
时间:2022-08-26 21:35:04

I use codeigniter for a webapp, i can get the data from my db into a array


i have this multidimensional array


    [0] => Array
            [0] => Comerciales
            [1] => Array
                [0] => Terreno
                [1] => Galera
                [2] => Oficinas
                [3] => Locales
                [4] => Playas e Islas
                [5] => Edificios
                [6] => Hoteles
                [7] => Propiedades de Inversión / Desarrollo


[1] => Array
        [0] => Residenciales
        [1] => Array
                [0] => Array
                        [0] => Ciudad
                        [1] => Array
                                [0] => Terreno
                                [1] => Casa
                                [2] => Apartamento


                [1] => Array
                        [0] => Montaña
                        [1] => Array
                                [0] => Terreno
                                [1] => Casa
                                [2] => Apartamento





I need to pass to a select2 data but de data i need is sonething like thad, i prove sone loop in php but i cant make it work. Please sorry for my english.


var theData = [{
"id": "CEN",
"level": "C",
"dataid": "EN",
"text": "England",
"children": [{
    "id": "RDEF",
    "level": "R",
    "dataid": "DEF",
    "text": "Default Region",
    "children": [{
        "id": "D100",
        "level": "D",
        "dataid": "100",
        "text": "Depot 100"
    }, {
        "id": "D125",
        "level": "D",
        "dataid": "125",
        "text": "Depot 125"
}, {
    "id": "RNORTH",
    "level": "R",
    "dataid": "NORTH",
    "text": "North Region",
    "children": [{
        "id": "D999",
        "level": "D",
        "dataid": "999",
        "text": "Depot 999 - Head Office"
}, {
    "id": "RWEST",
    "level": "R",
    "dataid": "WEST",
    "text": "West Region",
    "children": [{
        "id": "D555",
        "level": "D",
        "dataid": "555",
        "text": "Depot 555"
}, {
"id": "CNL",
"level": "C",
"dataid": "NL",
"text": "Netherlands",
"children": [{
    "id": "RNORTH",
    "level": "R",
    "dataid": "NORTH",
    "text": "North Region",
    "children": [{
        "id": "DNL",
        "level": "D",
        "dataid": "NL",
        "text": "Dutch Depot"

1 个解决方案



this is what y do, i hope this help, if sone one can doit better please doit


 [<?php foreach ($categorias as $categoria){

foreach ($categoria as $key=>$parent) {
    if ($key==0) {  

"id": "<?php echo $parent['categoriaid']; ?>",
"level": "<?php echo $parent['parentid']; ?>",
"dataid": "<?php echo $key; ?>",
"text": "<?php echo $parent['nombre']; ?>"
        <?php }else {?>
,"children": [<?php 
 //necesario para colocar algo al final de cada registro y algo diferente en el ultimo
 $gdjci = array_keys($parent);
 $last_row = end($gdjci);
foreach ($parent as $key=>$children) {              
                  if (array_key_exists('nombre', $children)) {?>
    "id": "<?php echo $children['categoriaid']; ?>",
    "level": "<?php echo $children['parentid']; ?>",
    "dataid": "<?php echo $key; ?>",
    "text": "<?php echo $children['nombre']; ?>"}
                             if ($key == $last_row) {
        // last element
    echo "]},";
    } else {
        // not last element
    echo ",";

    } else {

    //necesario para colocar algo al final de cada registro y algo diferente en el ultimo
                                $gdjci = array_keys($children);
                            $last_row = end($gdjci);
         foreach ($children as $key=>$parent) {
                    if ($key==0) {
                    "id": "<?php echo $parent['categoriaid']; ?>",
                    "level": "<?php echo $parent['parentid']; ?>",
                    "dataid": "<?php echo $key; ?>",
                    "text": "<?php echo $parent['nombre']; ?>"
                                 if ($key == $last_row) {
                                            // last element
                                                echo "]";
                                        } else {
                                            // not last element
                                                echo ",";

                    }else {
        "children": [
                            //necesario para colocar algo al final de cada registro y algo diferente en el ultimo
                            $gdjci = array_keys($parent);
                            $last_row = end($gdjci);

                            foreach ($parent as $key=>$children) {

                                  if (array_key_exists('nombre', $children)) {

                                    "id": "<?php echo $children['categoriaid']; ?>",
                                    "level": "<?php echo $children['parentid']; ?>",
                                    "dataid": "<?php echo $key; ?>",
                                    "text": "<?php echo $children['nombre']; ?>"}
                                     if ($key == $last_row) {
                                            // last element
                                                echo "]},";
                                        } else {
                                            // not last element
                                                echo ",";
                                    } else {









echo ']'; 
echo '}]'; 



this is what y do, i hope this help, if sone one can doit better please doit


 [<?php foreach ($categorias as $categoria){

foreach ($categoria as $key=>$parent) {
    if ($key==0) {  

"id": "<?php echo $parent['categoriaid']; ?>",
"level": "<?php echo $parent['parentid']; ?>",
"dataid": "<?php echo $key; ?>",
"text": "<?php echo $parent['nombre']; ?>"
        <?php }else {?>
,"children": [<?php 
 //necesario para colocar algo al final de cada registro y algo diferente en el ultimo
 $gdjci = array_keys($parent);
 $last_row = end($gdjci);
foreach ($parent as $key=>$children) {              
                  if (array_key_exists('nombre', $children)) {?>
    "id": "<?php echo $children['categoriaid']; ?>",
    "level": "<?php echo $children['parentid']; ?>",
    "dataid": "<?php echo $key; ?>",
    "text": "<?php echo $children['nombre']; ?>"}
                             if ($key == $last_row) {
        // last element
    echo "]},";
    } else {
        // not last element
    echo ",";

    } else {

    //necesario para colocar algo al final de cada registro y algo diferente en el ultimo
                                $gdjci = array_keys($children);
                            $last_row = end($gdjci);
         foreach ($children as $key=>$parent) {
                    if ($key==0) {
                    "id": "<?php echo $parent['categoriaid']; ?>",
                    "level": "<?php echo $parent['parentid']; ?>",
                    "dataid": "<?php echo $key; ?>",
                    "text": "<?php echo $parent['nombre']; ?>"
                                 if ($key == $last_row) {
                                            // last element
                                                echo "]";
                                        } else {
                                            // not last element
                                                echo ",";

                    }else {
        "children": [
                            //necesario para colocar algo al final de cada registro y algo diferente en el ultimo
                            $gdjci = array_keys($parent);
                            $last_row = end($gdjci);

                            foreach ($parent as $key=>$children) {

                                  if (array_key_exists('nombre', $children)) {

                                    "id": "<?php echo $children['categoriaid']; ?>",
                                    "level": "<?php echo $children['parentid']; ?>",
                                    "dataid": "<?php echo $key; ?>",
                                    "text": "<?php echo $children['nombre']; ?>"}
                                     if ($key == $last_row) {
                                            // last element
                                                echo "]},";
                                        } else {
                                            // not last element
                                                echo ",";
                                    } else {









echo ']'; 
echo '}]';