This is a big problem for me to solve. If I had enough reputation to award a bounty I would!
Looking to balance territories of accounts of sales reps. I have the process broken up, and I don't really know how to do it across each region.
In this example there are 1000 accounts across 4 regions, each region with 2 subset Leagues, and then various owners of the accounts -- Some accounts are unowned. Each account has a random value between 1,000 and 100,000.
reproducible example:
Account List:
Accounts <- paste0("Acc", 1:1000)
Region <- c("NorthEast", "SouthEast", "MidWest", "West")
League <- sample(c("Majors", "Minors"), 1000, replace = TRUE)
AccValue <- sample(1000:100000, 1000, replace = TRUE)
Owner <- sample(c("Chad", NA, "Jimmy", "Adrian", NA, NA, "Steph", "Matt", "Jared", "Eric"), 1000, replace = TRUE)
AccDF <- data.frame(Accounts, Region, League, AccValue, Owner)
AccDF$Accounts <- as.character(AccDF$Accounts)
AccDF$Region <- as.character(AccDF$Region)
AccDF$League <- as.character(AccDF$League)
AccDF$Owner <- as.character(AccDF$Owner)
Summary of Ownership in region:
Summary <- AccDF %>%
group_by(Region, League, Owner) %>%
summarise(Count = n(),
TotalValue = sum(AccValue))
Summary by Region, League:
Summary2 <- AccDF %>%
group_by(Region, League) %>%
summarise(Count = n(),
TotalValue = sum(AccValue),
AccountsPerRep = round(Count / 7, 0),
ValuePerRep = TotalValue / 7)
That is all of the starting data, and I would like to do the following process to each grouping of the Summary2 table.
West Minors Example:
Total West Minors Accounts: 120
#break out into owned and unowned
WestMinorsOwned <- AccDF %>%
filter(Region == "West",
League == "Minors",
WestMinorsUnowned <- AccDF %>%
filter(Region == "West",
League == "Minors",
#unassign accounts until threshold is hit
New.WestMinors <- WestMinorsOwned %>%
mutate(r = runif(n())) %>%
arrange(r) %>%
group_by(Owner) %>%
mutate(NewOwner = replace(Owner, cumsum(AccValue) > 600000 | row_number() > 14, NA)) %>%
ungroup(Owner) %>%
mutate(Owner = NewOwner) %>%
select(-r, -NewOwner)
After the Owner has been updated we bind back together the pieces to have the WestMinors Account Base, all with updated owners, hopefully balanced.
AssignableWestMinors <- bind_rows(filter(AccDF, Region == "West" & League == "Minors" &,
filter(New.WestMinors, %>%
#check work
OwnerSummary <- New.WestMinors %>%
filter(! %>%
group_by(Region, League, Owner) %>%
summarise(Count = n(), TotalValue = sum(AccValue))
No one has more than 14 accounts or 600,000, so we're in a good place to start reassigning the unowned accounts to try to balance everyone together. The following for-loop looks at each name in the OwnerSummary for who has the smallest $$ assigned to them and assigns the most valueable account, and then moves through each account, attempting to balance each owner's share.
没有人拥有超过14个账户或60万个账户,所以我们有一个很好的地方开始重新分配这些未拥有的账户,试图平衡所有人。下面的for-loop将查看owner summary中的每个名称,看看谁为它们分配了最小的$$,并分配了最值钱的帐户,然后遍历每个帐户,试图平衡每个所有者的份额。
#Balance Unassigned
for (i in 1:nrow(AssignableWestMinors)){
idx <- which.min(OwnerSummary$TotalValue)
OwnerSummary$TotalValue[idx] <- OwnerSummary$TotalValue[idx] + AssignableWestMinors$AccValue[i]
OwnerSummary$Count[idx] <- OwnerSummary$Count[idx] + 1
AssignableWestMinors$Owner[i] <- as.character(OwnerSummary$Owner[idx])}
Now we just bind together the previously owned, and the newly assigned, and we have our finished balanced West Minors territory.
WestMinors.Final <- bind_rows(filter(New.WestMinors, !, AssignableWestMinors)
WM.Summary <- WestMinors.Final %>%
group_by(Region, League, Owner) %>%
summarise(Count = n(),
TotalValue = sum(AccValue))
Everyone has a similar number of accounts, and the total $$ territory is all within reason.
