
时间:2020-12-21 21:44:32

I have the following two tables in my MySQL database:


User (id, created_at, ...)
Note (id, created_at, ...)

What I'm hoping to do with my DB is generate a report like so:


Users created X weeks ago | X of users | average number of notes
1 | 20 | 2
2 | 31 | 3
3 |  5 | 4

Last row example... 3 weeks ago, 5 users were created in just that week range, and they on average have created a total of 4 notes.

最后一行示例... 3周前,仅在该周范围内创建了5个用户,他们平均创建了4个笔记。

Where the users selected per row is based on that week range... and the average number of notes is for the user during any time frame...


Can this be done with SQL or is this to complex and I'll need to build this into my Rails app?


Thank you for the help.


2 个解决方案



You would do something like this:


select floor(datediff(u.created_at, curdate()) / 7) as weeks_ago,
       count(distinct u.id) as numusers, 
       count(n.id) / count(distinct u.id) as avg_notes
from users u left join
     notes n
     on u.id = n.id
group by weeks_ago;

The main caveat in this query is how you define "weeks ago". This simply takes the number of days and divides by 7.




Solution 1 : - A single query

解决方案1: - 单个查询

It can be done in MySql but you might need to think of performance of the query if not properly built and indexed


Solution2 : Multiple queries (Algo below)


Loop for each week
1) query 1 - Get all userids created in that week. Interval in MySql might be useful.
2) Use these userids to get number of notes based on userd id and created_at

每周循环1)查询1 - 获取在该周创建的所有用户标识。 MySql中的间隔可能很有用。 2)使用这些用户ID根据用户ID和created_at获取笔记数



You would do something like this:


select floor(datediff(u.created_at, curdate()) / 7) as weeks_ago,
       count(distinct u.id) as numusers, 
       count(n.id) / count(distinct u.id) as avg_notes
from users u left join
     notes n
     on u.id = n.id
group by weeks_ago;

The main caveat in this query is how you define "weeks ago". This simply takes the number of days and divides by 7.




Solution 1 : - A single query

解决方案1: - 单个查询

It can be done in MySql but you might need to think of performance of the query if not properly built and indexed


Solution2 : Multiple queries (Algo below)


Loop for each week
1) query 1 - Get all userids created in that week. Interval in MySql might be useful.
2) Use these userids to get number of notes based on userd id and created_at

每周循环1)查询1 - 获取在该周创建的所有用户标识。 MySql中的间隔可能很有用。 2)使用这些用户ID根据用户ID和created_at获取笔记数