Obj C - 使用'For'创建唯一属性列表键

时间:2021-09-10 21:32:22
for (int x = 0; x < openSlots; x++) {
    NSNumber* slotValueSave = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithInt:[[slotValues objectAtIndex:x] intValue]];
    NSLog(@"Saving slot %@.", (x+1));
    [valueSavesDictionary setObject:slotValueSave forKey:@"Slot Value %i", (x+1)];

Hello, I'm trying to saving up to 9 string and corresponding numbers to a property list key. I don't want to write out every key @"Slot Value 1", @"Slot Value 2", etc.

您好,我正在尝试将最多9个字符串和相应的数字保存到属性列表键。我不想写出每个键@“Slot Value 1”,@“Slot Value 2”等。

So I was wondering how I could have the 'for' statement insert the 'x' integer after every title to be saved under that key.


Thank you.

1 个解决方案



Use +stringWithFormat::

[valueSavesDictionary setObject:slotValueSave forKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Slot Value %i", (x+1)]];



Use +stringWithFormat::

[valueSavesDictionary setObject:slotValueSave forKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Slot Value %i", (x+1)]];