
时间:2022-09-26 21:38:16

Is there a way for me to get bytes from a file and store it in a Perl array?


For example, if my file has 100 bytes, I want to be able to create an array in which each element holds 10 bytes.


I know how to create arrays and store lines but I'm not sure on how to get only bytes.


1 个解决方案



The input record separator $/ is normally set to a string (usually newline "\n") that indicates the end of each record in the file.

输入记录分隔符$ /通常设置为一个字符串(通常是换行符“\ n”),表示文件中每条记录的结尾。

However, it can also be set (temporarily) to a reference to an integer that specifies the size of fixed-length records.


You are also likely to want to read the file in raw (binary) mode, so your code would look something like this


use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;

my @data = do {
  open my $fh, '<:raw', 'myfile';
  local $/ = \10;

Note that, if it is more convenient, the length can be a string


local $/ = \'10';

or a variable that contains the integer or string


my $record_size = 10;
local $/ = \$record_size;



The input record separator $/ is normally set to a string (usually newline "\n") that indicates the end of each record in the file.

输入记录分隔符$ /通常设置为一个字符串(通常是换行符“\ n”),表示文件中每条记录的结尾。

However, it can also be set (temporarily) to a reference to an integer that specifies the size of fixed-length records.


You are also likely to want to read the file in raw (binary) mode, so your code would look something like this


use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;

my @data = do {
  open my $fh, '<:raw', 'myfile';
  local $/ = \10;

Note that, if it is more convenient, the length can be a string


local $/ = \'10';

or a variable that contains the integer or string


my $record_size = 10;
local $/ = \$record_size;