcasting:


getindex.([input], 1:size(input, 1), :)
view.([input], 1:size(input, 1), :)



I add one alternative too:


mapslices(x->[x], input,2)


Warning! Now I see that mapslices return 3x1 matrix! (you could change it: mapslices(x->[x], input,2)[:,1])

警告!现在我看到mapslices返回3x1矩阵! (你可以改变它:mapslices(x - > [x],input,2)[:,1])

I am unsatisfied. I don't like any solution we find yet. They are too complicated (think for example how to explain it to children!).


It is also difficult to find function like mapslices in doc too. BTW there is non-exported Base.vect function which could be used instead of anonymous x->[x].

在doc中也很难找到像mapslices这样的函数。 BTW有非导出的Base.vect函数,可以用来代替匿名x - > [x]。

I was thinking that sometimes is more clever to use bigger hammer. So I tried to find something with DataFrames


julia> using DataFrames
julia> DataFrame(transpose(input)).columns
3-element Array{Any,1}:
 [1, 2, 3]
 [4, 5, 6]
 [7, 8, 9]
  1. unfortunately there is not DataFrame.rows
  2. 遗憾的是,没有DataFrame.rows

  3. result's type is Array{Any,1}
  4. 结果的类型是数组{Any,1}

  5. I don't think it could be very quick
  6. 我认为它不会很快

I hope Julia could get us better solution! :)

我希望朱莉娅能给我们更好的解决方案! :)



If you want to make a copy of the data then:


[input[i, :] for i in 1:size(input, 1)]

If you do not want to make a copy of the data you can use views:


[view(input, i, :) for i in 1:size(input, 1)]

After some thought those are alternatives using broadcasting:


getindex.([input], 1:size(input, 1), :)
view.([input], 1:size(input, 1), :)



I add one alternative too:


mapslices(x->[x], input,2)


Warning! Now I see that mapslices return 3x1 matrix! (you could change it: mapslices(x->[x], input,2)[:,1])

警告!现在我看到mapslices返回3x1矩阵! (你可以改变它:mapslices(x - > [x],input,2)[:,1])

I am unsatisfied. I don't like any solution we find yet. They are too complicated (think for example how to explain it to children!).


It is also difficult to find function like mapslices in doc too. BTW there is non-exported Base.vect function which could be used instead of anonymous x->[x].

在doc中也很难找到像mapslices这样的函数。 BTW有非导出的Base.vect函数,可以用来代替匿名x - > [x]。

I was thinking that sometimes is more clever to use bigger hammer. So I tried to find something with DataFrames


julia> using DataFrames
julia> DataFrame(transpose(input)).columns
3-element Array{Any,1}:
 [1, 2, 3]
 [4, 5, 6]
 [7, 8, 9]
  1. unfortunately there is not DataFrame.rows
  2. 遗憾的是,没有DataFrame.rows

  3. result's type is Array{Any,1}
  4. 结果的类型是数组{Any,1}

  5. I don't think it could be very quick
  6. 我认为它不会很快

I hope Julia could get us better solution! :)

我希望朱莉娅能给我们更好的解决方案! :)