
时间:2021-11-03 21:32:20

I have a table with products A,B,C,D and each products has been tested 1 time, so the my table as product A run 1, B run 1, C run 1, D run 1, now product A needed a specific test run 1 more time and C run 3 more times so now my tables has A run 1, A run 2, B run 1, C run 1, C run 2, C run 3, C run 4, D run 1.


My attempts so far was separating information into groups then using join from left, right and inner but it keeps pulling the wrong rows of information or adds up the values. I also tried google in attempt to find the best way to tackle this because I'm going to be dealing with a lot of rows of data so I need it be effective and efficient but still no luck.


So my question is how do I get all the products to show up in a table with only the latest run when they are all currently in the same table ?


1 个解决方案



Normally a sample of what you have tried or your data structure would be helpful to providing you information, but I think this is what you are looking for. It looks like you were missing the group by.


Select product, Max(run) from table_name group by product



Normally a sample of what you have tried or your data structure would be helpful to providing you information, but I think this is what you are looking for. It looks like you were missing the group by.


Select product, Max(run) from table_name group by product