C+ /二维向量的大小

时间:2021-02-13 21:30:02

How do I find the size of a 2 dimensional vector? So far I have the following code which doesn't compile.


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

int main()

    vector < vector <int> > v2d;

    for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++)
        for (int y = 0; y < 5; y++)
            v2d.push_back(vector <int> ());


    return 0;

4 个解决方案



To get the size of v2d, simply use v2d.size(). For size of each vector inside v2d, use v2d[k].size().


Note: for getting the whole size of v2d, sum up the size of each individual vector, as each vector has its own size.




You had some errors in your code, which I've fixed and commented on below.


vector < vector <int> > v2d;

for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++)
    // Move push_back() into the outer loop so it's called once per
    // iteration of the x-loop
    v2d.push_back(vector <int> ());
    for (int y = 0; y < 5; y++)

cout<<v2d.size()<<endl; // Remove the [0]
cout<<v2d[0].size()<<endl; // Remove one [0]

v2d.size() returns the number of vectors in the 2D vector. v2d[x].size() returns the number of vectors in "row" x. If you know the vector is rectangular (all "rows" are of the same size), you can get the total size with v2d.size() * v2d[0].size(). Otherwise you need to loop through the "rows":

size()返回二维向量中的向量个数。v2d[x].size()返回“行”x中向量的个数,如果知道向量是矩形的(所有的“行”都是相同的大小),就可以得到v2d.size() * v2d[0].size()的总大小。否则,您需要遍历“行”:

int size = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < v2d.size(); i++)
    size += v2d[i].size();

As a change, you can also use iterators:


int size = 0;
for (vector<vector<int> >::const_iterator it = v2d.begin(); it != v2d.end(); ++it)
    size += it->size();



The vector<vector<int>> does not have a whole size, because each vector within it has an independent size. You need to sum the size of all contained vectors.

向量 >没有一个完整的大小,因为它里面的每个向量都有一个独立的大小。你需要对所有包含向量的大小进行求和。

int size = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < v2d.size(); i++)
    size += v2d[i].size();



int size_row = v2d.size();
int size_col = v2d[0].size();



To get the size of v2d, simply use v2d.size(). For size of each vector inside v2d, use v2d[k].size().


Note: for getting the whole size of v2d, sum up the size of each individual vector, as each vector has its own size.




You had some errors in your code, which I've fixed and commented on below.


vector < vector <int> > v2d;

for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++)
    // Move push_back() into the outer loop so it's called once per
    // iteration of the x-loop
    v2d.push_back(vector <int> ());
    for (int y = 0; y < 5; y++)

cout<<v2d.size()<<endl; // Remove the [0]
cout<<v2d[0].size()<<endl; // Remove one [0]

v2d.size() returns the number of vectors in the 2D vector. v2d[x].size() returns the number of vectors in "row" x. If you know the vector is rectangular (all "rows" are of the same size), you can get the total size with v2d.size() * v2d[0].size(). Otherwise you need to loop through the "rows":

size()返回二维向量中的向量个数。v2d[x].size()返回“行”x中向量的个数,如果知道向量是矩形的(所有的“行”都是相同的大小),就可以得到v2d.size() * v2d[0].size()的总大小。否则,您需要遍历“行”:

int size = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < v2d.size(); i++)
    size += v2d[i].size();

As a change, you can also use iterators:


int size = 0;
for (vector<vector<int> >::const_iterator it = v2d.begin(); it != v2d.end(); ++it)
    size += it->size();



The vector<vector<int>> does not have a whole size, because each vector within it has an independent size. You need to sum the size of all contained vectors.

向量 >没有一个完整的大小,因为它里面的每个向量都有一个独立的大小。你需要对所有包含向量的大小进行求和。

int size = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < v2d.size(); i++)
    size += v2d[i].size();



int size_row = v2d.size();
int size_col = v2d[0].size();