
时间:2021-06-25 21:33:28

I read a lot of stuff in here and tried many but i couldn't find a way to pass a multidimensional array to a function in C, change some of the values and somehow return the new array. It's important to find a way to pass that array further to another function and do the same thing.


I would like to find a way to pass the array to a function.Then pass it from the first function to a second one,do something there(maybe print,maybe change values),then use it again to the first function and finally use that array in main.


My last try is:


void func(int multarray[][columns]){

int main(){
    int rows;
    int columns;
    int multarray[rows][columns];
    return 0;

I also tried this:


void func(int multarray[rows][columns]){

int main(){
    int rows;
    int columns;
    int multarray[rows][columns];
    return 0;

I also tried this:


getid(int row, int x, int y) {
          return (row*x+y);

printMatrix(int*arr, int row, int col) {
     for(int x = 0; x < row ; x++) {
             for (int y = 0; y <col ; y++) {
                 printf("%d  ",arr[getid(row, x,y)]);


    int arr[2][2] = {11,12,21,22};
    int row = 2, col = 2;

    printMatrix((int*)arr, row, col);


from here


I also tried double pointers.I also read that there is a different approach if the compiler does not support VLAs. I am using gnu.


4 个解决方案



Not exactly sure, what the problem is but this works (and prints the value "9"):


#include <stdio.h>

#define ROWS 10
#define COLUMNS 10

void func2(int multarray[][COLUMNS]){

void func1(int multarray[][COLUMNS]){

int main(){

        int multarray[ROWS][COLUMNS];
        printf("%d\n", multarray[0][3]);
        printf("%d\n", multarray[1][4]);
        return 0;

Notice, that the array decays to a pointer when passed to a function.




Several things to remember:


  1. When you pass an array expression as an argument to a function, it will be converted from an expression of type "N-element array of T" to "pointer to T", and the value of the expression will be the address of the first element of the array. The called function receives a pointer value.


  2. The [] operator can be used with expressions of array or pointer type; IOW, given the declarations int a[10]; int *p = a;, then p[i] and a[i] refer to the same element.

    []运算符可以与数组或指针类型的表达式一起使用;IOW,给定在[10]中的声明;int *p = a;,然后p[i]和a[i]表示相同的元素。

  3. When declaring a function that accepts a VLA as a parameter, you must declare the parameters that specify dimension before you declare the array.


So, for a function that manipulates a 2D VLA, you'd write something like

对于一个操作2D VLA的函数,你可以写一些类似的东西。

void foo( size_t rows, size_t cols, int (*multiarray)[cols] ) // or multiarray[][cols]
   size_t i, j;

   for ( i = 0; i < rows; i++ )
     for ( j = 0; j < cols; j++ )
       multiarray[i][j] = some_value();

What's up with int (*multiarray)[cols]? Remember that in passing the array expression as an argument, the type of the array expression is converted from "N-element array of T" to "pointer to T". In this case, T is "cols-element array of int", so we're going from "rows-element array of cols-element aray of int" to "pointer to cols-element array of int". In the context of a function parameter declaration, T a[N], T a[], and T *a are all identical; in all three cases, a is declared as a pointer to T. So int (*multiarray)[cols] is equivalent to int multiarray[][cols], which is equivalent to int multiarray[rows][cols]. I prefer using the first form because it most accurately represents the situation.

int (*multiarray)[cols]怎么了?请记住,在传递数组表达式作为参数时,数组表达式的类型由“N-element数组of T”转换为“指向T的指针”。在这种情况下,T是“int的cols-element数组”,所以我们从“int的cols-element aray的row -element数组”到“int的cols-element数组指针”。在函数参数声明的上下文中,T a[N]、T a[]、T *a都是相同的;在这三种情况下,a被声明为指向T. So int (*multiarray)[cols]的指针,它等价于int multiarray[][cols],它相当于int multiarray[rows][cols]。我更喜欢用第一种形式,因为它最能准确地反映情况。

If you want to pass this array as an argument to another function, you'd use the same type:


void bar( size_t rows, size_t cols, int (*multiarray)[cols] )
   foo( rows, cols, multiarray );

int main( void )
  size_t rows = 0;
  size_t cols = 0;

  // you must assign values to rows and cols before declaring a VLA with them
  rows = ...;
  cols = ...;

  int arr[rows][cols];

  bar( rows, cols, arr );

Any changes to the array contents made in foo will be reflected in bar and main.


