
时间:2021-09-06 21:42:13

I am getting a syntax error when executing the following code. I want to print within a list comprehension. As you see, I tried a different approach (commented out line) by using print(). But I think this syntax is supported in Python 3 as earlier versions of Python treat print as a statement.

执行以下代码时出现语法错误。我想在列表理解中打印。如您所见,我尝试使用print()尝试不同的方法(注释掉行)。但我认为Python 3支持这种语法,因为早期版本的Python将print视为一种语句。

  1 import sys
  2 import nltk
  3 import csv
  4 from prettytable import PrettyTable
  5 CSV_FILE = sys.argv[1]
  6 # Handle any known abbreviations, # strip off common suffixes, etc.
  7 transforms = [(', Inc.', ''), (', Inc', ''), (', LLC', ''), (', LLP', '')]
  8 csvReader = csv.DictReader(open(CSV_FILE), delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
  9 contacts = [row for row in csvReader]
 10 companies = [c['Company'].strip() for c in contacts if c['Company'].strip() != '']
 11 for i in range(len(companies)):
 12     for transform in transforms:
 13         companies[i] = companies[i].replace(*transform)
 14 #fields=['Company', 'Freq']
 15 #pt = PrettyTable(fields=fields)
 16 #pt.set_field_align('Company', 'l')
 17 fdist = nltk.FreqDist(companies)
 18 #[pt.add_row([company, freq]) for (company, freq) in fdist.items() if freq > 1] 
 19 #[print("["+company+","+freq+"]") for (company, freq) in fdist.items() if freq > 1] 
 20 [print company for (company, freq) in fdist.items() if freq > 1]
 21 #pt.printt()

3 个解决方案



No statements can appear in Python expressions. print is one kind of statement in Python 2, and list comprehensions are one kind of expression. Impossible. Neither can you, for example, put a global statement in an index expression.

Python表达式中不会出现任何语句。 print是Python 2中的一种语句,列表推导是一种表达。不可能。例如,您也不能在索引表达式中放置全局语句。

Note that in Python 2, you can put

请注意,在Python 2中,您可以放置

from __future__ import print_function

to have print() treated as a function instead (as it is in Python 3).

将print()视为函数(就像在Python 3中一样)。



It's not a print statement in Python 3, it's a function.

它不是Python 3中的print语句,它是一个函数。

>>> sys.version
'3.4.0a4+ (default:8af2dc11464f, Nov 12 2013, 22:38:21) \n[GCC 4.7.3]'
>>> [print(i) for i in range(4)]

and returns:


[None, None, None, None]

And as Tim Peters said, no statements can be in comprehensions or generator expressions.




The other answer is: Don't do this. Use a for loop. There's no need to materialize a list of None's in memory. The print function returns None, and the printing is a mere side-effect from the perspective of functional programming. If you need the printing, use a for-loop, since there's no need to materialize a list in memory. If you need the list of None's, use None, not print(i), since this would make your program IO bound.


If you need both, do them so that you can easily remove the one you don't need when you are done.




No statements can appear in Python expressions. print is one kind of statement in Python 2, and list comprehensions are one kind of expression. Impossible. Neither can you, for example, put a global statement in an index expression.

Python表达式中不会出现任何语句。 print是Python 2中的一种语句,列表推导是一种表达。不可能。例如,您也不能在索引表达式中放置全局语句。

Note that in Python 2, you can put

请注意,在Python 2中,您可以放置

from __future__ import print_function

to have print() treated as a function instead (as it is in Python 3).

将print()视为函数(就像在Python 3中一样)。



It's not a print statement in Python 3, it's a function.

它不是Python 3中的print语句,它是一个函数。

>>> sys.version
'3.4.0a4+ (default:8af2dc11464f, Nov 12 2013, 22:38:21) \n[GCC 4.7.3]'
>>> [print(i) for i in range(4)]

and returns:


[None, None, None, None]

And as Tim Peters said, no statements can be in comprehensions or generator expressions.




The other answer is: Don't do this. Use a for loop. There's no need to materialize a list of None's in memory. The print function returns None, and the printing is a mere side-effect from the perspective of functional programming. If you need the printing, use a for-loop, since there's no need to materialize a list in memory. If you need the list of None's, use None, not print(i), since this would make your program IO bound.


If you need both, do them so that you can easily remove the one you don't need when you are done.
