
时间:2021-11-21 21:33:10

I am new to matlab. I want to do the following:


  • Generate an array of a thousand replications of a random draws between three alternatives A,B and C, where at every draw, each alternative has the same probability to be picked.
  • 在三个选项a、B和C之间生成一个一千次随机抽取的数组,在每个抽取中,每个选项都有相同的被抽取的概率。

So eventually I need something like P = [ A A B C B B B C A C A C C ... ] where each element in the array was chosen randomly among the three possible outcomes.

所以最终我需要P = [A B B B B C C C C C C C C C C。[参考译文]数组中的每个元素都是在三个可能的结果中随机选择的。

I came up with a solution which gives me exactly what I want, namely


% Generating random pick among doors 1,2,3, where 1 stands for A, 2 for B,
% 3 for B.

I = rand(1);

if I < 1/3
    PP = 1;
elseif 1/3 <= I & I < 2/3
    PP = 2;
    PP = 3;

% Generating a thousand random picks among dors A,B,C

I = rand(999);

for i=1:999    
if I(i) < 1/3
    P = 1;
elseif 1/3 <= I(i) & I(i) < 2/3
    P = 2;
    P = 3;
PP = [PP  P]

As I said, it works, but when I run the procedure, it takes a while for what appears to me as a simple task. At the same time, I long such a task is "supposed" to take in matlab. So I have three question:


  1. Is this really a slow procedure to generate the desired outcome?
  2. 这真的是一个产生期望结果的缓慢过程吗?
  3. If it is, why is this procedure particularly slow?
  4. 如果是的话,为什么这个过程特别慢?
  5. What would be a more effective way to produce the desired outcome?
  6. 有什么更有效的方法可以产生预期的结果?

2 个解决方案



This can be done much easier with randi


>> PP = randi(3,1,10)
PP =
     2     1     3     3     2     2     2     3     2     1

If you actually want to choose between 3 alternatives, you use the output of randi directly to index into another matrix.


>> options = [13,22,77]
options =
    13    22    77
>> options(randi(3,1,10))
ans =
    22    13    77    13    77    13    22    22    77    13

As to the reason why your solution is slow, you do something similar to this:


x = [];
for i=1:10
    x = [x i^2]; %size of x grows on every iteration

This is not very good, since on every iteration, Matlab needs to allocate space for a larger vector x. In old versions of Matlab, this lead to quadratic behavior (if you double the size of the problem, it takes 4 times longer). In newer versions, Matlab is smart enough to avoid this problem. It is however still considered nice to preallocate space for your array if you know beforehand how big it will be:


x = zeros(1,10); % space for x is preallocated. can also use nan() or ones()
for i = 1:length(x)
    x(i) = i^2;

But in many cases, it is even faster to use vectorized code that does not use any for-loops like so:


x = (1:10).^2;

All 3 solutions give the same result:


x =    1     4     9    16    25    36    49    64    81   100






This can be done much easier with randi


>> PP = randi(3,1,10)
PP =
     2     1     3     3     2     2     2     3     2     1

If you actually want to choose between 3 alternatives, you use the output of randi directly to index into another matrix.


>> options = [13,22,77]
options =
    13    22    77
>> options(randi(3,1,10))
ans =
    22    13    77    13    77    13    22    22    77    13

As to the reason why your solution is slow, you do something similar to this:


x = [];
for i=1:10
    x = [x i^2]; %size of x grows on every iteration

This is not very good, since on every iteration, Matlab needs to allocate space for a larger vector x. In old versions of Matlab, this lead to quadratic behavior (if you double the size of the problem, it takes 4 times longer). In newer versions, Matlab is smart enough to avoid this problem. It is however still considered nice to preallocate space for your array if you know beforehand how big it will be:


x = zeros(1,10); % space for x is preallocated. can also use nan() or ones()
for i = 1:length(x)
    x(i) = i^2;

But in many cases, it is even faster to use vectorized code that does not use any for-loops like so:


x = (1:10).^2;

All 3 solutions give the same result:


x =    1     4     9    16    25    36    49    64    81   100


