
时间:2021-04-08 21:35:19

I have a string that should be executed as an array:


var q = "The, 1, 2, Fox, Jumped, 3, Over, 4";
var z = q.split(',');

If I use split(), it will create an array of strings:


[‘The’, '1', '2', ‘Fox’, ‘Jumped’, '3', ‘Over’, '4'] 

and I don’t need that. I need an array like:


[‘The’, 1, 2, ‘Fox’, ‘Jumped’, 3, ‘Over’, 4]

indicating which is a string and which is a number.


9 个解决方案



One option is using the Number constructor which returns a number or NaN:


var res = q.split(',').map(el => {
  let n = Number(el);
  return n === 0 ? n : n || el;

// > "The, 1, 2, Fox, Jumped, 3.33, Over, -0"
// < ["The", 1, 2, " Fox", " Jumped", 3.33, " Over", -0]

edit: If the above condition is confusing you can replace it with the following condition which was suggested by Bergi:


return isNaN(n) ? el : n;

In case that you want to trim the string elements you can also use the String.prototype.trim method:

如果您想要修剪字符串元素,您还可以使用string .prototype。调整方法:

return isNaN(n) ? el.trim() : n;



//from the linked SO answer
function isNumeric(n) { 
  return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);

var q = "The, 1, 2, Fox, Jumped, 3, Over, 4";
var z = q.trim().split(/\s*,\s*/).map(function(word) {
  return isNumeric(word) ? Number(word) : word;


How does this work?


It's important to note that you need a way of detecting what is and isn't a number. I suggest using the implementation shown here (the same one as my example) as it's robust and would not throw false positives or false negatives. A lot of the answers here will ignore some valid numbers (e.g., +3 or -3) or parse something invalid as a number (e.g., "").


Let's assume you have a function called isNumeric() that returns a boolean for whether an input is numeric or not. If need be, you might need to alter the implementation to suit your needs, e.g., if you only want to use whole number or only positive numbers.


Splitting into separate words

The string you have would need to be separated into separate chunks of words. This is done in the following fashion


var input = " The, 1, 2 , Fox  , Jumped  , 3, Over, 4     ";
input.trim() //make sure there are no beginning and ending spaces
    .split(/\s*,\s*/); //split on a comma surrounded by any amount of spaces. That removes spaces from start/end of each of the words
//["The", "1", "2", "Fox", "Jumped", "3", "Over", "4"]

Using .map

The map() method can be ran on an array to transform it into a new array. This us done by transforming each element using a callback function. The callback given simply checks if a word is actually a number - if so, it parses it as a number using Number for explicit type conversion. Note that you should NOT have new Number(word) as that creates a Number object, not the numeric primitive type.


It might be useful to note that implicit conversion could be done using the + operator. For example:


+"500" //500
+"hello" //NaN

To the in the beginning of my answer could use +word instead of Number(word) but just I find explicit conversion to be easier to understand.




var q = "The, 1, 2, Fox, Jumped, 3, Over, 4";
var z = q.split(',');

You could use Array.map, which returns a new array


var newAr = z.map(item => parseInt(item) ? parseInt(item) : item); 

Will output


["The", 1, 2, " Fox", " Jumped", 3, " Over", 4]

["The", 1,2, " Fox", " jump ", 3, " Over", 4]



This can be achieved by iterating over each of the array items (splitting via the , character) and using the map(predict) function. Each of the items can then be tested if they are parseable as an int.


var q = "The, 1, 2, Fox, Jumped, 3, Over, 4";
var z = q.split(',').map(i => !isNaN(parseInt(i)) ? parseInt(i) : i);

Golfed: :)


p=parseInt,q="The, 0 , 2, Fox, Jumped, 3, Over, 4",z=q.split(',').map(i=>!isNaN(p(i))?p(i):i);



I gonna be late but checked all the answers and none examined all the cases like: 1.3, 11 Balls.. etc. Also you did not trim the extra whitespaces for the words, and it should be included otherwise we can't get desired result as OP requested.


