
时间:2021-01-09 21:37:54

I'm in need of representing a 2D field (axes x, y) and I face a problem: Should I use an 1D array or a 2D array?

我需要表示一个2D字段(坐标轴x, y),我面临一个问题:我应该使用一维数组还是2D数组?

I can imagine, that recalculating indices for 1D arrays (y + x*n) could be slower than using 2D array (x, y) but I could image that 1D could be in CPU cache..

我可以想象,对于一维数组(y + x*n)的重新计算索引可能比使用2D数组(x, y)要慢,但是我可以想象1D可以在CPU缓存中。

I did some googling, but only found pages regarding static array (and stating that 1D and 2D are basically the same). But my arrays must me dynamic.


So, what's


  1. faster,
  2. 更快,
  3. smaller (RAM)
  4. 小(RAM)

dynamic 1D arrays or dynamic 2D arrays?


Thanks :)


7 个解决方案



tl;dr : You should probably use a one-dimensional approach.

Note: One cannot dig into detail affecting performance when comparing dynamic 1d or dynamic 2d storage patterns without filling books since the performance of code is dependent one a very large number of parameters. Profile if possible.


1. What's faster?

For dense matrices the 1D approach is likely to be faster since it offers better memory locality and less allocation and deallocation overhead.


2. What's smaller?

Dynamic-1D consumes less memory than the 2D approach. The latter also requires more allocations.



I laid out a pretty long answer beneath with several reasons but I want to make some remarks on your assumptions first.


I can imagine, that recalculating indices for 1D arrays (y + x*n) could be slower than using 2D array (x, y)

我可以想象,对于一维数组(y + x*n)的重新计算索引可能比使用2D数组(x, y)要慢

Let's compare these two functions:


int get_2d (int **p, int r, int c) { return p[r][c]; }
int get_1d (int *p, int r, int c)  { return p[c + C*r]; }

The (non-inlined) assembly generated by Visual Studio 2015 RC for those functions (with optimizations turned on) is:

Visual Studio 2015 RC为这些功能(优化打开)生成的(非内联的)程序集是:

push    ebp
mov ebp, esp
mov eax, DWORD PTR _c$[ebp]
lea eax, DWORD PTR [eax+edx*4]
mov eax, DWORD PTR [ecx+eax*4]
pop ebp
ret 0

push ebp
mov ebp, esp
mov ecx, DWORD PTR [ecx+edx*4]
mov eax, DWORD PTR _c$[ebp]
mov eax, DWORD PTR [ecx+eax*4]
pop ebp
ret 0

The difference is mov (2d) vs. lea (1d). The former has a latency of 3 cycles and a a maximum throughput of 2 per cycle while the latter has a latency of 2 cycles and a maximum throughput of 3 per cycle. (According to Instruction tables - Agner Fog Since the differences are minor, I think there should not be a big performance difference arising from index recalculation. I expect it to be very unlikely to identify this difference itself to be the bottleneck in any program.

区别是mov (2d)和lea (1d)。前者有3个周期的潜伏期,而后者的最大吞吐量为2个周期,而后者的延迟为2个周期,最大吞吐量为3个周期。(根据指示表- Agner Fog由于差异较小,我认为不应该出现因指数重新计算而产生的巨大性能差异。我希望它不太可能识别出这种差异,从而成为任何程序的瓶颈。

This brings us to the next (and more interesting) point:


... but I could image that 1D could be in CPU cache ...


True, but 2d could be in CPU cache, too. See The Downsides: Memory locality for an explanation why 1d is still better.


The long answer, or why dynamic 2 dimensional data storage (pointer-to-pointer or vector-of-vector) is "bad" for simple / small matrices.

Note: This is about dynamic arrays/allocation schemes [malloc/new/vector etc.]. A static 2d array is a contiguous block of memory and therefore not subject to the downsides I'm going to present here.


The Problem

To be able to understand why a dynamic array of dynamic arrays or a vector of vectors is most likely not the data storage pattern of choice, you are required to understand the memory layout of such structures.


Example case using pointer to pointer syntax

int main (void)
    // allocate memory for 4x4 integers; quick & dirty
    int ** p = new int*[4];
    for (size_t i=0; i<4; ++i) p[i] = new int[4]; 

    // do some stuff here, using p[x][y] 

    // deallocate memory
    for (size_t i=0; i<4; ++i) delete[] p[i];
    delete[] p;

The downsides

Memory locality

For this “matrix” you allocate one block of four pointers and four blocks of four integers. All of the allocations are unrelated and can therefore result in an arbitrary memory position.


The following image will give you an idea of how the memory may look like.


For the real 2d case:


  • The violet square is the memory position occupied by p itself.
  • 紫色方块是p本身占用的内存位置。
  • The green squares assemble the memory region p points to (4 x int*).
  • 绿色方块将记忆区域p点集合到(4 x int*)。
  • The 4 regions of 4 contiguous blue squares are the ones pointed to by each int* of the green region
  • 4个相邻的蓝色方格的4个区域是绿色区域的每个int*所指向的区域。

For the 2d mapped on 1d case:


  • The green square is the only required pointer int *
  • 绿色方块是唯一需要的指针int *。
  • The blue squares ensemble the memory region for all matrix elements (16 x int).
  • 蓝色方块集成所有矩阵元素的内存区域(16 x int)。


This means that (when using the left layout) you will probably observe worse performance than for a contiguous storage pattern (as seen on the right), due to caching for instance.


