
时间:2022-09-12 21:29:27

This question already has an answer here:


Given an N-by-N array a of N2 distinct integers, design an O(N) algorithm to find a local minimum: an pair of indices i and j such that:


  • a[i][j] < a[i+1][j]
  • [我][j]<(i + 1)[j]
  • a[i][j] < a[i-1][j]
  • [我][j]<(张)[j]
  • a[i][j] < a[i][j+1]
  • [我][j]<[我][j + 1)
  • a[i][j] < a[i][j-1]
  • [我][j]<[我][j - 1]

I found this question in a an online algorithm book, Introduction to Programming in Java, chapter 4.2: Sorting and Searching.


It is similar to problem 35 (same page):


  • Given an array of N real numbers, write a static method to find in logarithmic time a local minimum (an index i such that a[i-1] < a[i] < a[i+1]).
  • 给定一个N个实数的数组,写一个静态方法,在对数时间内找到一个局部最小值(我这样的索引是一个[i-1] < a[i] < a[i+1])。

It has some sort of binary search based solution which I am not able to find out.


3 个解决方案



The same problem is mentioned in web version of book Algorithms by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne. (See "Creative problems" section, problem 19).

罗伯特·塞奇威克(Robert Sedgewick)和凯文·韦恩(Kevin Wayne)在《图书算法》的网络版中也提到了同样的问题。(参见“创意问题”部分,第19题)。

The hint for the problem given by author in that link is:


Find the minimum in row N/2, check neighbors p and q in column, if p or q is smaller then recur in that half.


A better aprroach would be : Find the minimum in row N/2, check all entries in its column, if we get smaller entry in column, then recur in the row where smaller column entry belongs.


eg. For array below, N=5:

如。下面为数组,N = 5:

1  12  3   1  -23  
7   9  8   5   6
4   5  6  -1  77
7   0  35 -2  -4
6  83  1   7  -6

Step 1: The middle row is [4 5 6 -1 77]. ie. row number 3.

第1步:中间一行是[4 5 6 -1 - 77]。ie。行3号。

Step 2: Minimum entry in current row is -1.


Step 3: Column neighbors for min entry (ie. -1) are 5 and -2. -2 being the minimum neighbor. Its in the 4th row.


Continue with steps 2-3 till we get the local min.




For example mentioned in comment from @anuja (the main problem is for n-by-n array. This input is 3-by-4 array but we can work with that) :


1 2 3  4 
5 1 6 -1
7 3 4 -2

Step 1: The middle row is [5 1 6 -1]. ie. row number 2.

第1步:中间一行是[5 1 6 -1]。ie。行2号。


Step 2: Minimum entry in current row is -1.



Step 3: Column neighbors for min entry (ie. -1) are 4 and -2. -2 is the minimum column neighbor. Its in the 3rd row.



Iterating to Step 2: -2 is smallest in its row and smallest amongst its column neighbours. So we end with -2 as output for local minimum.





Update: This answer is assuming that edges are not local minima, as they are not defined as such by the four comparisons in the original problem statement. In this case this answer is correct (it is not possible). If you redefine the question such that edges can be local minima, than every matrix contains at least one local minima - and hence you can use a a divide-and-conquer approach.


If edge cells cannot be local minima:


There is no solution to the question as stated. An N-by-N array takes O(N^2) time just to read the elements. As there could be a single local minimum "hiding" anywhere in the matrix, this is provably necessary to do.

如前所述,没有办法解决这个问题。N×N数组需要O(N ^ 2)时间就阅读的元素。因为在矩阵中可能有一个局部最小的“隐藏”,这是很有必要的。

If you meant to ask for an O(N^2) algorithm, than simply walking each element and comparing it to its 4 neighbours takes O(N^2) time.

如果你想要求一个O(N ^ 2)算法,每个元素不仅仅是步行,比较4邻国需要O(N ^ 2)时间。

Either you have misremembered the interview question (and there was more to it), or this is just a trivial coding exercise.




1. Construct a NxN matrix such that each cell has the value M[i,j] = N*i + j.
2. Select a random x,y (1 < x < N and 1 < y < N) and assign M[x,y] = -1

This matrix has exactly one local minima (M[x,y]), and its location is independent of the values in the other cells. Therefore the other cells provide no information about its location, and so it is impossible to have any system to search for it that has better than an expected (N^2/2) cells searched = O(N^2).

这个矩阵只有一个局部最小值(M[x,y]),它的位置与其他单元格中的值无关。因此,其他的细胞没有提供关于其位置的信息,因此不可能有任何系统去寻找比预期的更好的(N 2/2)细胞。

(In other words you may as well be searching a near all zero matrix M[i,j] = 0 except for M[x,y] = -1 for the minima.)

(换句话说,除了M[x,y] = -1的最小值,你还可以搜索几乎所有的零矩阵M[i,j] = 0)。

This proof depends on being able to construct a matrix with no local minima in step 1. If edge cells are possible local minima than every matrix must have one, and this proof no longer holds.




