
时间:2022-05-01 21:40:12

I have defined array in the following formats, but apparently the program works fine only in CASE B.

我已经用以下格式定义了数组,但显然该程序仅在CASE B中正常工作。


int **M1;
M1 = (int **)malloc(m * sizeof(int *));
for (int i=0; i<m; i++){
    M1[i] = (int *)malloc(d * sizeof(int));


int (*M1)[m] = malloc(sizeof(int[m][d]));

I am getting a segmentation error in CASE A. What could be the reason?

我在CASE A中遇到了分段错误。可能是什么原因?

3 个解决方案



The following code compiles without error or warning in gcc compiler,


    int **M1,i;
    M1 = (int **)malloc(5 * sizeof(int *));
    for (i=0;i<5;i++){
        M1[i] = (int *)malloc(2 * sizeof(int));
    printf("\n%d %d",M1[0][0],M1[0][1]);

Gives 111 222 as output.

给出111 222作为输出。

The problem might be some where else in your code.





M1 is a pointer to a pointer. You are allocating memory for a 2D array of type int and you can store m*d values in the array.

M1是指向指针的指针。您正在为int类型的2D数组分配内存,您可以在数组中存储m * d值。

M1[0][0] to M[m-1][d-1] are valid access for this array in order to get value of type int and anything other than this will lead to undefined behavior.

M1 [0] [0]到M [m-1] [d-1]是此数组的有效访问权限,以获取int类型的值,除此之外的任何内容都将导致未定义的行为。

Case B:

M1 is a pointer to an array of type int which has m elements.


In Case A, the segmentation fault most likely looks like is because of array out of bound access




A pointer and an array are different things. A pointer to a type holds the address where a variable of declared type is allocated.


An array of a type is a memory space where variables of the declared type are contiguously stored.


Now you're declaration. There is no ambiguity (even if is not so evident) in C declarations. In case A you have declared:


int **M1;

This is not a 2d array, not even a monodimensional one. You are declaring a variable, M!, as a pointer to another pointer to an int. In plane word M1 will hold the address of another variable that in turn holds the address of where in memory is stored an integer. Now executing:


M1 = (int **)malloc(m * sizeof(int *));

You assign to M1 the address of a memory area that can store up to m contiguous integer pointers, an access to memory pointed by M1, and successive locations acts as an array access (but is not). This is more or less equivalent to the static declaration:


int *[m];    //an array of pointers to int

Then assigning each element of this pseudo-array a memory storage for d contiguous integers:


for (int i=0; i<m; i++)
    M1[i] = (int *)malloc(d * sizeof(int));

you now have room to store d consecutive integers that begins at addresses saved in M1[i] for i=0->d-1.

你现在有空间存储d个连续的整数,这些整数从M1 [i]中为i = 0-> d-1保存的地址开始。

What happens when you try to access a value using subscripts: M1[a][b]? The compiler retrieve the address pointed by M1 and using the first subscript (a), retrieves the contents pointed by the address in the atht position of the pointers array. This points to the first integer of the subspace that we have allocated to hold d consecutive int's. This is indeed a monodimensional array of int. Applying the second subscript to it the compiler finally retrieve the required integer. Cose to a bidimensional array addressing, but no banana! It isn't a bidimensional array of int's. :-)

当您尝试使用下标访问值时会发生什么:M1 [a] [b]?编译器检索M1指向的地址并使用第一个下标(a),检索指针数组的位置中的地址所指向的内容。这指向我们分配用于保存d个连续int的子空间的第一个整数。这确实是int的单维数组。将第二个下标应用于它,编译器最终检索所需的整数。 Cose到二维数组寻址,但没有香蕉!它不是int的二维数组。 :-)

In case B you are declaring a pointer to a monodimensional array of int, to which you are assigning enough space to hold your bidimensional array. Because in C doesn't exist the concept of multidimensional array, but a basic principle of array of array of array.... etc. (ad-libitum), the declaration:


int (*M1)[m] = malloc(sizeof(int[m][d]));

as a pointer to modimensiional array with space allocated for an array of [m][d] elements made the trick.

作为指向modimensiional数组的指针,其中为[m] [d]元素数组分配了空间。

But of course both the solutions are wrong!