Let's say a cache line is "the amount of data transfered into the cache at once" and let's imagine a program accessing the whole matrix one element after another.


If you have a properly aligned 4 times 4 matrix of 32 bit values, a processor with a 64 byte cache line (typical value) is able to "one-shot" the data (4*4*4 = 64 bytes). If you start processing and the data isn't already in the cache you'll face a cache miss and the data will be fetched from main memory. This load can fetch the whole matrix at once since it fits into a cache line, if and only if it is contiguously stored (and properly aligned). There will probably not be any more misses while processing that data.

如果您有一个正确对齐的4*4矩阵的32位值,一个带有64字节缓存线(典型值)的处理器能够“一次”数据(4*4*4 = 64字节)。如果您开始处理,数据还没有在缓存中,那么您将面对一个缓存缺失,数据将从主内存中获取。这个负载可以一次获取整个矩阵,因为它适合于缓存线,如果且仅当它是连续存储的(并且正确对齐)。在处理这些数据时,可能不会再有任何遗漏。

In case of a dynamic, "real two-dimensional" system with unrelated locations of each row/column, the processor needs to load every memory location seperately. Eventhough only 64 bytes are required, loading 4 cache lines for 4 unrelated memory positions would -in a worst case scenario- actually transfer 256 bytes and waste 75% throughput bandwidth. If you process the data using the 2d-scheme you'll again (if not already cached) face a cache miss on the first element. But now, only the first row/colum will be in the cache after the first load from main memory because all other rows are located somewhere else in memory and not adjacent to the first one. As soon as you reach a new row/column there will again be a cache miss and the next load from main memory is performed.


Long story short: The 2d pattern has a higher chance of cache misses with the 1d scheme offering better potential for performance due to locality of the data.


Frequent Allocation / Deallocation

  • As many as N + 1 (4 + 1 = 5) allocations (using either new, malloc, allocator::allocate or whatever) are necessary to create the desired NxM (4×4) matrix.
  • 多达N + 1(4 + 1 = 5)分配(使用新的、malloc、分配器::分配或其他)是创建所需的NxM(4 4)矩阵的必要条件。
  • The same number of proper, respective deallocation operations must be applied as well.
  • 同样数量的适当的,相应的deallocation操作也必须被应用。

Therefore, it is more costly to create/copy such matrices in contrast to a single allocation scheme.


This is getting even worse with a growing number of rows.


Memory consumption overhead

I'll asumme a size of 32 bits for int and 32 bits for pointers. (Note: System dependency.)


Let's remember: We want to store a 4×4 int matrix which means 64 bytes.


For a NxM matrix, stored with the presented pointer-to-pointer scheme we consume


  • N*M*sizeof(int) [the actual blue data] +
  • N*M*sizeof(int)[实际的蓝色数据]+。
  • N*sizeof(int*) [the green pointers] +
  • N*sizeof(int*)[绿色指针]+。
  • sizeof(int**) [the violet variable p] bytes.
  • sizeof(int**)[紫色变量p]字节。

That makes 4*4*4 + 4*4 + 4 = 84 bytes in case of the present example and it gets even worse when using std::vector<std::vector<int>>. It will require N * M * sizeof(int) + N * sizeof(vector<int>) + sizeof(vector<vector<int>>) bytes, that is 4*4*4 + 4*16 + 16 = 144 bytes in total, intead of 64 bytes for 4 x 4 int.

在本例中,4*4*4 + 4*4 + 4 = 84字节,使用std时更糟糕::vector <:vector> >。它需要N * M * sizeof(int) + N * sizeof(vector ) + sizeof(向量 >)字节,即4*4*4 + 4*16 + 16 = 144字节,64字节的整数为4 x 4 int。

In addition -depending on the used allocator- each single allocation may well (and most likely will) have another 16 bytes of memory overhead. (Some “Infobytes” which store the number of allocated bytes for the purpose of proper deallocation.)


This means the worst case is:


N*(16+M*sizeof(int)) + 16+N*sizeof(int*) + sizeof(int**)
= 4*(16+4*4) + 16+4*4 + 4 = 164 bytes ! _Overhead: 156%_

N *(16 + M * sizeof(int))+ 16 + N * sizeof(int *)+ sizeof(int * *)= 4 *(16 + 4 * 4)+ 16 + 4 * 4 + 4 = 164字节!_Overhead:156% _

The share of the overhead will reduce as the size of the matrix grows but will still be present.


Risk of memory leaks

The bunch of allocations requires an appropriate exception handling in order to avoid memory leaks if one of the allocations will fail! You’ll need to keep track of allocated memory blocks and you must not forget them when deallocating the memory.


If new runs of of memory and the next row cannot be allocated (especially likely when the matrix is very large), a std::bad_alloc is thrown by new.




In the above mentioned new/delete example, we'll face some more code if we want to avoid leaks in case of bad_alloc exceptions.