Visit a random cell. If any of its four neigbors have a smaller value: go to that cell. If none of the neigbors are smaller, you are in a local minimum. Will be a bit harder to avoid loops if cells with equal values are possible.




Instead of visiting one neigbor, we could pick the smallest neigbor.


The most difficult topology seems to be the case of two "concentric" spirals, one of them functioning as a spiralling dike. That would in the worst case still take about N/2 steps. (with N=number of cells.)

最困难的拓扑结构似乎是两个“同心”螺旋体,其中一个是螺旋状的岩脉。在最坏的情况下仍然需要N/2步。(N =数量的细胞。)



The same problem is mentioned in web version of book Algorithms by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne. (See "Creative problems" section, problem 19).

罗伯特·塞奇威克(Robert Sedgewick)和凯文·韦恩(Kevin Wayne)在《图书算法》的网络版中也提到了同样的问题。(参见“创意问题”部分,第19题)。

The hint for the problem given by author in that link is:


Find the minimum in row N/2, check neighbors p and q in column, if p or q is smaller then recur in that half.


A better aprroach would be : Find the minimum in row N/2, check all entries in its column, if we get smaller entry in column, then recur in the row where smaller column entry belongs.


eg. For array below, N=5:

如。下面为数组,N = 5:

1  12  3   1  -23  
7   9  8   5   6
4   5  6  -1  77
7   0  35 -2  -4
6  83  1   7  -6

Step 1: The middle row is [4 5 6 -1 77]. ie. row number 3.

第1步:中间一行是[4 5 6 -1 - 77]。ie。行3号。

Step 2: Minimum entry in current row is -1.


Step 3: Column neighbors for min entry (ie. -1) are 5 and -2. -2 being the minimum neighbor. Its in the 4th row.


Continue with steps 2-3 till we get the local min.




For example mentioned in comment from @anuja (the main problem is for n-by-n array. This input is 3-by-4 array but we can work with that) :


1 2 3  4 
5 1 6 -1
7 3 4 -2

Step 1: The middle row is [5 1 6 -1]. ie. row number 2.

第1步:中间一行是[5 1 6 -1]。ie。行2号。


Step 2: Minimum entry in current row is -1.



Step 3: Column neighbors for min entry (ie. -1) are 4 and -2. -2 is the minimum column neighbor. Its in the 3rd row.



Iterating to Step 2: -2 is smallest in its row and smallest amongst its column neighbours. So we end with -2 as output for local minimum.





Update: This answer is assuming that edges are not local minima, as they are not defined as such by the four comparisons in the original problem statement. In this case this answer is correct (it is not possible). If you redefine the question such that edges can be local minima, than every matrix contains at least one local minima - and hence you can use a a divide-and-conquer approach.


If edge cells cannot be local minima:


There is no solution to the question as stated. An N-by-N array takes O(N^2) time just to read the elements. As there could be a single local minimum "hiding" anywhere in the matrix, this is provably necessary to do.

如前所述,没有办法解决这个问题。N×N数组需要O(N ^ 2)时间就阅读的元素。因为在矩阵中可能有一个局部最小的“隐藏”,这是很有必要的。

If you meant to ask for an O(N^2) algorithm, than simply walking each element and comparing it to its 4 neighbours takes O(N^2) time.

如果你想要求一个O(N ^ 2)算法,每个元素不仅仅是步行,比较4邻国需要O(N ^ 2)时间。

Either you have misremembered the interview question (and there was more to it), or this is just a trivial coding exercise.




1. Construct a NxN matrix such that each cell has the value M[i,j] = N*i + j.
2. Select a random x,y (1 < x < N and 1 < y < N) and assign M[x,y] = -1

This matrix has exactly one local minima (M[x,y]), and its location is independent of the values in the other cells. Therefore the other cells provide no information about its location, and so it is impossible to have any system to search for it that has better than an expected (N^2/2) cells searched = O(N^2).

这个矩阵只有一个局部最小值(M[x,y]),它的位置与其他单元格中的值无关。因此,其他的细胞没有提供关于其位置的信息,因此不可能有任何系统去寻找比预期的更好的(N 2/2)细胞。

(In other words you may as well be searching a near all zero matrix M[i,j] = 0 except for M[x,y] = -1 for the minima.)

(换句话说,除了M[x,y] = -1的最小值,你还可以搜索几乎所有的零矩阵M[i,j] = 0)。

This proof depends on being able to construct a matrix with no local minima in step 1. If edge cells are possible local minima than every matrix must have one, and this proof no longer holds.




Visit a random cell. If any of its four neigbors have a smaller value: go to that cell. If none of the neigbors are smaller, you are in a local minimum. Will be a bit harder to avoid loops if cells with equal values are possible.




Instead of visiting one neigbor, we could pick the smallest neigbor.


The most difficult topology seems to be the case of two "concentric" spirals, one of them functioning as a spiralling dike. That would in the worst case still take about N/2 steps. (with N=number of cells.)

最困难的拓扑结构似乎是两个“同心”螺旋体,其中一个是螺旋状的岩脉。在最坏的情况下仍然需要N/2步。(N =数量的细胞。)