You are using side effects to obtain what you want, but using surrogates of what you declared to need: a bidimensional array of int's.


The correct solution is to define a pointer to a bidimensional array of integers where only the first subscript is required:


int (*M1)[][m];    //declare a pointer to a real array

M1 = malloc(m * d * sizeof(int));    //Allocate room for bidimensional array

for (int i=0; i<m; i++)
    for (int j=0; j<d; j++)
        (*M1)[i][j] = (i*100)+j;    //Fill elements with something using bidimensional subscripting
for (int i=0; i<m; i++)
    for (int j=0; j<d; j++)
        printf("[%d][%d]=%d\n", i, j, (*M1)[i][j]);    //Check back data...

Now have a look to what happens if you go out bounds in the 3 cases. In case A if you get out of bounds with the first subscript you'll collect a wrong pointer that will cause immediately a memory fault, in case B you will have memory fault only if you go out of process addressable memory, the same for the correct solution. This should answer to your question.


Last, because we are talking of misunderstandigs about arrays and pointers, don't misinterpret the standard ISO 9899:2011§ that says:

最后,因为我们谈论的是关于数组和指针的误解,所以不要误解标准ISO 9899:2011§ 7,它说:

A declaration of a parameter as ‘‘array of type’’ shall be adjusted to ‘‘qualified pointer to type’’, where the type qualifiers (if any) are those specified within the [ and ] of the array type derivation. If the keyword static also appears within the [ and ] of the array type derivation, then for each call to the function, the value of the corresponding actual argument shall provide access to the first element of an array with at least as many elements as specified by the size expression.


It simply states that arrays will be passed only by reference (automatically adjusted by compiler), never by value (that is legal for structs ie). You are not requested to supply any qualified pointer instead of an array in function call or the program will crash (A declaration of a parameter as ‘‘array of type’’ shall be adjusted to ‘‘qualified pointer to type’’ - means that will be adjusted by compiler, not by you). Cases as char *[] and char ** works for the reason reported above, not because it is legal to exchange them!

它只是声明数组将仅通过引用传递(由编译器自动调整),而不是通过值传递(对于结构即合法)。在函数调用中不要求您提供任何限定指针而不是数组,否则程序将崩溃(参数声明为''数组''应调整为''限定指向类型'' - 表示将由编译器调整,而不是由您调整。作为char * []和char **的情况适用于上述原因,而不是因为交换它们是合法的!



The following code compiles without error or warning in gcc compiler,


    int **M1,i;
    M1 = (int **)malloc(5 * sizeof(int *));
    for (i=0;i<5;i++){
        M1[i] = (int *)malloc(2 * sizeof(int));
    printf("\n%d %d",M1[0][0],M1[0][1]);

Gives 111 222 as output.

给出111 222作为输出。

The problem might be some where else in your code.





M1 is a pointer to a pointer. You are allocating memory for a 2D array of type int and you can store m*d values in the array.

M1是指向指针的指针。您正在为int类型的2D数组分配内存,您可以在数组中存储m * d值。

M1[0][0] to M[m-1][d-1] are valid access for this array in order to get value of type int and anything other than this will lead to undefined behavior.

M1 [0] [0]到M [m-1] [d-1]是此数组的有效访问权限,以获取int类型的值,除此之外的任何内容都将导致未定义的行为。

Case B:

M1 is a pointer to an array of type int which has m elements.


In Case A, the segmentation fault most likely looks like is because of array out of bound access




A pointer and an array are different things. A pointer to a type holds the address where a variable of declared type is allocated.


An array of a type is a memory space where variables of the declared type are contiguously stored.


Now you're declaration. There is no ambiguity (even if is not so evident) in C declarations. In case A you have declared:


int **M1;

This is not a 2d array, not even a monodimensional one. You are declaring a variable, M!, as a pointer to another pointer to an int. In plane word M1 will hold the address of another variable that in turn holds the address of where in memory is stored an integer. Now executing:


M1 = (int **)malloc(m * sizeof(int *));

You assign to M1 the address of a memory area that can store up to m contiguous integer pointers, an access to memory pointed by M1, and successive locations acts as an array access (but is not). This is more or less equivalent to the static declaration:


int *[m];    //an array of pointers to int

Then assigning each element of this pseudo-array a memory storage for d contiguous integers:


for (int i=0; i<m; i++)
    M1[i] = (int *)malloc(d * sizeof(int));

you now have room to store d consecutive integers that begins at addresses saved in M1[i] for i=0->d-1.

