
时间:2022-07-29 21:42:10

I know the concept of String.Split has been addressed before with a multitude of different approaches, but I am specifically interested in a LINQ solution to this question.


I've attempted to write an extension class to handle the split, but both attempts have some major issues. So for the following:


var results = s.SplitEvery(4);

I would want a list like: { "ABCD", "EFGH", "IJKL", "MNOP", "QRST", "UVWX" }


Here is my extension class:


public static class Extensions
    public static List<string> SplitEvery(this string s, int n)
        List<string> list = new List<string>();

        var Attempt1 = s.Select((c, i) => i % n== 0 ? s.Substring(i, n) : "|").Where(x => x != "|").ToList();

        var Attempt2 = s.Where((c, i) => i % n== 0).Select((c, i) => s.Substring(i, n)).ToList();

        return list;

Attempt 1 inserts a dummy string "|" every time the condition isn't met, then removes all instances of the dummy string to create the final list. It works, but creating the bad strings seems like an unnecessary extra step. Furthermore, this attempt fails if the string isn't evenly divisible by n.


Attempt 2 was me trying to select only substrings where the index was divisible by N, but the 'i' value in the Select statement doesn't correspond to the 'i' value in the Where statement, so I get results like: { "ABCD", "BCDE", etc... }

尝试2是我试图仅选择索引可被N整除的子串,但Select语句中的'i'值与Where语句中的'i'值不对应,因此我得到如下结果:{“ ABCD“,”BCDE“等...}

I feel like I'm close to a good solution, but could use a helpful nudge in the right direction. Any suggestions?




I ended up going with a combination of suggestions to handle my string-splitter. It might not be the fastest, but as a newbie to LINQ, this implementation was the most succinct and easy for me to understand.


public static List<string> SplitEvery(this string s, int size)
    return s.Select((x, i) => i)
        .Where(i => i % size == 0)
        .Select(i => String.Concat(s.Skip(i).Take(size))).ToList();

Thanks for all the excellent suggestions.


8 个解决方案



Here is another solution:


var result = s.Select((x, i) => i)
              .Where(i => i % 4 == 0)
              .Select(i => s.Substring(i, s.Length - i >= 4 ? 4 : s.Length - i));



var results = s.Select((c, i) => new { c, i })
            .GroupBy(x => x.i / 4)
            .Select(g => String.Join("",g.Select(y=>y.c)))

You can also use morelinq's batch


var res = s.Batch(4).Select(x => String.Join("", x)).ToList();

If you don't mind using side effects, this is possible too


var res2 = s.SplitEvery(4).ToList();

public static IEnumerable<string> SplitEvery(this string s, int n)
    int index = 0;
    return s.GroupBy(_=> index++/n).Select(g => new string(g.ToArray()));

And Of course every string operation question deserves a Regex answer :)


var res3 = Regex.Split(s, @"(?<=\G.{4})");



You can use this extension method, which implemented with simple substring getting (I believe it is faster, than enumerating over characters and joining them into strings):


public static IEnumerable<string> SplitEvery(this string s, int length)
    int index = 0;
    while (index + length < s.Length)
        yield return s.Substring(index, length);
        index += length;                

    if (index < s.Length)
        yield return s.Substring(index, s.Length - index);



public static IEnumerable<string> SplitEvery(this string s, int length)
    return s.Where((c, index) => index % length == 0)
           .Select((c, index) => String.Concat(
                s.Skip(index * length).Take(length)

The jury is out on whether new String(chars.ToArray()) would be faster or slower for this than String.Concat(chars).


You may of course append a .ToList() to return a List rather than IEnumerable.




Substring should be fine to select 4-character portions of the string. You just need to be careful with last portion:


new Func<string, int, IEnumerable<string>>(
        (string s, int n) => 
           Enumerable.Range(0, (s.Length + n-1)/n)
           .Select(i => s.Substring(i*n, Math.Min(n, s.Length - i*n)))) 

Note: if this answer is converted into operation on generic enumerable it will have to iterate collection multiple times (Count() and Substring converted to Skip(i*n).Take(n)).

注意:如果此答案转换为泛型可枚举操作,则必须多次迭代集合(Count()和子字符串转换为Skip(i * n).Take(n))。



This seems to work:


public static IEnumerable<string> SplitEvery(this string s, int n) {
    var enumerators = Enumerable.Repeat(s.GetEnumerator(), n);
    while (true) {
        var chunk = string.Concat(enumerators
            .Where(e => e.MoveNext())
            .Select(e => e.Current));
        if (chunk == "") yield break;
        yield return chunk;



Here's a couple of LINQy ways of doing it:


public static IEnumerable<string> SplitEvery( this IEnumerable<char> s , int n )
  StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(n) ;
  foreach ( char c in s )
    if ( sb.Length == n )
      yield return sb.ToString() ;
      sb.Length = 0 ;
    sb.Append(c) ;



public static IEnumerable<string> SplitEvery( this string s , int n )
  int limit = s.Length - ( s.Length % n ) ;
  int i = 0 ;

  while ( i < limit )
    yield return s.Substring(i,n) ;
    i+=n ;

  if ( i < s.Length )
    yield return s.Substring(i) ;




This also works, but requires 'unwrapping' an IGrouping<x,y>:

