I've been battling with speed issues in Swift, mainly with arrays. Currently running with latest 'beta 4' release. I've broken the code out into playground to try and show the issues
我一直在用Swift处理速度问题,主要是用数组。目前正在运行最新的beta 4版本。我已经把代码分解到操场上,试着展示这些问题
I setup an 2D array, the iterate over it, set each element.
import UIKit
func getCurrentMillitime() -> NSTimeInterval {
let date: NSDate = NSDate()
return date.timeIntervalSince1970*1000;
let startTime = getCurrentMillitime()
let X = 40
let Y = 50
var distanceGrid = [[CGFloat]](count: X, repeatedValue:[CGFloat](count: Y,repeatedValue:CGFloat(0.0)))
for xi in 0..<X {
for yi in 0..<Y {
distanceGrid[xi][yi] = 1.1
//println("x:\(xi) y:\(yi) d:\(distanceGrid[xi][yi])")
let endTime = getCurrentMillitime()
let computationTime = endTime - startTime
println("Time to compute \(computationTime) ms")
Run the above code and you'll get :
Time to compute 2370.203125 ms
Which sure can't be right !.. Am I being a numpty ?
4 个解决方案
It's obvious that the Swift beta is struggling with arrays. Even with a one-dimensional array, compared to objective-c the difference is huge.
显然,Swift beta版正在与数组做斗争。即使是使用一维数组,与objective-c相比,差异也是巨大的。
I've mixed a objC class into a swift program and had both languages create and alter an array of 1,000,000 elements. This is what I got on some MacBook:
Elapsed time by Swift method: 2.7078 sec Elapsed time by objective-c method: 0.033815 seconds
Code: ( var nrOfElements = 1000000 )
代码:(var nrOfElements = 1000000)
// Swift
let startTime = NSDate();
var stringList = Array<String>(count: nrOfElements, repeatedValue:String())
for i in 0..<nrOfElements {
stringList[i] = "Some string";
let endTime = NSDate();
println("Elapsed time by Swift method: " +
NSString(format:"%.4f", endTime.timeIntervalSinceDate(startTime)) + " sec");
// Objective-c
NSDate *startTime = [NSDate date];
NSMutableArray *stringList = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:10];
for (int i = 0; i < nrOfElements; i++) {
[stringList addObject:@"Some string"];
NSDate *endTime = [NSDate date];
printf("%s\n", [[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Elapsed time by objective-c method: %f seconds", [endTime timeIntervalSinceDate:startTime]] UTF8String]);
- I found no difference between Beta-3 and Beta-4, so improving array-handling isn't high on the priority list.
- 我发现-3和-4之间没有区别,所以改进阵列处理并不是首要任务。
- Processing increasingly larger arrays, give proportional higher process times.
- 处理越来越大的阵列,给予比例较高的处理时间。
- Handling multi-dimensional arrays is even more costly when increasing the number of higher dimension elements
- 当增加高维元素的数量时,处理多维数组的成本甚至更高
- Pre-creation of the array in Swift is indeed faster than 'append'
- 在Swift中预先创建数组的速度确实比“追加”快
Let's hope that things adequately will be repaired in the final version.
Two things to consider about Swift performance:
It's very much up in the air during the beta.
Many of Swift's performance tricks depend on the optimizer. Especially when generics are involved (every array is a generic
), Swift uses a more expressive / debugger-friendly implementation at-O0
, but optimizes it away to a higher-performance implementation at-O
. (Note that-Ofast
also takes away bounds checks and other safety features, so it's not a great idea for production builds.)Swift的许多性能技巧都依赖于优化器。特别是当涉及到泛型时(每个数组都是泛型数组
), Swift在-O0处使用了一种更易于表达/调试器的实现,但将其优化为-O或-Ofast处的高性能实现。(注意-Ofast还去掉了边界检查和其他安全特性,因此这对生产构建不是一个好主意。)
Also, note your current example is measuring both the time to create a 2D array with init(count:repeatedValue:
and the time to iterate it. If you're out to measure only the latter, you should set your startTime
after creating the arrays.
In the language guide under "subscripts", you'll find a 2D (struct) implementation of a 2D array. But it is rather slow in assigning values if you go above a 1000 elements.
在“下标”下的语言指南中,您将找到二维数组的2D (struct)实现。但是如果超过1000个元素,分配值就会比较慢。
Creating a local 2D array and setting it into the struct for easy acces is much faster.
It's also faster to create an array with repeated values and overwrite them than to append values to an array.
For about 100k values it takes ~9seconds with the struct, 1.5 seconds with the append and 0.6 seconds with overwriting repeated values.
I kinda like the struct idea, but it is so slow. I sure hope it's a beta issue.
I agree with you that even a beta version cannot behave like software of the eighties on hardware of the seventies. So I did some more digging into the Swift array-handling capabilities and I stumbled upon astonishing results. We learned already that the Swift array performance is poor when compared to objective-c or other languages as c++, c#, java, etc.
