
时间:2022-07-07 21:37:15

I'm a begginer in java I have



like this I want to split this string and store into an array like two strings:


1) 090209153038020734.0
2) 090209153039020734.0

I have done like this:


String packetArray[] = packets.split(packets,Constants.SF); 

Where: Constants.SF=0x01.

地点:Constants.SF = 0 x01。

But it won't work.


Please help me.


6 个解决方案



I'd think twice about using split since those are obviously fixed width fields.


I've seen them before on another question here (several in fact so I'm guessing this may be homework (or a popular data collection device :-)) and it's plain that the protocol is:


  • STX (0x01).
  • STX(0 x01)。
  • 0x0f.
  • 0 x0f。
  • date (YYMMDD or DDMMYY).
  • time (HHMMSS).
  • 时间(HHMMSS)。
  • 0x02.
  • 0 x02。
  • value (XXXXXX.X).
  • 值(XXXXXX.X)。
  • 0x03.
  • 0 x03。
  • 0x04.
  • 0 x04。

And, given that they're fixed width, you should probably just use substrings to get the information out.




The JavaDoc of String is helpful here: http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/java/lang/String.html


You have your String packet;


String.indexOf(String) gives you a position of a special substring. your interested in the "." sign. So you write

String. indexof (String)提供一个特殊子字符串的位置。你对"。"标志感兴趣。所以你写

int position = packet.indexOf(".")+1

+1 becuase you want the trailing decimal too. It will return something 20-ish and will be the last pos of the first number.


Then we use substring


String first = packet.substring(0,position) will give you everything up to the ".0" String second = packet.substring(position-1) should give you everything starting after the ".0" and up to the end of the string.

String first = packet.substring(0,position)将把所有东西都交给你。0" String second = packet.substring(position-1)应该会给你在"后面开始的所有信息。0"一直到弦的末端。

Now if you want them explicitely into an array you can just put them there. The code as a whole - I may have some "off by one" -bugs.


int position = packet.indexOf(".")+1 
String first = packet.substring(0,position)
String second = packet.substring(position-1)
String[] packetArray = new String[2];
packetArray[0] = first;
packetArray[1] = second;



String packetArray[] = packets.split("\u0001");

should work. You are using


public String[] split(String regex, int limit)

which is doing something else: It makes sure that split() returns an array with at most limit members (1 in this case, so you get what you ask for).




You need to read the Javadocs for the String.split() methods...you are calling the version of String.split() that takes a regular expression and a limit, but you are passing the string itself as the first parameter, which doesn't really make sense.

您需要为String.split()方法读取javadoc。您正在调用string .split()的版本,它接受一个正则表达式和一个限制,但是您将字符串本身作为第一个参数传递,这实际上是没有意义的。

As Aaron Digulla mentioned, use the other version.

正如Aaron Digulla提到的,使用另一个版本。



You don't say how you want to do the split. It could be based on a fixed length (number of characters) or you want one decimal place.


If the former you could do packetArray = new String[]{packet.substring(0, 20), packet.substring(21)};

如果是前者,可以使用packetArray = new String[]{packet。substring(0,20),packet.substring(21)};

int dotIndex = packets.indexOf('.');
packetArray = new String[]{packet.substring(0, dotIndex+2), packet.substring(dotIndex+2)};

Your solution confuses the regexp with the string.




split uses regular expressions as documented here. Your code seems to be trying to match the whole string Constants.SF = 0x01 times, which doesn't make much sense. If you know what char the boxes are then you can use something like {[^c]+cc} where c is the character of the box (i guess this is 0x01), to match each "packet".

split使用这里记录的正则表达式。您的代码似乎试图匹配整个字符串常量。SF = 0x01乘以,这没什么意义。如果你知道字符的箱子是什么的话,那么你可以使用诸如{[^ c]+ cc },c是盒子的角色(我想这是0 x01),与每一个“包”。

I think you are trying to use it like the .net String.Split(...) function?




I'd think twice about using split since those are obviously fixed width fields.


I've seen them before on another question here (several in fact so I'm guessing this may be homework (or a popular data collection device :-)) and it's plain that the protocol is:


  • STX (0x01).
  • STX(0 x01)。
  • 0x0f.
  • 0 x0f。
  • date (YYMMDD or DDMMYY).
  • time (HHMMSS).
  • 时间(HHMMSS)。
  • 0x02.
  • 0 x02。
  • value (XXXXXX.X).
  • 值(XXXXXX.X)。
  • 0x03.
  • 0 x03。
  • 0x04.
  • 0 x04。

And, given that they're fixed width, you should probably just use substrings to get the information out.




The JavaDoc of String is helpful here: http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/java/lang/String.html


You have your String packet;


String.indexOf(String) gives you a position of a special substring. your interested in the "." sign. So you write

String. indexof (String)提供一个特殊子字符串的位置。你对"。"标志感兴趣。所以你写

int position = packet.indexOf(".")+1

+1 becuase you want the trailing decimal too. It will return something 20-ish and will be the last pos of the first number.


Then we use substring


String first = packet.substring(0,position) will give you everything up to the ".0" String second = packet.substring(position-1) should give you everything starting after the ".0" and up to the end of the string.

String first = packet.substring(0,position)将把所有东西都交给你。0" String second = packet.substring(position-1)应该会给你在"后面开始的所有信息。0"一直到弦的末端。

Now if you want them explicitely into an array you can just put them there. The code as a whole - I may have some "off by one" -bugs.


int position = packet.indexOf(".")+1 
String first = packet.substring(0,position)
String second = packet.substring(position-1)
String[] packetArray = new String[2];
packetArray[0] = first;
packetArray[1] = second;



String packetArray[] = packets.split("\u0001");

should work. You are using


public String[] split(String regex, int limit)

which is doing something else: It makes sure that split() returns an array with at most limit members (1 in this case, so you get what you ask for).




You need to read the Javadocs for the String.split() methods...you are calling the version of String.split() that takes a regular expression and a limit, but you are passing the string itself as the first parameter, which doesn't really make sense.

您需要为String.split()方法读取javadoc。您正在调用string .split()的版本,它接受一个正则表达式和一个限制,但是您将字符串本身作为第一个参数传递,这实际上是没有意义的。

As Aaron Digulla mentioned, use the other version.

正如Aaron Digulla提到的,使用另一个版本。



You don't say how you want to do the split. It could be based on a fixed length (number of characters) or you want one decimal place.


If the former you could do packetArray = new String[]{packet.substring(0, 20), packet.substring(21)};

如果是前者,可以使用packetArray = new String[]{packet。substring(0,20),packet.substring(21)};

int dotIndex = packets.indexOf('.');
packetArray = new String[]{packet.substring(0, dotIndex+2), packet.substring(dotIndex+2)};

Your solution confuses the regexp with the string.




split uses regular expressions as documented here. Your code seems to be trying to match the whole string Constants.SF = 0x01 times, which doesn't make much sense. If you know what char the boxes are then you can use something like {[^c]+cc} where c is the character of the box (i guess this is 0x01), to match each "packet".

split使用这里记录的正则表达式。您的代码似乎试图匹配整个字符串常量。SF = 0x01乘以,这没什么意义。如果你知道字符的箱子是什么的话,那么你可以使用诸如{[^ c]+ cc },c是盒子的角色(我想这是0 x01),与每一个“包”。

I think you are trying to use it like the .net String.Split(...) function?