这也有效,但需要“展开”IGrouping ,y>

public static IEnumerable<String> Split(this String me,int SIZE) {
  //Works by mapping the character index to a 'modulo Staircase'
  //and then grouping by that 'stair step' value
  return me.Select((c, i) => new {
    step = i - i % SIZE,
    letter = c.ToString()
  .GroupBy(kvp => kvp.step)
  .Select(grouping => grouping
    .Select(g => g.letter)
    .Aggregate((a, b) => a + b)

EDIT: Using LINQ's lazy evaluation mechanisms (yield return) you can also achieve this using recursion

编辑:使用LINQ的惰性评估机制(yield return),您也可以使用递归实现此目的

public static IEnumerable<String> Split(this String me, int SIZE) {      
  if (me.Length > SIZE) {
    var head = me.Substring(0,SIZE);
    var tail = me.Substring(SIZE,me.Length-SIZE);
    yield return head;        
    foreach (var item in tail.Split(SIZE)) {
      yield return item; 
  } else { 
    yield return me;

Although, personally, I stay away from Substring because it encourages state-ful code (counters, indexes, etc. in the parent or global scopes).




Here is another solution:


var result = s.Select((x, i) => i)
              .Where(i => i % 4 == 0)
              .Select(i => s.Substring(i, s.Length - i >= 4 ? 4 : s.Length - i));



var results = s.Select((c, i) => new { c, i })
            .GroupBy(x => x.i / 4)
            .Select(g => String.Join("",g.Select(y=>y.c)))

You can also use morelinq's batch


var res = s.Batch(4).Select(x => String.Join("", x)).ToList();

If you don't mind using side effects, this is possible too


var res2 = s.SplitEvery(4).ToList();

public static IEnumerable<string> SplitEvery(this string s, int n)
    int index = 0;
    return s.GroupBy(_=> index++/n).Select(g => new string(g.ToArray()));

And Of course every string operation question deserves a Regex answer :)


var res3 = Regex.Split(s, @"(?<=\G.{4})");



You can use this extension method, which implemented with simple substring getting (I believe it is faster, than enumerating over characters and joining them into strings):


public static IEnumerable<string> SplitEvery(this string s, int length)
    int index = 0;
    while (index + length < s.Length)
        yield return s.Substring(index, length);
        index += length;                

    if (index < s.Length)
        yield return s.Substring(index, s.Length - index);



public static IEnumerable<string> SplitEvery(this string s, int length)
    return s.Where((c, index) => index % length == 0)
           .Select((c, index) => String.Concat(
                s.Skip(index * length).Take(length)

The jury is out on whether new String(chars.ToArray()) would be faster or slower for this than String.Concat(chars).


You may of course append a .ToList() to return a List rather than IEnumerable.




Substring should be fine to select 4-character portions of the string. You just need to be careful with last portion:


new Func<string, int, IEnumerable<string>>(
        (string s, int n) => 
           Enumerable.Range(0, (s.Length + n-1)/n)
           .Select(i => s.Substring(i*n, Math.Min(n, s.Length - i*n)))) 

Note: if this answer is converted into operation on generic enumerable it will have to iterate collection multiple times (Count() and Substring converted to Skip(i*n).Take(n)).

注意:如果此答案转换为泛型可枚举操作,则必须多次迭代集合(Count()和子字符串转换为Skip(i * n).Take(n))。



This seems to work:


public static IEnumerable<string> SplitEvery(this string s, int n) {
    var enumerators = Enumerable.Repeat(s.GetEnumerator(), n);
    while (true) {
        var chunk = string.Concat(enumerators
            .Where(e => e.MoveNext())
            .Select(e => e.Current));
        if (chunk == "") yield break;
        yield return chunk;



Here's a couple of LINQy ways of doing it:


public static IEnumerable<string> SplitEvery( this IEnumerable<char> s , int n )
  StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(n) ;
  foreach ( char c in s )
    if ( sb.Length == n )
      yield return sb.ToString() ;
      sb.Length = 0 ;
    sb.Append(c) ;



public static IEnumerable<string> SplitEvery( this string s , int n )
  int limit = s.Length - ( s.Length % n ) ;
  int i = 0 ;

  while ( i < limit )
    yield return s.Substring(i,n) ;
    i+=n ;

  if ( i < s.Length )
    yield return s.Substring(i) ;




This also works, but requires 'unwrapping' an IGrouping<x,y>:

这也有效,但需要“展开”IGrouping ,y>

public static IEnumerable<String> Split(this String me,int SIZE) {
  //Works by mapping the character index to a 'modulo Staircase'
  //and then grouping by that 'stair step' value
  return me.Select((c, i) => new {
    step = i - i % SIZE,
    letter = c.ToString()
  .GroupBy(kvp => kvp.step)
  .Select(grouping => grouping
    .Select(g => g.letter)
    .Aggregate((a, b) => a + b)

EDIT: Using LINQ's lazy evaluation mechanisms (yield return) you can also achieve this using recursion

编辑:使用LINQ的惰性评估机制(yield return),您也可以使用递归实现此目的

public static IEnumerable<String> Split(this String me, int SIZE) {      
  if (me.Length > SIZE) {
    var head = me.Substring(0,SIZE);
    var tail = me.Substring(SIZE,me.Length-SIZE);
    yield return head;        
    foreach (var item in tail.Split(SIZE)) {
      yield return item; 
  } else { 
    yield return me;

Although, personally, I stay away from Substring because it encourages state-ful code (counters, indexes, etc. in the parent or global scopes).
