Java String split返回长度为0

时间:2023-01-29 21:41:51
public int lengthOfLastWord(String s) {
        s.replaceAll("\\s", "");
        String[] splittedS = s.split("\\s+");
        if(splittedS.length == 1 && splittedS[0].equals("")) return 0;
        return splittedS[splittedS.length - 1].length();

I tested it out with the string " ", and it returns that the length of splittedS is 0.


When I trimmed the String did I get " " -> "", so when I split this, I should have an array of length with with the first element being ""?

当我修剪字符串时,我得到“” - >“”,所以当我拆分它时,我应该有一个长度数组,第一个元素是“”?

3 个解决方案



Java Strings are immutable so you have to store the reference to the returned String after replacement because a new String has been returned. You have written,


s.replaceAll("\\s", "");

But write, s = s.replaceAll("\\s", ""); instead of above.

但是写,s = s.replaceAll(“\\ s”,“”);而不是上面。

Wherever you perform operations on String, keep the new reference moving further.




The call to replaceAll has no effect, but since you split on \\s+, split method works exactly the same: you end up with an empty array.

对replaceAll的调用没有任何效果,但是由于你在\\ s +上拆分,split方法的工作原理完全相同:你最终得到一个空数组。

Recall that one-argument split is the same as two-argument split with zero passed for the second parameter:


String[] splittedS = s.split("\\s+", 0);
//                                  ^^^

This means that regex pattern is applied until there's no more changes, and then trailing empty strings are removed from the array.


This last point is what makes your array empty: the application of \\s+ pattern produces an array [ "" ], with a single empty string. This string is considered trailing by split, so it is removed from the result.

最后一点是使你的数组​​为空的原因:\\ s + pattern的应用程序产生一个数组[“”],只有一个空字符串。此字符串被视为通过拆分尾随,因此将从结果中删除它。

This result is not going to change even if you fix the call to replaceAll the way that other answers suggest.




You need to re assign the variable





Java Strings are immutable so you have to store the reference to the returned String after replacement because a new String has been returned. You have written,


s.replaceAll("\\s", "");

But write, s = s.replaceAll("\\s", ""); instead of above.

但是写,s = s.replaceAll(“\\ s”,“”);而不是上面。

Wherever you perform operations on String, keep the new reference moving further.




The call to replaceAll has no effect, but since you split on \\s+, split method works exactly the same: you end up with an empty array.

对replaceAll的调用没有任何效果,但是由于你在\\ s +上拆分,split方法的工作原理完全相同:你最终得到一个空数组。

Recall that one-argument split is the same as two-argument split with zero passed for the second parameter:


String[] splittedS = s.split("\\s+", 0);
//                                  ^^^

This means that regex pattern is applied until there's no more changes, and then trailing empty strings are removed from the array.


This last point is what makes your array empty: the application of \\s+ pattern produces an array [ "" ], with a single empty string. This string is considered trailing by split, so it is removed from the result.

最后一点是使你的数组​​为空的原因:\\ s + pattern的应用程序产生一个数组[“”],只有一个空字符串。此字符串被视为通过拆分尾随,因此将从结果中删除它。

This result is not going to change even if you fix the call to replaceAll the way that other answers suggest.




You need to re assign the variable

