
时间:2021-12-29 21:27:46

I am using the following JavaScript function:


function Projects()
    var PrjTb1 = "<input type=text id=PrjNme size=100/>"
    var PrjTb2 = "<textarea rows=5 col=200 wrap=hard></textarea>"
    var Info = "1. Project or activity name:<br>" + PrjTb1 + "<br><br>2. Project or activity description:<br>" + PrjTb2 
    if (document.getElementById('PrjNo').value == 1)
        document.getElementById('AllPrj').innerHTML = "<b>Project or activity 1.</b><br><br>" + Info

This function executes well, after an onclick event; however, certain portions of the HTML within the declared variables are not working. For example, within the variable PrjTb2, my textarea's rows and columns do not change. Also, I cannot add the HTML tags <dd> and </dd> anywhere within the variables to create an indentation. What is interesting is that both the textarea properties and the HTML tags, <dd> and </dd>, work within the body of my form, just not in my JS function. Would anyone know what I am doing wrong.


和 来创建缩进。有趣的是textarea属性和HTML标记
和 都在我的表单体内工作,而不是在我的JS函数中。谁会知道我做错了什么。

Thank you,


3 个解决方案


It could be that your browser is caching your javascript. Try clearing your cache.



Not sure if its the problem, but I'd enclose all your parameters in quotes.


<input type=text id=PrjNme size=100/>

should really be:


<input type='text' id='PrjNme' size='100' />

additionally, depending on your doctype, you may want to change




<br />

Things that are allowed in direct HTML are not necessarily allowed using innerHTML. For example, in Firefox, try embedding a form within a form in js vs html, or in IE, try putting a block element inside an inline element. They both work fine if you have it in HTML, but if you try it with innerHTML, both browsers will complain.

使用innerHTML不一定允许直接HTML中允许的内容。例如,在Firefox中,尝试在js vs html中的表单中嵌入表单,或者在IE中,尝试将块元素放在内联元素中。如果你在HTML中使用它们,它们都可以正常工作,但是如果你用innerHTML进行尝试,那么两个浏览器都会抱怨。


I don't know if your syntax error are due to copying you code here, but here is a couple if things I noticed in your code.


  • Are you omitting semi-columns at the end of you lines on purpose?
  • 您是否故意省略了行尾的半列?

  • HTML proprieties should be surrounded by quotation marks. (Although not necessary)
  • HTML礼节应该用引号括起来。 (虽然没必要)

Also regarding the <dd></dd>, did you put those inside a definition list (dl)? Because they shouldn't be used as standalone tags.




It could be that your browser is caching your javascript. Try clearing your cache.



Not sure if its the problem, but I'd enclose all your parameters in quotes.


<input type=text id=PrjNme size=100/>

should really be:


<input type='text' id='PrjNme' size='100' />

additionally, depending on your doctype, you may want to change




<br />

Things that are allowed in direct HTML are not necessarily allowed using innerHTML. For example, in Firefox, try embedding a form within a form in js vs html, or in IE, try putting a block element inside an inline element. They both work fine if you have it in HTML, but if you try it with innerHTML, both browsers will complain.

使用innerHTML不一定允许直接HTML中允许的内容。例如,在Firefox中,尝试在js vs html中的表单中嵌入表单,或者在IE中,尝试将块元素放在内联元素中。如果你在HTML中使用它们,它们都可以正常工作,但是如果你用innerHTML进行尝试,那么两个浏览器都会抱怨。


I don't know if your syntax error are due to copying you code here, but here is a couple if things I noticed in your code.


  • Are you omitting semi-columns at the end of you lines on purpose?
  • 您是否故意省略了行尾的半列?

  • HTML proprieties should be surrounded by quotation marks. (Although not necessary)
  • HTML礼节应该用引号括起来。 (虽然没必要)

Also regarding the <dd></dd>, did you put those inside a definition list (dl)? Because they shouldn't be used as standalone tags.