And parseFloat is much better because you don't lose decimals:


var q = "The, 1, 2 fd, Fox, 3.12, Jumped, -3, Over, 4";

var z = q.split(',').map(function(i){
    i = i.trim();
    var reg = /^-?\d+\.?\d*$/;

    if (reg.test(i))
        return parseFloat(i);
    return i;


Result would be:


["The", 1, "2 fd", "Fox", 3.12, "Jumped", -3, "Over", 4]

See the Fiddle




A way which takes advantage of +string conversion to number.


var q = "The, 1, 2, Fox, Jumped, 3, Over, 0";
var r = q.split`, `.map(x=>+x||x==0?+x:x);



  1. You can use Number function to convert a Stringified number to an actual number.
  2. 可以使用Number函数将字符串转换为实际数字。
  3. The Number function would return NaN, if it is not able to convert a string to a Number.
  4. 如果不能将字符串转换为数字,那么Number函数将返回NaN。

You can use these two facts to our advantage and write something like this


"The, 1, 2, Fox, Jumped, 3, Over, 4".split(/\s*,\s*/g).map(d => Number(d) || d);
// [ 'The', 1, 2, 'Fox', 'Jumped', 3, 'Over', 4 ]

Since, NaN is Falsy (Boolean(NaN) is false), if the Number is not able to convert a string to a number, the actual value will be returned as it is.

因为NaN是Falsy (Boolean(NaN)是false),如果这个数字不能将一个字符串转换为一个数字,那么实际的值将返回原样。



I tried loop with forEach and check is number or not by isNaN:return true if not number,return false if number push the new array ...

我试着用forEach循环并检查是否由isNaN:返回true如果不是number,返回false if number push the new array…

var q = "The, 1, 2, Fox, Jumped, 3, Over, 4";
var z = [];
       isNaN(v) ? z.push(v) : z.push(parseInt(v));



You can use for..of loop, .test() with /\d/ as parameter

你可以使用. .循环的。test()和/\d/作为参数

var res = []; for (p of q.split(",")) [...res] = [...res, /\d/.test(p) ? +p : p];



One option is using the Number constructor which returns a number or NaN:


var res = q.split(',').map(el => {
  let n = Number(el);
  return n === 0 ? n : n || el;

// > "The, 1, 2, Fox, Jumped, 3.33, Over, -0"
// < ["The", 1, 2, " Fox", " Jumped", 3.33, " Over", -0]

edit: If the above condition is confusing you can replace it with the following condition which was suggested by Bergi:


return isNaN(n) ? el : n;

In case that you want to trim the string elements you can also use the String.prototype.trim method:

如果您想要修剪字符串元素,您还可以使用string .prototype。调整方法:

return isNaN(n) ? el.trim() : n;



//from the linked SO answer
function isNumeric(n) { 
  return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);

var q = "The, 1, 2, Fox, Jumped, 3, Over, 4";
var z = q.trim().split(/\s*,\s*/).map(function(word) {
  return isNumeric(word) ? Number(word) : word;


How does this work?


It's important to note that you need a way of detecting what is and isn't a number. I suggest using the implementation shown here (the same one as my example) as it's robust and would not throw false positives or false negatives. A lot of the answers here will ignore some valid numbers (e.g., +3 or -3) or parse something invalid as a number (e.g., "").


Let's assume you have a function called isNumeric() that returns a boolean for whether an input is numeric or not. If need be, you might need to alter the implementation to suit your needs, e.g., if you only want to use whole number or only positive numbers.


