
时间:2021-02-17 21:38:07

I have an array with 100,000 users personal info in (ID, name, email etc). I need to loop through each row of the array and insert a mysql record to a table based on the row data. My problem is that I am running out of memory after about 70,000 rows.


My code:


    $c = 0;
        foreach($users as $user){

            $message = // Some code to create custom email
            queue_mail_to_send($user->user_email, $subject, $message, $db_options, $mail_options, $mail_queue);



I am building an email system which sends out an email to the users of my site. The code above is looping through the array of users and executing the function 'queue_mail_to_send' which inserts a mysql row into a email queue table. (I am using a PEAR library to stagger the email sending)




I know that I am simply exhausting the memory here by trying to do too much in one execution. So does anybody know a better approach to this rather than trying to execute everything in one big loop?




5 个解决方案



I think reducing the payload of the script will be cumbersome and will not give you a satisfying result. If you have any possibility to do so, I would advise you to log which rows you have processed already, and have a script run the next x rows. If you can use a cronjob, you can stage a mail, and let the cronjob add mails to the queue every 5 minutes, until all users are processed.


The easiest way would be to store somewhere, the highest user id you have processed. I would not advise you to store the number of users, because in between batches a user can be added or removed, resulting in users not receiving the e-mail. But if you order by user id (assuming you use an auto-incrementing column for the id!), you can be sure every user gets processed.


So your user query would be something like:


SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id > [highest_processed_user_id] ORDER BY user_id LIMIT 1000

Then process your loop, and store the last user id:


if(!empty($users)) {
    $last_processed_id = null;
    foreach($users as $user) {
        $message = // Message creation magic
        queue_mail_to_send( /** parameters **/ );
        $last_processed_id = $user->id;

    // batch done! store processed user id
    $query = 'UPDATE mail_table SET last_processed_user_id = '. $last_processed_id; // please use parameterized statements here
    // execute the query

And on the next execution, do it again until all users have received the mail.




I have exactly same problem with you. Anyway the answer from @giorgio is the best solutions.


But like java or python, we have "yield" in php. @see [here] (http://php.net/manual/en/language.generators.syntax.php)


Here is my sample code, my case is 50.000 records. and I also test successfully with 370.000 records. But it takes times.


$items = CustomerService::findAll();
        foreach ($items AS $item)
            yield (new self())->loadFromResource($item);



You may split that operation in multiple operations, seperated in time. For instance, only allow your routine to process 40 emails per minute, or maybe use an array of an array, to create "pages" of records (use sql LIMIT function). And set the arrays of array to null and unset it, when you no longer need that information.

您可以在多个操作中分割该操作,并及时分离。例如,只允许您的例程每分钟处理40封电子邮件,或者使用数组来创建记录的“页面”(使用sql LIMIT函数)。并将数组设置为null并在不再需要该信息时取消它。



I think you can use MySQL IN clause rather then doing foreach for every user.


Like user_ids = array (1,2,3,4); // Do something WHERE user_id IN ($user_ids);

比如user_ids =数组(1,2,3,4);//做一些user_id ($user_ids);

and of sending mails you can user PHPMailer class by supplying comma separated email addresses in $to.




USE just one query like:


INSERT INTO table_name (COL1, Col2,...) SELECT COL1, COL2 FROM other_table;



I think reducing the payload of the script will be cumbersome and will not give you a satisfying result. If you have any possibility to do so, I would advise you to log which rows you have processed already, and have a script run the next x rows. If you can use a cronjob, you can stage a mail, and let the cronjob add mails to the queue every 5 minutes, until all users are processed.


The easiest way would be to store somewhere, the highest user id you have processed. I would not advise you to store the number of users, because in between batches a user can be added or removed, resulting in users not receiving the e-mail. But if you order by user id (assuming you use an auto-incrementing column for the id!), you can be sure every user gets processed.


So your user query would be something like:


SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id > [highest_processed_user_id] ORDER BY user_id LIMIT 1000

Then process your loop, and store the last user id:


if(!empty($users)) {
    $last_processed_id = null;
    foreach($users as $user) {
        $message = // Message creation magic
        queue_mail_to_send( /** parameters **/ );
        $last_processed_id = $user->id;

    // batch done! store processed user id
    $query = 'UPDATE mail_table SET last_processed_user_id = '. $last_processed_id; // please use parameterized statements here
    // execute the query

And on the next execution, do it again until all users have received the mail.




I have exactly same problem with you. Anyway the answer from @giorgio is the best solutions.


But like java or python, we have "yield" in php. @see [here] (http://php.net/manual/en/language.generators.syntax.php)


Here is my sample code, my case is 50.000 records. and I also test successfully with 370.000 records. But it takes times.


$items = CustomerService::findAll();
        foreach ($items AS $item)
            yield (new self())->loadFromResource($item);



You may split that operation in multiple operations, seperated in time. For instance, only allow your routine to process 40 emails per minute, or maybe use an array of an array, to create "pages" of records (use sql LIMIT function). And set the arrays of array to null and unset it, when you no longer need that information.

您可以在多个操作中分割该操作,并及时分离。例如,只允许您的例程每分钟处理40封电子邮件,或者使用数组来创建记录的“页面”(使用sql LIMIT函数)。并将数组设置为null并在不再需要该信息时取消它。



I think you can use MySQL IN clause rather then doing foreach for every user.


Like user_ids = array (1,2,3,4); // Do something WHERE user_id IN ($user_ids);

比如user_ids =数组(1,2,3,4);//做一些user_id ($user_ids);

and of sending mails you can user PHPMailer class by supplying comma separated email addresses in $to.




USE just one query like:


INSERT INTO table_name (COL1, Col2,...) SELECT COL1, COL2 FROM other_table;