
时间:2022-02-21 21:38:50

I need to write a program that should ask two strings from user and show the common characters in this.


It must not have duplicates: even if ‘a’ is found more than once in both strings, it should be displayed only once.


My Java knowledge is very limited, so I'm not looking for efficiency but for understandability.


Here is what I came up with at the moment.


//Get String 1
System.out.print( "Enter a string: " );
string1 = sc.next();

//Get String 2
System.out.print( "Enter another string: " );
string2 = sc.next();

System.out.print ( "Common characters: " );
//Common chars           
for ( a = 0 ; a < string1.length() ; a++){
    for ( b = 0 ; b < string2.length() ; b++){
        if ( string1.charAt(a) == string2.charAt(b) ){

Can anyone help me ?

谁能帮我 ?

3 个解决方案



You can use the chars() stream of the input string, e.g.:


public class StringCharCount {
  public static void main(final String[] args) {
    final String s1 = args[0];
    final String s2 = args[1];

        .mapToObj(ch -> String.valueOf((char) ch))

This works with Java 8 or later.

这适用于Java 8或更高版本。

  • chars() creates a stream of characters from the string
  • chars()从字符串创建一个字符流

  • distinct() ensures, that each value occurs only once
  • distinct()确保每个值只出现一次

  • mapToObj(...) is required, because the String#contains() method requires a String as input. So we are converting the stream value to a String. Unfortunately, Java has issues with the primitive types, so the stream of chars is in fact a stream of int. So we have to cast each value to char.
  • mapToObj(...)是必需的,因为String#contains()方法需要String作为输入。所以我们将流值转换为String。遗憾的是,Java存在基本类型的问题,因此字符串流实际上是int的流。所以我们必须将每个值转换为char。

  • forEach(...) prints each value to System.out
  • forEach(...)将每个值打印到System.out



I would use a Set<Character>. This would naturally handle the duplicate issue and has a simple retainAll method to do the heavy lifting for you.

我会使用Set 。这自然会处理重复的问题,并有一个简单的retainAll方法来为您完成繁重的工作。

private Set<Character> characterSet(String s) {
    Set<Character> set = new HashSet<>();
    // Put each character in the string into the set.
    for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
    return set;

public Set<Character> common(String a, String b) {
    // Make a set out of each string.
    Set<Character> aSet = characterSet(a);
    Set<Character> bSet = characterSet(b);
    // Work out the common characters using retainAll.
    Set<Character> common = new HashSet<>(aSet);
    return common;

public void test(String[] args) throws Exception {
    System.out.println(common("abcdef", "afxyzfffaa"));



You can use Set


        String str1 = "abcdefg";
        String str2 = "abcaaadefg";

        StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
        Set<Character> sets = new HashSet<Character>();
        for(char ch : str1.toCharArray()){//init
        for(char ch : str2.toCharArray()){
            if(sets.contains(ch)){//str1 char contains str2 char
                sets.remove(ch);//avoid duplicates



You can use the chars() stream of the input string, e.g.:


public class StringCharCount {
  public static void main(final String[] args) {
    final String s1 = args[0];
    final String s2 = args[1];

        .mapToObj(ch -> String.valueOf((char) ch))

This works with Java 8 or later.

这适用于Java 8或更高版本。

  • chars() creates a stream of characters from the string
  • chars()从字符串创建一个字符流

  • distinct() ensures, that each value occurs only once
  • distinct()确保每个值只出现一次

  • mapToObj(...) is required, because the String#contains() method requires a String as input. So we are converting the stream value to a String. Unfortunately, Java has issues with the primitive types, so the stream of chars is in fact a stream of int. So we have to cast each value to char.
  • mapToObj(...)是必需的,因为String#contains()方法需要String作为输入。所以我们将流值转换为String。遗憾的是,Java存在基本类型的问题,因此字符串流实际上是int的流。所以我们必须将每个值转换为char。

  • forEach(...) prints each value to System.out
  • forEach(...)将每个值打印到System.out



I would use a Set<Character>. This would naturally handle the duplicate issue and has a simple retainAll method to do the heavy lifting for you.

我会使用Set 。这自然会处理重复的问题,并有一个简单的retainAll方法来为您完成繁重的工作。

private Set<Character> characterSet(String s) {
    Set<Character> set = new HashSet<>();
    // Put each character in the string into the set.
    for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
    return set;

public Set<Character> common(String a, String b) {
    // Make a set out of each string.
    Set<Character> aSet = characterSet(a);
    Set<Character> bSet = characterSet(b);
    // Work out the common characters using retainAll.
    Set<Character> common = new HashSet<>(aSet);
    return common;

public void test(String[] args) throws Exception {
    System.out.println(common("abcdef", "afxyzfffaa"));



You can use Set


        String str1 = "abcdefg";
        String str2 = "abcaaadefg";

        StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
        Set<Character> sets = new HashSet<Character>();
        for(char ch : str1.toCharArray()){//init
        for(char ch : str2.toCharArray()){
            if(sets.contains(ch)){//str1 char contains str2 char
                sets.remove(ch);//avoid duplicates