In my previous tests I measured the time to create and fill a local scope array of one million elements. As we saw, objective-c did this about 80 times faster. Worse it gets when we compare arrays declared in global class scope. Then objC appears to be about 500 times faster!
But hey, when we finally have filled up this global declared array with useful data, we can smoothly work with it right? Wrong!
I’ve printed 10 elements of the large array and the nightmare deepened. The 10 elements of a local scope array took 0,0004 seconds, as may be expected. But printing the same elements of our global declared array took… 1 minute and 11 seconds. This seems too bad to be true and I’m sure the Swift developers are on it as we speak.
It's obvious that the Swift beta is struggling with arrays. Even with a one-dimensional array, compared to objective-c the difference is huge.
显然,Swift beta版正在与数组做斗争。即使是使用一维数组,与objective-c相比,差异也是巨大的。
I've mixed a objC class into a swift program and had both languages create and alter an array of 1,000,000 elements. This is what I got on some MacBook:
Elapsed time by Swift method: 2.7078 sec Elapsed time by objective-c method: 0.033815 seconds
Code: ( var nrOfElements = 1000000 )
代码:(var nrOfElements = 1000000)
// Swift
let startTime = NSDate();
var stringList = Array<String>(count: nrOfElements, repeatedValue:String())
for i in 0..<nrOfElements {
stringList[i] = "Some string";
let endTime = NSDate();
println("Elapsed time by Swift method: " +
NSString(format:"%.4f", endTime.timeIntervalSinceDate(startTime)) + " sec");
// Objective-c
NSDate *startTime = [NSDate date];
NSMutableArray *stringList = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:10];
for (int i = 0; i < nrOfElements; i++) {
[stringList addObject:@"Some string"];
NSDate *endTime = [NSDate date];
printf("%s\n", [[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Elapsed time by objective-c method: %f seconds", [endTime timeIntervalSinceDate:startTime]] UTF8String]);
- I found no difference between Beta-3 and Beta-4, so improving array-handling isn't high on the priority list.
- 我发现-3和-4之间没有区别,所以改进阵列处理并不是首要任务。
- Processing increasingly larger arrays, give proportional higher process times.
- 处理越来越大的阵列,给予比例较高的处理时间。
- Handling multi-dimensional arrays is even more costly when increasing the number of higher dimension elements
- 当增加高维元素的数量时,处理多维数组的成本甚至更高
- Pre-creation of the array in Swift is indeed faster than 'append'
- 在Swift中预先创建数组的速度确实比“追加”快
Let's hope that things adequately will be repaired in the final version.
Two things to consider about Swift performance:
It's very much up in the air during the beta.
Many of Swift's performance tricks depend on the optimizer. Especially when generics are involved (every array is a generic
), Swift uses a more expressive / debugger-friendly implementation at-O0
, but optimizes it away to a higher-performance implementation at-O
. (Note that-Ofast
also takes away bounds checks and other safety features, so it's not a great idea for production builds.)Swift的许多性能技巧都依赖于优化器。特别是当涉及到泛型时(每个数组都是泛型数组
), Swift在-O0处使用了一种更易于表达/调试器的实现,但将其优化为-O或-Ofast处的高性能实现。(注意-Ofast还去掉了边界检查和其他安全特性,因此这对生产构建不是一个好主意。)
Also, note your current example is measuring both the time to create a 2D array with init(count:repeatedValue:
and the time to iterate it. If you're out to measure only the latter, you should set your startTime
after creating the arrays.
In the language guide under "subscripts", you'll find a 2D (struct) implementation of a 2D array. But it is rather slow in assigning values if you go above a 1000 elements.
在“下标”下的语言指南中,您将找到二维数组的2D (struct)实现。但是如果超过1000个元素,分配值就会比较慢。
Creating a local 2D array and setting it into the struct for easy acces is much faster.
It's also faster to create an array with repeated values and overwrite them than to append values to an array.
For about 100k values it takes ~9seconds with the struct, 1.5 seconds with the append and 0.6 seconds with overwriting repeated values.
I kinda like the struct idea, but it is so slow. I sure hope it's a beta issue.
I agree with you that even a beta version cannot behave like software of the eighties on hardware of the seventies. So I did some more digging into the Swift array-handling capabilities and I stumbled upon astonishing results. We learned already that the Swift array performance is poor when compared to objective-c or other languages as c++, c#, java, etc.
In my previous tests I measured the time to create and fill a local scope array of one million elements. As we saw, objective-c did this about 80 times faster. Worse it gets when we compare arrays declared in global class scope. Then objC appears to be about 500 times faster!
But hey, when we finally have filled up this global declared array with useful data, we can smoothly work with it right? Wrong!
I’ve printed 10 elements of the large array and the nightmare deepened. The 10 elements of a local scope array took 0,0004 seconds, as may be expected. But printing the same elements of our global declared array took… 1 minute and 11 seconds. This seems too bad to be true and I’m sure the Swift developers are on it as we speak.