你现在有空间存储d个连续的整数,这些整数从M1 [i]中为i = 0-> d-1保存的地址开始。

What happens when you try to access a value using subscripts: M1[a][b]? The compiler retrieve the address pointed by M1 and using the first subscript (a), retrieves the contents pointed by the address in the atht position of the pointers array. This points to the first integer of the subspace that we have allocated to hold d consecutive int's. This is indeed a monodimensional array of int. Applying the second subscript to it the compiler finally retrieve the required integer. Cose to a bidimensional array addressing, but no banana! It isn't a bidimensional array of int's. :-)

当您尝试使用下标访问值时会发生什么:M1 [a] [b]?编译器检索M1指向的地址并使用第一个下标(a),检索指针数组的位置中的地址所指向的内容。这指向我们分配用于保存d个连续int的子空间的第一个整数。这确实是int的单维数组。将第二个下标应用于它,编译器最终检索所需的整数。 Cose到二维数组寻址,但没有香蕉!它不是int的二维数组。 :-)

In case B you are declaring a pointer to a monodimensional array of int, to which you are assigning enough space to hold your bidimensional array. Because in C doesn't exist the concept of multidimensional array, but a basic principle of array of array of array.... etc. (ad-libitum), the declaration:


int (*M1)[m] = malloc(sizeof(int[m][d]));

as a pointer to modimensiional array with space allocated for an array of [m][d] elements made the trick.

作为指向modimensiional数组的指针,其中为[m] [d]元素数组分配了空间。

But of course both the solutions are wrong!


You are using side effects to obtain what you want, but using surrogates of what you declared to need: a bidimensional array of int's.


The correct solution is to define a pointer to a bidimensional array of integers where only the first subscript is required:


int (*M1)[][m];    //declare a pointer to a real array

M1 = malloc(m * d * sizeof(int));    //Allocate room for bidimensional array

for (int i=0; i<m; i++)
    for (int j=0; j<d; j++)
        (*M1)[i][j] = (i*100)+j;    //Fill elements with something using bidimensional subscripting
for (int i=0; i<m; i++)
    for (int j=0; j<d; j++)
        printf("[%d][%d]=%d\n", i, j, (*M1)[i][j]);    //Check back data...

Now have a look to what happens if you go out bounds in the 3 cases. In case A if you get out of bounds with the first subscript you'll collect a wrong pointer that will cause immediately a memory fault, in case B you will have memory fault only if you go out of process addressable memory, the same for the correct solution. This should answer to your question.


Last, because we are talking of misunderstandigs about arrays and pointers, don't misinterpret the standard ISO 9899:2011§ that says:

最后,因为我们谈论的是关于数组和指针的误解,所以不要误解标准ISO 9899:2011§ 7,它说:

A declaration of a parameter as ‘‘array of type’’ shall be adjusted to ‘‘qualified pointer to type’’, where the type qualifiers (if any) are those specified within the [ and ] of the array type derivation. If the keyword static also appears within the [ and ] of the array type derivation, then for each call to the function, the value of the corresponding actual argument shall provide access to the first element of an array with at least as many elements as specified by the size expression.


It simply states that arrays will be passed only by reference (automatically adjusted by compiler), never by value (that is legal for structs ie). You are not requested to supply any qualified pointer instead of an array in function call or the program will crash (A declaration of a parameter as ‘‘array of type’’ shall be adjusted to ‘‘qualified pointer to type’’ - means that will be adjusted by compiler, not by you). Cases as char *[] and char ** works for the reason reported above, not because it is legal to exchange them!

它只是声明数组将仅通过引用传递(由编译器自动调整),而不是通过值传递(对于结构即合法)。在函数调用中不要求您提供任何限定指针而不是数组,否则程序将崩溃(参数声明为''数组''应调整为''限定指向类型'' - 表示将由编译器调整,而不是由您调整。作为char * []和char **的情况适用于上述原因,而不是因为交换它们是合法的!