Splitting into separate words

The string you have would need to be separated into separate chunks of words. This is done in the following fashion


var input = " The, 1, 2 , Fox  , Jumped  , 3, Over, 4     ";
input.trim() //make sure there are no beginning and ending spaces
    .split(/\s*,\s*/); //split on a comma surrounded by any amount of spaces. That removes spaces from start/end of each of the words
//["The", "1", "2", "Fox", "Jumped", "3", "Over", "4"]

Using .map

The map() method can be ran on an array to transform it into a new array. This us done by transforming each element using a callback function. The callback given simply checks if a word is actually a number - if so, it parses it as a number using Number for explicit type conversion. Note that you should NOT have new Number(word) as that creates a Number object, not the numeric primitive type.


It might be useful to note that implicit conversion could be done using the + operator. For example:


+"500" //500
+"hello" //NaN

To the in the beginning of my answer could use +word instead of Number(word) but just I find explicit conversion to be easier to understand.




var q = "The, 1, 2, Fox, Jumped, 3, Over, 4";
var z = q.split(',');

You could use Array.map, which returns a new array


var newAr = z.map(item => parseInt(item) ? parseInt(item) : item); 

Will output


["The", 1, 2, " Fox", " Jumped", 3, " Over", 4]

["The", 1,2, " Fox", " jump ", 3, " Over", 4]



This can be achieved by iterating over each of the array items (splitting via the , character) and using the map(predict) function. Each of the items can then be tested if they are parseable as an int.


var q = "The, 1, 2, Fox, Jumped, 3, Over, 4";
var z = q.split(',').map(i => !isNaN(parseInt(i)) ? parseInt(i) : i);

Golfed: :)


p=parseInt,q="The, 0 , 2, Fox, Jumped, 3, Over, 4",z=q.split(',').map(i=>!isNaN(p(i))?p(i):i);



I gonna be late but checked all the answers and none examined all the cases like: 1.3, 11 Balls.. etc. Also you did not trim the extra whitespaces for the words, and it should be included otherwise we can't get desired result as OP requested.


And parseFloat is much better because you don't lose decimals:


var q = "The, 1, 2 fd, Fox, 3.12, Jumped, -3, Over, 4";

var z = q.split(',').map(function(i){
    i = i.trim();
    var reg = /^-?\d+\.?\d*$/;

    if (reg.test(i))
        return parseFloat(i);
    return i;


Result would be:


["The", 1, "2 fd", "Fox", 3.12, "Jumped", -3, "Over", 4]

See the Fiddle




A way which takes advantage of +string conversion to number.


var q = "The, 1, 2, Fox, Jumped, 3, Over, 0";
var r = q.split`, `.map(x=>+x||x==0?+x:x);



  1. You can use Number function to convert a Stringified number to an actual number.
  2. 可以使用Number函数将字符串转换为实际数字。
  3. The Number function would return NaN, if it is not able to convert a string to a Number.
  4. 如果不能将字符串转换为数字,那么Number函数将返回NaN。

You can use these two facts to our advantage and write something like this


"The, 1, 2, Fox, Jumped, 3, Over, 4".split(/\s*,\s*/g).map(d => Number(d) || d);
// [ 'The', 1, 2, 'Fox', 'Jumped', 3, 'Over', 4 ]

Since, NaN is Falsy (Boolean(NaN) is false), if the Number is not able to convert a string to a number, the actual value will be returned as it is.

因为NaN是Falsy (Boolean(NaN)是false),如果这个数字不能将一个字符串转换为一个数字,那么实际的值将返回原样。



I tried loop with forEach and check is number or not by isNaN:return true if not number,return false if number push the new array ...

我试着用forEach循环并检查是否由isNaN:返回true如果不是number,返回false if number push the new array…

var q = "The, 1, 2, Fox, Jumped, 3, Over, 4";
var z = [];
       isNaN(v) ? z.push(v) : z.push(parseInt(v));



You can use for..of loop, .test() with /\d/ as parameter

你可以使用. .循环的。test()和/\d/作为参数

var res = []; for (p of q.split(",")) [...res] = [...res, /\d/.test(p) ? +p : p];