  // allocate memory for 4x4 integers; quick & dirty
  size_t const N = 4;
  // we don't need try for this allocation
  // if it fails there is no leak
  int ** p = new int*[N];
  size_t allocs(0U);
  { // try block doing further allocations
    for (size_t i=0; i<N; ++i) 
      p[i] = new int[4]; // allocate
      ++allocs; // advance counter if no exception occured
  catch (std::bad_alloc & be)
  { // if an exception occurs we need to free out memory
    for (size_t i=0; i<allocs; ++i) delete[] p[i]; // free all alloced p[i]s
    delete[] p; // free p
    throw; // rethrow bad_alloc
     do some stuff here, using p[x][y] 
  // deallocate memory accoding to the number of allocations
  for (size_t i=0; i<allocs; ++i) delete[] p[i];
  delete[] p;


There are cases where "real 2d" memory layouts fit and make sense (i.e. if the number of columns per row is not constant) but in the most simple and common 2D data storage cases they just bloat the complexity of your code and reduce the performance and memory efficiency of your program.

有“真正的2 d”的情况下内存布局符合和意义(即如果每行的列数不是常量)但在最简单和常见的2 d数据存储情况下他们只是膨胀您的代码的复杂性,降低程序的性能和内存效率。


You should use a contiguous block of memory and map your rows onto that block.


The "C++ way" of doing it is probably to write a class that manages your memory while considering important things like



To provide an idea of how such a class may look like, here's a simple example with some basic features:


  • 2d-size-constructible
  • 2 d-size-constructible
  • 2d-resizable
  • 2 d-resizable
  • operator(size_t, size_t) for 2d- row major element access
  • 操作符(size_t, size_t),用于2d行主要元素访问。
  • at(size_t, size_t) for checked 2d-row major element access
  • 在(size_t, size_t)中检查第2行主要元素访问。
  • Fulfills Concept requirements for Container
  • 满足容器的概念要求。



#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <utility>

namespace matrices

  template<class T>
  class simple
    // misc types
    using data_type  = std::vector<T>;
    using value_type = typename std::vector<T>::value_type;
    using size_type  = typename std::vector<T>::size_type;
    // ref
    using reference       = typename std::vector<T>::reference;
    using const_reference = typename std::vector<T>::const_reference;
    // iter
    using iterator       = typename std::vector<T>::iterator;
    using const_iterator = typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator;
    // reverse iter
    using reverse_iterator       = typename std::vector<T>::reverse_iterator;
    using const_reverse_iterator = typename std::vector<T>::const_reverse_iterator;

    // empty construction
    simple() = default;

    // default-insert rows*cols values
    simple(size_type rows, size_type cols)
      : m_rows(rows), m_cols(cols), m_data(rows*cols)

    // copy initialized matrix rows*cols
    simple(size_type rows, size_type cols, const_reference val)
      : m_rows(rows), m_cols(cols), m_data(rows*cols, val)

    // 1d-iterators

    iterator begin() { return m_data.begin(); }
    iterator end() { return m_data.end(); }
    const_iterator begin() const { return m_data.begin(); }
    const_iterator end() const { return m_data.end(); }
    const_iterator cbegin() const { return m_data.cbegin(); }
    const_iterator cend() const { return m_data.cend(); }
    reverse_iterator rbegin() { return m_data.rbegin(); }
    reverse_iterator rend() { return m_data.rend(); }
    const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const { return m_data.rbegin(); }
    const_reverse_iterator rend() const { return m_data.rend(); }
    const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const { return m_data.crbegin(); }
    const_reverse_iterator crend() const { return m_data.crend(); }

    // element access (row major indexation)
    reference operator() (size_type const row,
      size_type const column)
      return m_data[m_cols*row + column];
    const_reference operator() (size_type const row,
      size_type const column) const
      return m_data[m_cols*row + column];
    reference at() (size_type const row, size_type const column)
      return m_data.at(m_cols*row + column);
    const_reference at() (size_type const row, size_type const column) const
      return m_data.at(m_cols*row + column);

    // resizing
    void resize(size_type new_rows, size_type new_cols)
      // new matrix new_rows times new_cols
      simple tmp(new_rows, new_cols);
      // select smaller row and col size
      auto mc = std::min(m_cols, new_cols);
      auto mr = std::min(m_rows, new_rows);
      for (size_type i(0U); i < mr; ++i)
        // iterators to begin of rows
        auto row = begin() + i*m_cols;
        auto tmp_row = tmp.begin() + i*new_cols;
        // move mc elements to tmp
        std::move(row, row + mc, tmp_row);
      // move assignment to this
      *this = std::move(tmp);

    // size and capacity
    size_type size() const { return m_data.size(); }
    size_type max_size() const { return m_data.max_size(); }
    bool empty() const { return m_data.empty(); }
    // dimensionality
    size_type rows() const { return m_rows; }
    size_type cols() const { return m_cols; }
    // data swapping
    void swap(simple &rhs)
      using std::swap;
      swap(m_rows, rhs.m_rows);
      swap(m_cols, rhs.m_cols);
    // content
    size_type m_rows{ 0u };
    size_type m_cols{ 0u };
    data_type m_data{};
  template<class T>
  void swap(simple<T> & lhs, simple<T> & rhs)
  template<class T>
  bool operator== (simple<T> const &a, simple<T> const &b)
    if (a.rows() != b.rows() || a.cols() != b.cols())
      return false;
    return std::equal(a.begin(), a.end(), b.begin(), b.end());
  template<class T>
  bool operator!= (simple<T> const &a, simple<T> const &b)
    return !(a == b);


Note several things here:


  • T needs to fulfill the requirements of the used std::vector member functions
  • T需要满足使用的std::向量成员函数的要求。
  • operator() doesn't do any "of of range" checks
  • 操作符()不会执行任何“范围”检查。
  • No need to manage data on your own
  • 无需自己管理数据。
  • No destructor, copy constructor or assignment operators required
  • 不需要析构函数、复制构造函数或赋值操作符。

So you don't have to bother about proper memory handling for each application but only once for the class you write.