Now I'm trying to do that for each grouping of the original 4 regions, 2 leagues. So doing this 8 times and then stitch it all together. Each subgroup has a different threshold for $$ value to aim for, and # of accounts as well. How can I break apart the original account base into 8 sections, apply all of this, and then combine it back together?
现在我试着对原来的4个区域,2个联盟的每组都这样做。这样做8次,然后把它缝合在一起。每个子组都有一个针对$ value的不同阈值,以及帐户的#。我如何将原始的帐户基拆分成8个部分,应用所有这些,然后将它们合并到一起?
1 个解决方案
You should take advantage of ?dplyr::do
to do the split-apply-combine operation that you want on subsets of Region-League. First, functionize your logic so that it can operate on a data frame dta
which represents a subsetted version of the master dataframe AccDF
您应该利用?dplyr::do在区域联盟的子集上执行您想要的分割-应用-合并操作。首先,对逻辑进行功能化,使其能够对代表主dataframe AccDF的子版本的数据帧dta进行操作。
reAssign <- function(dta) {
other_acct <- dta %>%
filter(! %>%
mutate(r = runif(n())) %>%
arrange(r) %>%
group_by(Owner) %>%
mutate(NewOwner = replace(Owner, cumsum(AccValue) > 600000 | row_number() > 14, NA)) %>%
ungroup(Owner) %>%
mutate(Owner = NewOwner) %>%
select(-r, -NewOwner)
assignable_acct <- other_acct %>%
filter( %>%
bind_rows( filter(dta, ) %>%
acct_summary <- other_acct %>%
filter(! %>%
group_by(Owner) %>%
summarise(Count = n(), TotalValue = sum(AccValue))
# I have a feeling there's a much better way of doing this, but oh well...
for (i in seq(nrow(assignable_acct))) {
idx <- which.min(acct_summary$TotalValue)
acct_summary$TotalValue[idx] <- acct_summary$TotalValue[idx] + assignable_acct$AccValue[i]
acct_summary$Count[idx] <- acct_summary$Count[idx] + 1
assignable_acct$Owner[i] <- as.character(acct_summary$Owner[idx])
final <- other_acct %>%
filter(! %>%
Then simply apply it to AccDF that has been grouped by Region, League.
new_master <- AccDF %>%
group_by(Region, League) %>%
do( reAssign(.) ) %>%
Checking to make sure it's done it's job...
new_master %>%
group_by(Region, League, Owner) %>%
summarise(Count = n(),
TotalValue = sum(AccValue)) %>%
You should take advantage of ?dplyr::do
to do the split-apply-combine operation that you want on subsets of Region-League. First, functionize your logic so that it can operate on a data frame dta
which represents a subsetted version of the master dataframe AccDF
您应该利用?dplyr::do在区域联盟的子集上执行您想要的分割-应用-合并操作。首先,对逻辑进行功能化,使其能够对代表主dataframe AccDF的子版本的数据帧dta进行操作。
reAssign <- function(dta) {
other_acct <- dta %>%
filter(! %>%
mutate(r = runif(n())) %>%
arrange(r) %>%
group_by(Owner) %>%
mutate(NewOwner = replace(Owner, cumsum(AccValue) > 600000 | row_number() > 14, NA)) %>%
ungroup(Owner) %>%
mutate(Owner = NewOwner) %>%
select(-r, -NewOwner)
assignable_acct <- other_acct %>%
filter( %>%
bind_rows( filter(dta, ) %>%
acct_summary <- other_acct %>%
filter(! %>%
group_by(Owner) %>%
summarise(Count = n(), TotalValue = sum(AccValue))
# I have a feeling there's a much better way of doing this, but oh well...
for (i in seq(nrow(assignable_acct))) {
idx <- which.min(acct_summary$TotalValue)
acct_summary$TotalValue[idx] <- acct_summary$TotalValue[idx] + assignable_acct$AccValue[i]
acct_summary$Count[idx] <- acct_summary$Count[idx] + 1
assignable_acct$Owner[i] <- as.character(acct_summary$Owner[idx])
final <- other_acct %>%
filter(! %>%
Then simply apply it to AccDF that has been grouped by Region, League.
new_master <- AccDF %>%
group_by(Region, League) %>%
do( reAssign(.) ) %>%
Checking to make sure it's done it's job...
new_master %>%
group_by(Region, League, Owner) %>%
summarise(Count = n(),
TotalValue = sum(AccValue)) %>%