VLAs can be useful, but they have their limitations. They can't be declared static, nor can they be defined outside of a function. They cannot use {}-style initialization syntax. Also, VLA support is now optional as of the 2011 standard, so you can't rely on them being supported everywhere.


In the event you don't have VLAs available and your array size isn't known until runtime, you'll have to use dynamic memory allocation (malloc or calloc), and the types you pass to your functions will be different:


void foo( size_t rows, size_t cols, int **multiarray )
  size_t i, j;

  for ( i = 0; i < rows; i++ )
    for ( j = 0; j < cols; j++ )
      multiarray[i][j] = some_value();


void bar( size_t rows, size_t cols, int **multiarray )
  foo( rows, cols, multiarray );

int main( void )
  size_t rows; 
  size_t cols;
  int **multiarray = NULL;

  ... // get rows and cols

  // allocate memory for pointers to each row
  multiarray = malloc( sizeof *multiarray * rows );
  if ( multiarray )
    size_t i;
    // allocate each row
    for ( i = 0; i < rows; i++ )
      multiarray[i] = malloc( sizeof *multiarray[i] * cols );
      if ( !multiarray[i] )

    if ( i < rows )
      // malloc failed for one of the multiarray rows; we need to 
      // free whatever memory has already been allocated and exit
      while ( i-- )
        free( multiarray[i] );
      free( multiarray );

  bar ( rows, cols, multiarray );

  if ( multiarray )
    size_t i;

    for ( i = 0; i < rows; i++ )
      free( multiarray[i] );
    free( multiarray );

One drawback with this approach is that the allocated memory isn't guaranteed to be contiguous (i.e., rows won't be adjacent in memory). If that matters, you'll have to go with yet another approach. Instead of allocating rows and columns separately, you allocate everything in one single block, and manually map array indices:


void foo( size_t rows, size_t cols, int *fakemultiarray )
  size_t i, j;

  for ( i = 0; i < rows; i++ )
    for ( j = 0; j < rows; j++ )
       fakemultiarray[ i * rows + j ] = some_value();

void bar( size_t rows, size_t cols, int *fakemultiarray )
  foo( rows, cols, fakemultiarray );

int main( void )
  size_t rows;
  size_t cols;
  int *fakemultiarray = NULL;

  ... // get rows and cols

  fakemultiarray = malloc( sizeof *fakemultiarray * rows * cols );
  if ( fakemultiarray )
    bar( rows, cols, fakemultiarray );

  free( fakemultiarray );

In this case, we've allocated a single buffer large enough for all elements, but we have to index it as a 1D array, computing the index as i * rows + j.

在这种情况下,我们已经为所有元素分配了足够大的一个缓冲区,但是我们必须将它作为一个1D数组进行索引,将索引计算为i * rows + j。



For your 2 dimensional arrays I would define a type for it.


typedef int my2DArray_t[ROWS][COLUMNS];

You can then declare variables of this type and pointers to them. This makes it easier to pass things around.


void someFuncOther (my2DArray_t *someArray)

    /* Set some values in array */
    (*someArray)[1][1] = 4;


void someFunc (my2DArray_t *someArray)

    /* Set some values in array */
    (*someArray)[1][0] = 7;

    /* Have someFuncOther do some more work */
    someFuncOther (someArray);


int main (void)
    /* This is the actual array */
    my2DArray_t myArray;

    /* Set some values in array */
    myArray[0][2] = 6;

    /* Have someFunc do some work on myArray by passing a pointer to it */
    someFunc (&myArray);