There may be cases where a dynamic "real" two dimensional structure is favourable. This is for instance the case if


  • the matrix is very large and sparse (if any of the rows do not even need to be allocated but can be handled using a nullptr) or if
  • 该矩阵非常大且非常稀疏(如果有任何行甚至不需要分配,但可以使用nullptr来处理)或if。
  • the rows do not have the same number of columns (that is if you don't have a matrix at all but another two-dimensional construct).
  • 行没有相同数量的列(如果您没有一个矩阵,而是另一个二维构造)。



Unless you are talking about static arrays, 1D is faster.


Here’s the memory layout of a 1D array (std::vector<T>):

这是一维数组的内存布局(std::vector ):

|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |

And here’s the same for a dynamic 2D array (std::vector<std::vector<T>>):

对于一个动态2D数组(std::vector <:vector> >):

| * | * | * |
  |   |   V
  |   | +---+---+---+
  |   | |   |   |   |
  |   | +---+---+---+
  |   V
  | +---+---+---+
  | |   |   |   |
  | +---+---+---+
|   |   |   |

Clearly the 2D case loses the cache locality and uses more memory. It also introduces an extra indirection (and thus an extra pointer to follow) but the first array has the overhead of calculating the indices so these even out more or less.




1D and 2D Static Arrays

  • Size: Both will require the same amount of memory.


  • Speed: You can assume that there will be no speed difference because the memory for both of these arrays should be contiguous (The whole 2D array should appear as one chunk in memory rather than a bunch of chunks spread across memory). (This could be compiler dependent however.)


1D and 2D Dynamic Arrays

  • Size: The 2D array will require a tiny bit more memory than the 1D array because of the pointers needed in the 2D array to point to the set of allocated 1D arrays. (This tiny bit is only tiny when we're talking about really big arrays. For small arrays, the tiny bit could be pretty big relatively speaking.)


  • Speed: The 1D array may be faster than the 2D array because the memory for the 2D array would not be contiguous, so cache misses would become a problem.


Use what works and seems most logical, and if you face speed problems, then refactor.




Another difference of 1D and 2D arrays appears in memory allocation. We cannot be sure that members of 2D array be sequental.




The existing answers all only compare 1-D arrays against arrays of pointers.


In C (but not C++) there is a third option; you can have a contiguous 2-D array that is dynamically allocated and has runtime dimensions:


int (*p)[num_columns] = malloc(num_rows * sizeof *p);

and this is accessed like p[row_index][col_index].


I would expect this to have very similar performance to the 1-D array case, but it gives you nicer syntax for accessing the cells.


In C++ you can achieve something similar by defining a class which maintains a 1-D array internally, but can expose it via 2-D array access syntax using overloaded operators. Again I would expect that to have similar or identical performance to the plain 1-D array.




It really depends on how your 2D array is implemented.


int a[200], b[10][20], *c[10], *d[10];
for (ii = 0; ii < 10; ++ii)
   c[ii] = &b[ii][0];
   d[ii] = (int*) malloc(20 * sizeof(int));    // The cast for C++ only.

There are 3 implementations here: b, c and d There won't be a lot of difference accessing b[x][y] or a[x*20 + y] since one is you doing the computation and the other is the compiler doing it for you. c[x][y] and d[x][y] are slower because the machine has to find the address that c[x] points to and then access the yth element from there. It is not one straight computation. On some machines (eg AS400 which has 36 byte (not bit) pointers), pointer access is extremely slow. It is all dependent upon the architecture in use. On x86 type architectures, a and b are the same speed, c and d are slower than b.

这里有3个实现:b、c和d,访问b[x][y]或a[x*20 + y]不会有太大的差别,因为一个是你在做计算,另一个是编译器为你做的。c[x][y]和d[x][y]较慢,因为机器必须找到c[x]指向的地址,然后从那里访问yth元素。这不是一个简单的计算。在某些机器上(如AS400有36个字节(而不是位)指针),指针访问非常慢。它完全依赖于使用的体系结构。在x86类型的架构上,a和b是相同的速度,c和d比b慢。



I love the thorough answer provided by Pixelchemist. A simpler version of this solution may be as follows. First, declare the dimensions:


constexpr int M = 16; // rows
constexpr int N = 16; // columns
constexpr int P = 16; // planes

Next, create an alias and, get and set methods:


template<typename T>
using Vector = std::vector<T>;

template<typename T>
inline T& set_elem(vector<T>& m_, size_t i_, size_t j_, size_t k_)
    // check indexes here...
    return m_[i_*N*P + j_*P + k_];

template<typename T>
inline const T& get_elem(const vector<T>& m_, size_t i_, size_t j_, size_t k_)
    // check indexes here...
    return m_[i_*N*P + j_*P + k_];

Finally, a vector may be created and indexed as follows:


Vector array3d(M*N*P, 0);            // create 3-d array containing M*N*P zero ints
set_elem(array3d, 0, 0, 1) = 5;      // array3d[0][0][1] = 5
auto n = get_elem(array3d, 0, 0, 1); // n = 5

Defining the vector size at initialization provides optimal performance. This solution is modified from this answer. The functions may be overloaded to support varying dimensions with a single vector. The downside of this solution is that the M, N, P parameters are implicitly passed to the get and set functions. This can be resolved by implementing the solution within a class, as done by Pixelchemist.




tl;dr : You should probably use a one-dimensional approach.

