PHP - 提取数组值(方括号与箭头表示法)

时间:2023-02-01 21:42:43

I have an object and when I user var_dump i get the following:



array (size=7)
  'id' => int 1969
  'alt' => string '' (length=0)
  'title' => string 'File Name' (length=9)
  'url' => string 'http://location/file.pdf' (length=24)

When I echo $object[url] it returns string 'http://location/file.pdf' (length=24), however when I echo $object->url I get null. (This sometimes works for extracting values from an array, I'm just not sure in which cases or what type of arrays)

当我回显$ object [url]时,它返回字符串'http://location/file.pdf'(长度= 24),但是当我回显$ object-> url时,我得到null。 (这有时用于从数组中提取值,我只是不确定在哪种情况下或什么类型的数组)

The problem is that I use a hosting provider that has a git feature, and when I push my changes, it checks the PHP code and encounters a syntax error (unexpected '[') which halts the push.


My local server uses PHP 5.4.16 and the host uses 5.3.2

我的本地服务器使用PHP 5.4.16,主机使用5.3.2

On a broader note, can someone point me to a resource that explains the difference between these two methods of extracting values from arrays? Much appreciated!


2 个解决方案



You don't have an object, you have an associative array. Note the very first word in your var_dump() output is:



Thus $object->url has no meaning and should in fact give you an error about trying to access property of a non-object.

因此$ object-> url没有意义,实际上应该给你一个关于尝试访问非对象的属性的错误。

I could not imagine any PHP-related syntax checking process which would throw an error on something like $foo['bar']. Whether it is an object or array would typically not be able to be determined by a simple syntax check. You may have other typos somewhere preceding that are causing this though.

我无法想象任何与PHP相关的语法检查过程会在$ foo ['bar']之类的东西上引发错误。无论是对象还是数组,通常都无法通过简单的语法检查来确定。你可能在之前的某个地方有其他拼写错误。



You can't access arrays this way : -> that only applies to objects like the following:

您无法以这种方式访问​​数组: - >仅适用于以下对象:

$x = (object) array('a'=>'A', 'b'=>'B', 'C'); gives you:

stdClass Object
    [a] => A
    [b] => B
    [0] => C

To access these values you have to do it the way with -> like so:

要访问这些值,您必须使用 - >像这样:

$valA = $x->a;



You don't have an object, you have an associative array. Note the very first word in your var_dump() output is:



Thus $object->url has no meaning and should in fact give you an error about trying to access property of a non-object.

因此$ object-> url没有意义,实际上应该给你一个关于尝试访问非对象的属性的错误。

I could not imagine any PHP-related syntax checking process which would throw an error on something like $foo['bar']. Whether it is an object or array would typically not be able to be determined by a simple syntax check. You may have other typos somewhere preceding that are causing this though.

我无法想象任何与PHP相关的语法检查过程会在$ foo ['bar']之类的东西上引发错误。无论是对象还是数组,通常都无法通过简单的语法检查来确定。你可能在之前的某个地方有其他拼写错误。



You can't access arrays this way : -> that only applies to objects like the following:

您无法以这种方式访问​​数组: - >仅适用于以下对象:

$x = (object) array('a'=>'A', 'b'=>'B', 'C'); gives you:

stdClass Object
    [a] => A
    [b] => B
    [0] => C

To access these values you have to do it the way with -> like so:

要访问这些值,您必须使用 - >像这样:

$valA = $x->a;