It is helpful to think of arrays as pointers to memory. Then it is easy to think of a 2d array as a pointer to a memory of pointers (kinda)


This is not going to work


 int arr[2][2] = {11,12,21,22}; //not going to work

but this worked just fine for me


 1 #include <stdio.h>
 4 main()
 5 {
 6    int arr[2][2] = {{11,1},{2,21}};
 7    int row = 2, col = 2;
 8    int i,j;
 10    for(i=0;i<row;i++)
 11       for(j=0;j<col;j++)
 12         printf("%d  - ",arr[i][j]);
 15  }



Not exactly sure, what the problem is but this works (and prints the value "9"):


#include <stdio.h>

#define ROWS 10
#define COLUMNS 10

void func2(int multarray[][COLUMNS]){

void func1(int multarray[][COLUMNS]){

int main(){

        int multarray[ROWS][COLUMNS];
        printf("%d\n", multarray[0][3]);
        printf("%d\n", multarray[1][4]);
        return 0;

Notice, that the array decays to a pointer when passed to a function.




Several things to remember:


  1. When you pass an array expression as an argument to a function, it will be converted from an expression of type "N-element array of T" to "pointer to T", and the value of the expression will be the address of the first element of the array. The called function receives a pointer value.


  2. The [] operator can be used with expressions of array or pointer type; IOW, given the declarations int a[10]; int *p = a;, then p[i] and a[i] refer to the same element.

    []运算符可以与数组或指针类型的表达式一起使用;IOW,给定在[10]中的声明;int *p = a;,然后p[i]和a[i]表示相同的元素。

  3. When declaring a function that accepts a VLA as a parameter, you must declare the parameters that specify dimension before you declare the array.


So, for a function that manipulates a 2D VLA, you'd write something like

对于一个操作2D VLA的函数,你可以写一些类似的东西。

void foo( size_t rows, size_t cols, int (*multiarray)[cols] ) // or multiarray[][cols]
   size_t i, j;

   for ( i = 0; i < rows; i++ )
     for ( j = 0; j < cols; j++ )
       multiarray[i][j] = some_value();

What's up with int (*multiarray)[cols]? Remember that in passing the array expression as an argument, the type of the array expression is converted from "N-element array of T" to "pointer to T". In this case, T is "cols-element array of int", so we're going from "rows-element array of cols-element aray of int" to "pointer to cols-element array of int". In the context of a function parameter declaration, T a[N], T a[], and T *a are all identical; in all three cases, a is declared as a pointer to T. So int (*multiarray)[cols] is equivalent to int multiarray[][cols], which is equivalent to int multiarray[rows][cols]. I prefer using the first form because it most accurately represents the situation.

int (*multiarray)[cols]怎么了?请记住,在传递数组表达式作为参数时,数组表达式的类型由“N-element数组of T”转换为“指向T的指针”。在这种情况下,T是“int的cols-element数组”,所以我们从“int的cols-element aray的row -element数组”到“int的cols-element数组指针”。在函数参数声明的上下文中,T a[N]、T a[]、T *a都是相同的;在这三种情况下,a被声明为指向T. So int (*multiarray)[cols]的指针,它等价于int multiarray[][cols],它相当于int multiarray[rows][cols]。我更喜欢用第一种形式,因为它最能准确地反映情况。

If you want to pass this array as an argument to another function, you'd use the same type:


void bar( size_t rows, size_t cols, int (*multiarray)[cols] )
   foo( rows, cols, multiarray );

int main( void )
  size_t rows = 0;
  size_t cols = 0;

  // you must assign values to rows and cols before declaring a VLA with them
  rows = ...;
  cols = ...;

  int arr[rows][cols];

  bar( rows, cols, arr );

Any changes to the array contents made in foo will be reflected in bar and main.


VLAs can be useful, but they have their limitations. They can't be declared static, nor can they be defined outside of a function. They cannot use {}-style initialization syntax. Also, VLA support is now optional as of the 2011 standard, so you can't rely on them being supported everywhere.