Note: One cannot dig into detail affecting performance when comparing dynamic 1d or dynamic 2d storage patterns without filling books since the performance of code is dependent one a very large number of parameters. Profile if possible.


1. What's faster?

For dense matrices the 1D approach is likely to be faster since it offers better memory locality and less allocation and deallocation overhead.


2. What's smaller?

Dynamic-1D consumes less memory than the 2D approach. The latter also requires more allocations.



I laid out a pretty long answer beneath with several reasons but I want to make some remarks on your assumptions first.


I can imagine, that recalculating indices for 1D arrays (y + x*n) could be slower than using 2D array (x, y)

我可以想象,对于一维数组(y + x*n)的重新计算索引可能比使用2D数组(x, y)要慢

Let's compare these two functions:


int get_2d (int **p, int r, int c) { return p[r][c]; }
int get_1d (int *p, int r, int c)  { return p[c + C*r]; }

The (non-inlined) assembly generated by Visual Studio 2015 RC for those functions (with optimizations turned on) is:

Visual Studio 2015 RC为这些功能(优化打开)生成的(非内联的)程序集是:

push    ebp
mov ebp, esp
mov eax, DWORD PTR _c$[ebp]
lea eax, DWORD PTR [eax+edx*4]
mov eax, DWORD PTR [ecx+eax*4]
pop ebp
ret 0

push ebp
mov ebp, esp
mov ecx, DWORD PTR [ecx+edx*4]
mov eax, DWORD PTR _c$[ebp]
mov eax, DWORD PTR [ecx+eax*4]
pop ebp
ret 0

The difference is mov (2d) vs. lea (1d). The former has a latency of 3 cycles and a a maximum throughput of 2 per cycle while the latter has a latency of 2 cycles and a maximum throughput of 3 per cycle. (According to Instruction tables - Agner Fog Since the differences are minor, I think there should not be a big performance difference arising from index recalculation. I expect it to be very unlikely to identify this difference itself to be the bottleneck in any program.

区别是mov (2d)和lea (1d)。前者有3个周期的潜伏期,而后者的最大吞吐量为2个周期,而后者的延迟为2个周期,最大吞吐量为3个周期。(根据指示表- Agner Fog由于差异较小,我认为不应该出现因指数重新计算而产生的巨大性能差异。我希望它不太可能识别出这种差异,从而成为任何程序的瓶颈。

This brings us to the next (and more interesting) point:


... but I could image that 1D could be in CPU cache ...


True, but 2d could be in CPU cache, too. See The Downsides: Memory locality for an explanation why 1d is still better.


The long answer, or why dynamic 2 dimensional data storage (pointer-to-pointer or vector-of-vector) is "bad" for simple / small matrices.

Note: This is about dynamic arrays/allocation schemes [malloc/new/vector etc.]. A static 2d array is a contiguous block of memory and therefore not subject to the downsides I'm going to present here.


The Problem

To be able to understand why a dynamic array of dynamic arrays or a vector of vectors is most likely not the data storage pattern of choice, you are required to understand the memory layout of such structures.


Example case using pointer to pointer syntax

int main (void)
    // allocate memory for 4x4 integers; quick & dirty
    int ** p = new int*[4];
    for (size_t i=0; i<4; ++i) p[i] = new int[4]; 

    // do some stuff here, using p[x][y] 

    // deallocate memory
    for (size_t i=0; i<4; ++i) delete[] p[i];
    delete[] p;

The downsides

Memory locality

For this “matrix” you allocate one block of four pointers and four blocks of four integers. All of the allocations are unrelated and can therefore result in an arbitrary memory position.


The following image will give you an idea of how the memory may look like.


For the real 2d case:


  • The violet square is the memory position occupied by p itself.
  • 紫色方块是p本身占用的内存位置。
  • The green squares assemble the memory region p points to (4 x int*).
  • 绿色方块将记忆区域p点集合到(4 x int*)。
  • The 4 regions of 4 contiguous blue squares are the ones pointed to by each int* of the green region
  • 4个相邻的蓝色方格的4个区域是绿色区域的每个int*所指向的区域。

For the 2d mapped on 1d case:


  • The green square is the only required pointer int *
  • 绿色方块是唯一需要的指针int *。
  • The blue squares ensemble the memory region for all matrix elements (16 x int).
  • 蓝色方块集成所有矩阵元素的内存区域(16 x int)。


This means that (when using the left layout) you will probably observe worse performance than for a contiguous storage pattern (as seen on the right), due to caching for instance.


Let's say a cache line is "the amount of data transfered into the cache at once" and let's imagine a program accessing the whole matrix one element after another.


