C ++`using`命令用于模板类中的类型别名

时间:2021-07-22 21:39:42

This seems like it should be really simple, but I've been playing and havn't found the solution I'm looking for yet, so here goes:


I have the following struct (simplified for illustrative purposes of course):


template<typename T>
struct test
    using L = std::list<T>;
    L::iterator a;

Now, this throws the error:


error: need 'typename' before 'test<T>::K::iterator' because 'test<T>::K' is a dependent scope

The two ways I have found of fixing it so far are both less than ideal:


1) add typename before any use of L:


template<typename T>
struct test
    using L = std::list<T>;
    typename L::iterator a;

I'd rather avoid the extra verbosity of this if possible.


2) add another using statement to target the iterator directly:


template<typename T>
struct test
    using L = std::list<T>;
    using iter = typename L::iterator;
    iter a;

But that would require having to do the same for every iterator I wanted to use, if I also wished to access the const_iterator etc etc, and I'd rather not have to define a bunch of using statements.


So, is there a way to write the using statement that then allows me to write:


 L::iterator a;
 L::const_iterator b;


2 个解决方案



The typename must be there, but you can use a couple of alias template utilities to avoid defining a new iter type every time:


template<typename C>
using Iterator = typename C::iterator;

template<typename C>
using ConstIterator = typename C::const_iterator;

template<typename T>
struct test
    using L = std::list<T>;
    Iterator<L> i;
    ConstIterator<L> ci;



Nope, there is not. All dependent types must either be prefaced with typename, or be brought in via a preface with typename.


Now, you could create a list_iter<T> using declartion somewhere:

现在,您可以在某处使用declartion创建list_iter :

template<typename T>
using list_iter = typename std::list<T>::iterator;

or even a meta-iter using statement:


template<template<typename>class container, typename T>
using iter = typename container<T>::iterator;
template<template<typename>class container, typename T>
using const_iter = typename container<T>::const_iterator;

which would let you do:


struct test {
  using L = std::list<T>;
  iter<std::list,T> a;

where I've "hidden" the typename in a using declaration outside of the struct.


As an aside, 99% of the time std::list is the wrong container.

另外,99%的时间std :: list是错误的容器。



The typename must be there, but you can use a couple of alias template utilities to avoid defining a new iter type every time:


template<typename C>
using Iterator = typename C::iterator;

template<typename C>
using ConstIterator = typename C::const_iterator;

template<typename T>
struct test
    using L = std::list<T>;
    Iterator<L> i;
    ConstIterator<L> ci;



Nope, there is not. All dependent types must either be prefaced with typename, or be brought in via a preface with typename.


Now, you could create a list_iter<T> using declartion somewhere:

现在,您可以在某处使用declartion创建list_iter :

template<typename T>
using list_iter = typename std::list<T>::iterator;

or even a meta-iter using statement:


template<template<typename>class container, typename T>
using iter = typename container<T>::iterator;
template<template<typename>class container, typename T>
using const_iter = typename container<T>::const_iterator;

which would let you do:


struct test {
  using L = std::list<T>;
  iter<std::list,T> a;

where I've "hidden" the typename in a using declaration outside of the struct.


As an aside, 99% of the time std::list is the wrong container.

另外,99%的时间std :: list是错误的容器。