In the event you don't have VLAs available and your array size isn't known until runtime, you'll have to use dynamic memory allocation (malloc or calloc), and the types you pass to your functions will be different:


void foo( size_t rows, size_t cols, int **multiarray )
  size_t i, j;

  for ( i = 0; i < rows; i++ )
    for ( j = 0; j < cols; j++ )
      multiarray[i][j] = some_value();


void bar( size_t rows, size_t cols, int **multiarray )
  foo( rows, cols, multiarray );

int main( void )
  size_t rows; 
  size_t cols;
  int **multiarray = NULL;

  ... // get rows and cols

  // allocate memory for pointers to each row
  multiarray = malloc( sizeof *multiarray * rows );
  if ( multiarray )
    size_t i;
    // allocate each row
    for ( i = 0; i < rows; i++ )
      multiarray[i] = malloc( sizeof *multiarray[i] * cols );
      if ( !multiarray[i] )

    if ( i < rows )
      // malloc failed for one of the multiarray rows; we need to 
      // free whatever memory has already been allocated and exit
      while ( i-- )
        free( multiarray[i] );
      free( multiarray );

  bar ( rows, cols, multiarray );

  if ( multiarray )
    size_t i;

    for ( i = 0; i < rows; i++ )
      free( multiarray[i] );
    free( multiarray );

One drawback with this approach is that the allocated memory isn't guaranteed to be contiguous (i.e., rows won't be adjacent in memory). If that matters, you'll have to go with yet another approach. Instead of allocating rows and columns separately, you allocate everything in one single block, and manually map array indices:


void foo( size_t rows, size_t cols, int *fakemultiarray )
  size_t i, j;

  for ( i = 0; i < rows; i++ )
    for ( j = 0; j < rows; j++ )
       fakemultiarray[ i * rows + j ] = some_value();

void bar( size_t rows, size_t cols, int *fakemultiarray )
  foo( rows, cols, fakemultiarray );

int main( void )
  size_t rows;
  size_t cols;
  int *fakemultiarray = NULL;

  ... // get rows and cols

  fakemultiarray = malloc( sizeof *fakemultiarray * rows * cols );
  if ( fakemultiarray )
    bar( rows, cols, fakemultiarray );

  free( fakemultiarray );

In this case, we've allocated a single buffer large enough for all elements, but we have to index it as a 1D array, computing the index as i * rows + j.

在这种情况下,我们已经为所有元素分配了足够大的一个缓冲区,但是我们必须将它作为一个1D数组进行索引,将索引计算为i * rows + j。



For your 2 dimensional arrays I would define a type for it.


typedef int my2DArray_t[ROWS][COLUMNS];

You can then declare variables of this type and pointers to them. This makes it easier to pass things around.


void someFuncOther (my2DArray_t *someArray)

    /* Set some values in array */
    (*someArray)[1][1] = 4;


void someFunc (my2DArray_t *someArray)

    /* Set some values in array */
    (*someArray)[1][0] = 7;

    /* Have someFuncOther do some more work */
    someFuncOther (someArray);


int main (void)
    /* This is the actual array */
    my2DArray_t myArray;

    /* Set some values in array */
    myArray[0][2] = 6;

    /* Have someFunc do some work on myArray by passing a pointer to it */
    someFunc (&myArray);




It is helpful to think of arrays as pointers to memory. Then it is easy to think of a 2d array as a pointer to a memory of pointers (kinda)


This is not going to work


 int arr[2][2] = {11,12,21,22}; //not going to work

but this worked just fine for me


 1 #include <stdio.h>
 4 main()
 5 {
 6    int arr[2][2] = {{11,1},{2,21}};
 7    int row = 2, col = 2;
 8    int i,j;
 10    for(i=0;i<row;i++)
 11       for(j=0;j<col;j++)
 12         printf("%d  - ",arr[i][j]);
 15  }