If you have a properly aligned 4 times 4 matrix of 32 bit values, a processor with a 64 byte cache line (typical value) is able to "one-shot" the data (4*4*4 = 64 bytes). If you start processing and the data isn't already in the cache you'll face a cache miss and the data will be fetched from main memory. This load can fetch the whole matrix at once since it fits into a cache line, if and only if it is contiguously stored (and properly aligned). There will probably not be any more misses while processing that data.

如果您有一个正确对齐的4*4矩阵的32位值,一个带有64字节缓存线(典型值)的处理器能够“一次”数据(4*4*4 = 64字节)。如果您开始处理,数据还没有在缓存中,那么您将面对一个缓存缺失,数据将从主内存中获取。这个负载可以一次获取整个矩阵,因为它适合于缓存线,如果且仅当它是连续存储的(并且正确对齐)。在处理这些数据时,可能不会再有任何遗漏。

In case of a dynamic, "real two-dimensional" system with unrelated locations of each row/column, the processor needs to load every memory location seperately. Eventhough only 64 bytes are required, loading 4 cache lines for 4 unrelated memory positions would -in a worst case scenario- actually transfer 256 bytes and waste 75% throughput bandwidth. If you process the data using the 2d-scheme you'll again (if not already cached) face a cache miss on the first element. But now, only the first row/colum will be in the cache after the first load from main memory because all other rows are located somewhere else in memory and not adjacent to the first one. As soon as you reach a new row/column there will again be a cache miss and the next load from main memory is performed.


Long story short: The 2d pattern has a higher chance of cache misses with the 1d scheme offering better potential for performance due to locality of the data.


Frequent Allocation / Deallocation

  • As many as N + 1 (4 + 1 = 5) allocations (using either new, malloc, allocator::allocate or whatever) are necessary to create the desired NxM (4×4) matrix.
  • 多达N + 1(4 + 1 = 5)分配(使用新的、malloc、分配器::分配或其他)是创建所需的NxM(4 4)矩阵的必要条件。
  • The same number of proper, respective deallocation operations must be applied as well.
  • 同样数量的适当的,相应的deallocation操作也必须被应用。

Therefore, it is more costly to create/copy such matrices in contrast to a single allocation scheme.


This is getting even worse with a growing number of rows.


Memory consumption overhead

I'll asumme a size of 32 bits for int and 32 bits for pointers. (Note: System dependency.)


Let's remember: We want to store a 4×4 int matrix which means 64 bytes.


For a NxM matrix, stored with the presented pointer-to-pointer scheme we consume


  • N*M*sizeof(int) [the actual blue data] +
  • N*M*sizeof(int)[实际的蓝色数据]+。
  • N*sizeof(int*) [the green pointers] +
  • N*sizeof(int*)[绿色指针]+。
  • sizeof(int**) [the violet variable p] bytes.
  • sizeof(int**)[紫色变量p]字节。

That makes 4*4*4 + 4*4 + 4 = 84 bytes in case of the present example and it gets even worse when using std::vector<std::vector<int>>. It will require N * M * sizeof(int) + N * sizeof(vector<int>) + sizeof(vector<vector<int>>) bytes, that is 4*4*4 + 4*16 + 16 = 144 bytes in total, intead of 64 bytes for 4 x 4 int.

在本例中,4*4*4 + 4*4 + 4 = 84字节,使用std时更糟糕::vector <:vector> >。它需要N * M * sizeof(int) + N * sizeof(vector ) + sizeof(向量 >)字节,即4*4*4 + 4*16 + 16 = 144字节,64字节的整数为4 x 4 int。

In addition -depending on the used allocator- each single allocation may well (and most likely will) have another 16 bytes of memory overhead. (Some “Infobytes” which store the number of allocated bytes for the purpose of proper deallocation.)


This means the worst case is:


N*(16+M*sizeof(int)) + 16+N*sizeof(int*) + sizeof(int**)
= 4*(16+4*4) + 16+4*4 + 4 = 164 bytes ! _Overhead: 156%_

N *(16 + M * sizeof(int))+ 16 + N * sizeof(int *)+ sizeof(int * *)= 4 *(16 + 4 * 4)+ 16 + 4 * 4 + 4 = 164字节!_Overhead:156% _

The share of the overhead will reduce as the size of the matrix grows but will still be present.


Risk of memory leaks

The bunch of allocations requires an appropriate exception handling in order to avoid memory leaks if one of the allocations will fail! You’ll need to keep track of allocated memory blocks and you must not forget them when deallocating the memory.


If new runs of of memory and the next row cannot be allocated (especially likely when the matrix is very large), a std::bad_alloc is thrown by new.




In the above mentioned new/delete example, we'll face some more code if we want to avoid leaks in case of bad_alloc exceptions.


  // allocate memory for 4x4 integers; quick & dirty
  size_t const N = 4;
  // we don't need try for this allocation
  // if it fails there is no leak
  int ** p = new int*[N];
  size_t allocs(0U);
  { // try block doing further allocations
    for (size_t i=0; i<N; ++i) 
      p[i] = new int[4]; // allocate
      ++allocs; // advance counter if no exception occured
  catch (std::bad_alloc & be)
  { // if an exception occurs we need to free out memory
    for (size_t i=0; i<allocs; ++i) delete[] p[i]; // free all alloced p[i]s
    delete[] p; // free p
    throw; // rethrow bad_alloc
     do some stuff here, using p[x][y] 
  // deallocate memory accoding to the number of allocations
  for (size_t i=0; i<allocs; ++i) delete[] p[i];
  delete[] p;


There are cases where "real 2d" memory layouts fit and make sense (i.e. if the number of columns per row is not constant) but in the most simple and common 2D data storage cases they just bloat the complexity of your code and reduce the performance and memory efficiency of your program.

