
时间:2022-10-26 21:45:00

Using Handlebars and Node, I have an array with changing length and I need always to get the one before last element of it each time it changes.


So if you want to get the last element, you can do:


{{#each array}}
  {{#if @last}}

and it will return you the last element. I have Math helper, that can perform basic mathematical operations. For example I can get with it the needed index number


{{math array.length '-' 1}}

but I cant use it with another block helper, for example:


{{#each array}}
  {{#if math @last '-' 1}}

How could this be done? Thank you.


2 个解决方案



You can register your own helper for that:


Handlebars.registerHelper('isSecondLastArrayItem', function(array, index, options) {

  if((array.length - 2) === index)
    return options.fn(this);



And use it like this:


{{#each array}}
  {{#isSecondLastArrayItem @root.array @index}}

Example data:

  array: [{ title: 'aa' }, { title: 'vv' }]

Try it out in the sandbox.


EDIT: case for any index


Handlebars.registerHelper('isNthLastArrayItem', function(array, index, offset, options) {

  if(((array.length >= offset) && (array.length - offset) === index)
    return options.fn(this);



usage (for 2nd item from the end):


{{#each array}}
  {{#isNthLastArrayItem @root.array @index 2}}



Firstly, you state that you cannot use your math helper within the mustaches of the #if block helper, like {{#if math @last '-' 1}}. This is not true. Handlebars supports subexpressions.

首先,你声明你不能在#if块助手的胡须中使用你的数学助手,比如{{#if math @last' - '1}}。这不是真的。把手支持子表达式。

Handlebars offers support for subexpressions, which allows you to invoke multiple helpers within a single mustache, and pass in the results of inner helper invocations as arguments to outer helpers. Subexpressions are delimited by parentheses.

Handlebars提供对子表达式的支持,允许您在一个小胡子中调用多个帮助程序,并将内部帮助程序调用的结果作为参数传递给外部帮助程序。 Subexpressions由括号分隔。

However, {{#if (math @last '-' 1)}} will not make much sense because @last is a Boolean and I would advise against the oddity of subtracting 1 from true or false.

但是,{{#if(math @last' - '1)}}没有多大意义,因为@last是一个布尔值,我建议不要从真或假中减去1的奇怪之处。

If your issue is to render a single element from your array - for example, the second to last - then I do not understand why you are #eaching through your array. All you need do is combine the built-in lookup helper with your existing math helper and your template gets a whole lot simpler:

如果你的问题是从你的数组中渲染一个元素 - 例如,倒数第二个 - 那么我不明白你为什么要在你的数组中进行#eaching。您所需要做的就是将内置的查找助手与现有的数学助手相结合,您的模板变得更加简单:

{{lookup array (math array.length '-' 2)}}

Note: Remember that JavaScript arrays are zero-indexed, so we need to subtract 2 to get the second from last element.


I have created a simple fiddle for reference.




You can register your own helper for that:


Handlebars.registerHelper('isSecondLastArrayItem', function(array, index, options) {

  if((array.length - 2) === index)
    return options.fn(this);



And use it like this:


{{#each array}}
  {{#isSecondLastArrayItem @root.array @index}}

Example data:

  array: [{ title: 'aa' }, { title: 'vv' }]

Try it out in the sandbox.


EDIT: case for any index


Handlebars.registerHelper('isNthLastArrayItem', function(array, index, offset, options) {

  if(((array.length >= offset) && (array.length - offset) === index)
    return options.fn(this);



usage (for 2nd item from the end):


{{#each array}}
  {{#isNthLastArrayItem @root.array @index 2}}



Firstly, you state that you cannot use your math helper within the mustaches of the #if block helper, like {{#if math @last '-' 1}}. This is not true. Handlebars supports subexpressions.

首先,你声明你不能在#if块助手的胡须中使用你的数学助手,比如{{#if math @last' - '1}}。这不是真的。把手支持子表达式。

Handlebars offers support for subexpressions, which allows you to invoke multiple helpers within a single mustache, and pass in the results of inner helper invocations as arguments to outer helpers. Subexpressions are delimited by parentheses.

Handlebars提供对子表达式的支持,允许您在一个小胡子中调用多个帮助程序,并将内部帮助程序调用的结果作为参数传递给外部帮助程序。 Subexpressions由括号分隔。

However, {{#if (math @last '-' 1)}} will not make much sense because @last is a Boolean and I would advise against the oddity of subtracting 1 from true or false.

但是,{{#if(math @last' - '1)}}没有多大意义,因为@last是一个布尔值,我建议不要从真或假中减去1的奇怪之处。

If your issue is to render a single element from your array - for example, the second to last - then I do not understand why you are #eaching through your array. All you need do is combine the built-in lookup helper with your existing math helper and your template gets a whole lot simpler:

如果你的问题是从你的数组中渲染一个元素 - 例如,倒数第二个 - 那么我不明白你为什么要在你的数组中进行#eaching。您所需要做的就是将内置的查找助手与现有的数学助手相结合,您的模板变得更加简单:

{{lookup array (math array.length '-' 2)}}

Note: Remember that JavaScript arrays are zero-indexed, so we need to subtract 2 to get the second from last element.


I have created a simple fiddle for reference.
