I have the following code.
$connect = new Connection ();
$response = $connect->putFile($fileName, $destination);
header("Location: /test.php?response=" . $response);
When I invoke header with the response, the file will stop execution, but I will have no error in the console... I am thinking maybe this array needs to be encoded for the url?
if that is the case how?
Thank you
2 个解决方案
If $response
is a multi-dimensional array, you may fare best by serialize()ing it and urlencode() ing the result. It adds some overhead but not too much.
如果$ response是一个多维数组,你可以通过序列化()和urlencode()结果来获得最佳效果。它增加了一些开销,但不是太多。
However, transporting data through GET is seriously limited. The amount of data should not exceed 1-2 kilobytes. Source: For example here
If your data is likely to exceed that limit, you should think about either transporting the data through POST
or, if that's not possible, in a session or other kind of persistent storage.
If $response
is a multi-dimensional array, you may fare best by serialize()ing it and urlencode() ing the result. It adds some overhead but not too much.
如果$ response是一个多维数组,你可以通过序列化()和urlencode()结果来获得最佳效果。它增加了一些开销,但不是太多。
However, transporting data through GET is seriously limited. The amount of data should not exceed 1-2 kilobytes. Source: For example here
If your data is likely to exceed that limit, you should think about either transporting the data through POST
or, if that's not possible, in a session or other kind of persistent storage.