有“真正的2 d”的情况下内存布局符合和意义(即如果每行的列数不是常量)但在最简单和常见的2 d数据存储情况下他们只是膨胀您的代码的复杂性,降低程序的性能和内存效率。


You should use a contiguous block of memory and map your rows onto that block.


The "C++ way" of doing it is probably to write a class that manages your memory while considering important things like



To provide an idea of how such a class may look like, here's a simple example with some basic features:


  • 2d-size-constructible
  • 2 d-size-constructible
  • 2d-resizable
  • 2 d-resizable
  • operator(size_t, size_t) for 2d- row major element access
  • 操作符(size_t, size_t),用于2d行主要元素访问。
  • at(size_t, size_t) for checked 2d-row major element access
  • 在(size_t, size_t)中检查第2行主要元素访问。
  • Fulfills Concept requirements for Container
  • 满足容器的概念要求。



#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <utility>

namespace matrices

  template<class T>
  class simple
    // misc types
    using data_type  = std::vector<T>;
    using value_type = typename std::vector<T>::value_type;
    using size_type  = typename std::vector<T>::size_type;
    // ref
    using reference       = typename std::vector<T>::reference;
    using const_reference = typename std::vector<T>::const_reference;
    // iter
    using iterator       = typename std::vector<T>::iterator;
    using const_iterator = typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator;
    // reverse iter
    using reverse_iterator       = typename std::vector<T>::reverse_iterator;
    using const_reverse_iterator = typename std::vector<T>::const_reverse_iterator;

    // empty construction
    simple() = default;

    // default-insert rows*cols values
    simple(size_type rows, size_type cols)
      : m_rows(rows), m_cols(cols), m_data(rows*cols)

    // copy initialized matrix rows*cols
    simple(size_type rows, size_type cols, const_reference val)
      : m_rows(rows), m_cols(cols), m_data(rows*cols, val)

    // 1d-iterators

    iterator begin() { return m_data.begin(); }
    iterator end() { return m_data.end(); }
    const_iterator begin() const { return m_data.begin(); }
    const_iterator end() const { return m_data.end(); }
    const_iterator cbegin() const { return m_data.cbegin(); }
    const_iterator cend() const { return m_data.cend(); }
    reverse_iterator rbegin() { return m_data.rbegin(); }
    reverse_iterator rend() { return m_data.rend(); }
    const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const { return m_data.rbegin(); }
    const_reverse_iterator rend() const { return m_data.rend(); }
    const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const { return m_data.crbegin(); }
    const_reverse_iterator crend() const { return m_data.crend(); }

    // element access (row major indexation)
    reference operator() (size_type const row,
      size_type const column)
      return m_data[m_cols*row + column];
    const_reference operator() (size_type const row,
      size_type const column) const
      return m_data[m_cols*row + column];
    reference at() (size_type const row, size_type const column)
      return m_data.at(m_cols*row + column);
    const_reference at() (size_type const row, size_type const column) const
      return m_data.at(m_cols*row + column);

    // resizing
    void resize(size_type new_rows, size_type new_cols)
      // new matrix new_rows times new_cols
      simple tmp(new_rows, new_cols);
      // select smaller row and col size
      auto mc = std::min(m_cols, new_cols);
      auto mr = std::min(m_rows, new_rows);
      for (size_type i(0U); i < mr; ++i)
        // iterators to begin of rows
        auto row = begin() + i*m_cols;
        auto tmp_row = tmp.begin() + i*new_cols;
        // move mc elements to tmp
        std::move(row, row + mc, tmp_row);
      // move assignment to this
      *this = std::move(tmp);

    // size and capacity
    size_type size() const { return m_data.size(); }
    size_type max_size() const { return m_data.max_size(); }
    bool empty() const { return m_data.empty(); }
    // dimensionality
    size_type rows() const { return m_rows; }
    size_type cols() const { return m_cols; }
    // data swapping
    void swap(simple &rhs)
      using std::swap;
      swap(m_rows, rhs.m_rows);
      swap(m_cols, rhs.m_cols);
    // content
    size_type m_rows{ 0u };
    size_type m_cols{ 0u };
    data_type m_data{};
  template<class T>
  void swap(simple<T> & lhs, simple<T> & rhs)
  template<class T>
  bool operator== (simple<T> const &a, simple<T> const &b)
    if (a.rows() != b.rows() || a.cols() != b.cols())
      return false;
    return std::equal(a.begin(), a.end(), b.begin(), b.end());
  template<class T>
  bool operator!= (simple<T> const &a, simple<T> const &b)
    return !(a == b);


Note several things here:


  • T needs to fulfill the requirements of the used std::vector member functions
  • T需要满足使用的std::向量成员函数的要求。
  • operator() doesn't do any "of of range" checks
  • 操作符()不会执行任何“范围”检查。
  • No need to manage data on your own
  • 无需自己管理数据。
  • No destructor, copy constructor or assignment operators required
  • 不需要析构函数、复制构造函数或赋值操作符。

So you don't have to bother about proper memory handling for each application but only once for the class you write.



