This question already has an answer here:
- How to prevent duplicate values in enum? 3 answers
- 如何在枚举中防止重复值?3答案
- Non-unique enum values 6 answers
- 非唯一枚举值6个答案
I just noticed that you can create something like this in C#:
enum TestEnum
First = 1,
Second = 1,
Third = 2
public void Test()
TestEnum test = TestEnum.First;
var en = (TestEnum) 1;//And en is now set to First
We would like the enums value to be unique. Right now, I have written a unit test that checks that each value is only used once in our enum. Is there a better way to force the uniqueness?
1 个解决方案
Well enums are used to give meaning to integers. When you say Second = 1 that doesn't make sense but think of an example like that one:
恩,恩,恩,是用来赋予整数意义的。当你说第二个= 1时,这是没有意义的,但想想一个例子:
enum HumanEnum
Man = 1,
Woman = 0,
Lady = 0,
Boy = 1,
Girl = 0
Let's say 0 and 1 represents the gender, in this way Man and Boy has the same gender value.
Well enums are used to give meaning to integers. When you say Second = 1 that doesn't make sense but think of an example like that one:
恩,恩,恩,是用来赋予整数意义的。当你说第二个= 1时,这是没有意义的,但想想一个例子:
enum HumanEnum
Man = 1,
Woman = 0,
Lady = 0,
Boy = 1,
Girl = 0
Let's say 0 and 1 represents the gender, in this way Man and Boy has the same gender value.