
时间:2023-01-06 21:35:47

I am trying to display a list of categories from a Database result, As the list will increase day by day how can i split the li elements so that they align themselves horizontally and vertically.


Here is my code snippet


$query="SELECT id,category FROM category`";
        <li><a><?= $data['category']?></a></li>

I tried using css, it worked for smaller results, but it became difficult to organize the list equally. Example: Flipkart lists their categories in the following way 如何在html和php中水平拆分大动态List


Any suggestions, Or any other simple way to handle large list of categories?


Thank you.

1 个解决方案



Here is a small code i wrote for you write now. the "breakafter" variable will define when to create a UL. I think this is what you are looking for.

这是我为你写的一个小代码。 “breakafter”变量将定义何时创建UL。我想这就是你要找的东西。

As far as Flipkart goes, I think they have a CMS where they manage each column separately. Because the number of links that are generated are not equal to each other & this flexibility is very difficult to manage by coding.


Check this out, maybe exactly what you want. Also, I just printed the '$i' so that you know when the ul & li are generated.

看看这个,也许正是你想要的。另外,我刚刚打印了'$ i',以便您知道何时生成ul&li。

$count  = mysql_num_rows($query);
echo $count;
$i = 0;
$breakafter = 5;

if($i == 1){ 
echo '<ul><li>'.$data['samplecode'].'-i is - '.$i.'</li>';

} elseif ($i % $breakafter == 0) {

echo' <li>'.$data['samplecode'].'-i is - '.$i.'</li></ul><ul>';

} else {

echo' <li>'.$data['samplecode'].'-i is - '.$i.'</li>';




Here is a small code i wrote for you write now. the "breakafter" variable will define when to create a UL. I think this is what you are looking for.

这是我为你写的一个小代码。 “breakafter”变量将定义何时创建UL。我想这就是你要找的东西。

As far as Flipkart goes, I think they have a CMS where they manage each column separately. Because the number of links that are generated are not equal to each other & this flexibility is very difficult to manage by coding.


Check this out, maybe exactly what you want. Also, I just printed the '$i' so that you know when the ul & li are generated.

看看这个,也许正是你想要的。另外,我刚刚打印了'$ i',以便您知道何时生成ul&li。

$count  = mysql_num_rows($query);
echo $count;
$i = 0;
$breakafter = 5;

if($i == 1){ 
echo '<ul><li>'.$data['samplecode'].'-i is - '.$i.'</li>';

} elseif ($i % $breakafter == 0) {

echo' <li>'.$data['samplecode'].'-i is - '.$i.'</li></ul><ul>';

} else {

echo' <li>'.$data['samplecode'].'-i is - '.$i.'</li>';