There may be cases where a dynamic "real" two dimensional structure is favourable. This is for instance the case if


  • the matrix is very large and sparse (if any of the rows do not even need to be allocated but can be handled using a nullptr) or if
  • 该矩阵非常大且非常稀疏(如果有任何行甚至不需要分配,但可以使用nullptr来处理)或if。
  • the rows do not have the same number of columns (that is if you don't have a matrix at all but another two-dimensional construct).
  • 行没有相同数量的列(如果您没有一个矩阵,而是另一个二维构造)。



Unless you are talking about static arrays, 1D is faster.


Here’s the memory layout of a 1D array (std::vector<T>):

这是一维数组的内存布局(std::vector ):

|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |

And here’s the same for a dynamic 2D array (std::vector<std::vector<T>>):

对于一个动态2D数组(std::vector <:vector> >):

| * | * | * |
  |   |   V
  |   | +---+---+---+
  |   | |   |   |   |
  |   | +---+---+---+
  |   V
  | +---+---+---+
  | |   |   |   |
  | +---+---+---+
|   |   |   |

Clearly the 2D case loses the cache locality and uses more memory. It also introduces an extra indirection (and thus an extra pointer to follow) but the first array has the overhead of calculating the indices so these even out more or less.




1D and 2D Static Arrays

  • Size: Both will require the same amount of memory.


  • Speed: You can assume that there will be no speed difference because the memory for both of these arrays should be contiguous (The whole 2D array should appear as one chunk in memory rather than a bunch of chunks spread across memory). (This could be compiler dependent however.)


1D and 2D Dynamic Arrays

  • Size: The 2D array will require a tiny bit more memory than the 1D array because of the pointers needed in the 2D array to point to the set of allocated 1D arrays. (This tiny bit is only tiny when we're talking about really big arrays. For small arrays, the tiny bit could be pretty big relatively speaking.)


  • Speed: The 1D array may be faster than the 2D array because the memory for the 2D array would not be contiguous, so cache misses would become a problem.


Use what works and seems most logical, and if you face speed problems, then refactor.




Another difference of 1D and 2D arrays appears in memory allocation. We cannot be sure that members of 2D array be sequental.




The existing answers all only compare 1-D arrays against arrays of pointers.


In C (but not C++) there is a third option; you can have a contiguous 2-D array that is dynamically allocated and has runtime dimensions:


int (*p)[num_columns] = malloc(num_rows * sizeof *p);

and this is accessed like p[row_index][col_index].


I would expect this to have very similar performance to the 1-D array case, but it gives you nicer syntax for accessing the cells.


In C++ you can achieve something similar by defining a class which maintains a 1-D array internally, but can expose it via 2-D array access syntax using overloaded operators. Again I would expect that to have similar or identical performance to the plain 1-D array.




It really depends on how your 2D array is implemented.


int a[200], b[10][20], *c[10], *d[10];
for (ii = 0; ii < 10; ++ii)
   c[ii] = &b[ii][0];
   d[ii] = (int*) malloc(20 * sizeof(int));    // The cast for C++ only.

There are 3 implementations here: b, c and d There won't be a lot of difference accessing b[x][y] or a[x*20 + y] since one is you doing the computation and the other is the compiler doing it for you. c[x][y] and d[x][y] are slower because the machine has to find the address that c[x] points to and then access the yth element from there. It is not one straight computation. On some machines (eg AS400 which has 36 byte (not bit) pointers), pointer access is extremely slow. It is all dependent upon the architecture in use. On x86 type architectures, a and b are the same speed, c and d are slower than b.

这里有3个实现:b、c和d,访问b[x][y]或a[x*20 + y]不会有太大的差别,因为一个是你在做计算,另一个是编译器为你做的。c[x][y]和d[x][y]较慢,因为机器必须找到c[x]指向的地址,然后从那里访问yth元素。这不是一个简单的计算。在某些机器上(如AS400有36个字节(而不是位)指针),指针访问非常慢。它完全依赖于使用的体系结构。在x86类型的架构上,a和b是相同的速度,c和d比b慢。



I love the thorough answer provided by Pixelchemist. A simpler version of this solution may be as follows. First, declare the dimensions:


constexpr int M = 16; // rows
constexpr int N = 16; // columns
constexpr int P = 16; // planes

Next, create an alias and, get and set methods:


template<typename T>
using Vector = std::vector<T>;

template<typename T>
inline T& set_elem(vector<T>& m_, size_t i_, size_t j_, size_t k_)
    // check indexes here...
    return m_[i_*N*P + j_*P + k_];

template<typename T>
inline const T& get_elem(const vector<T>& m_, size_t i_, size_t j_, size_t k_)
    // check indexes here...
    return m_[i_*N*P + j_*P + k_];

Finally, a vector may be created and indexed as follows:


Vector array3d(M*N*P, 0);            // create 3-d array containing M*N*P zero ints
set_elem(array3d, 0, 0, 1) = 5;      // array3d[0][0][1] = 5
auto n = get_elem(array3d, 0, 0, 1); // n = 5

Defining the vector size at initialization provides optimal performance. This solution is modified from this answer. The functions may be overloaded to support varying dimensions with a single vector. The downside of this solution is that the M, N, P parameters are implicitly passed to the get and set functions. This can be resolved by implementing the solution within a class, as done by Pixelchemist.
