
时间:2022-03-23 21:33:33

I am trying to pass an XML string from the HTML/JavaScript client side to the ASP.NET MVC server side. The problem is that the XML string never reaches the server, whereas an ordinary "non-XML" string will be successfully transferred.

我试图将XML字符串从HTML / JavaScript客户端传递到ASP.NET MVC服务器端。问题是XML字符串永远不会到达服务器,而普通的“非XML”字符串将成功传输。

The relevant JavaScript code on the client side is the following:


function TransferXmlDataToServer() {
    var sXml = "<Tag>This is an XML test string.</Tag>"
        type: "POST",
        url: '@Url.Action("TransferXMLData", "Home")',
        data: { sInputXml: sXml },                             
        dataType: "json",
        success: function(sReturnValue) {
            alert("Value returned from server is: " + sReturnValue);
        error: function() {
            alert("There was an error on the server side");

This is the corresponding function in the MVC Home controller on the server side:

这是服务器端MVC Home控制器中的相应功能:

public JsonResult TransferXMLData(string sInputXml) {
    // The arguments' name must match those used in the View's Ajax call
    return Json("Success");

When the TransferXmlDataToServer is invoked from the client side, the There was an error on the server side message is displayed. I have put some debugging printing statements in the TransferXMLData on the server side that are not invoked, showing that one does not even enter in this function.


On the other hand, when


sXml = "<Tag>This is an XML test string.</Tag>"

is replaced by


sXml = "This is a test string."

everything works as expected.


Additional notes:

  • This was tried with IE11 and Edge.
  • 这是用IE11和Edge尝试的。

  • I tried to convert the XML string to Serialized Json prior to sending it to the server, to no avail.
  • 我试图在将XML字符串发送到服务器之前将其转换为Serialized Json,但无济于事。

I would greatly appreciate knowing what I am doing wrong.


Thanks a lot.


1 个解决方案



This is because by default asp.net protects against content that looks like HTML mark-up being sent to a controller action un-encoded. You need to decorate your action with the ValidateInputAttribute to let the content through:


public JsonResult TransferXMLData(string sInputXml) 
    // The arguments' name must match those used in the View's Ajax call
    return Json("Success");



This is because by default asp.net protects against content that looks like HTML mark-up being sent to a controller action un-encoded. You need to decorate your action with the ValidateInputAttribute to let the content through:


public JsonResult TransferXMLData(string sInputXml) 
    // The arguments' name must match those used in the View's Ajax call
    return Json("Success");