
时间:2021-12-14 21:28:07

Well, it is a basic program which I got an array of chars, like :


char alphabet[5] = {'A', 'B2', 'C', 'D4', 'E'};

char alphabet [5] = {'A','B2','C','D4','E'};

and I want to print elements of that array, inside of a for-loop :


int remainder = my_number % 5; printf("%c\n", alphabet[remainder]);

int remainder = my_number%5; printf(“%c \ n”,字母[余数]);

thats it's where I can't make it run as expected the print out comes A, 2, C, 4 or E. How I can make it print B2 and D4 ?


I've heard about using enums but I din't understand how I could use, I get confuse on the idea of elements have value and how I could get the elements out using they value, e.g: enum letters {'a', 'b', 'c'}; a = 0, b = 1 and c = 2.

我听说过使用枚举但是我不明白我是如何使用的,我对元素有价值的想法感到困惑,以及如何使用它们来获取元素值,例如:枚举字母{'a',' b','c'}; a = 0,b = 1且c = 2。

(maybe just my syntax it's not correct, but please if you can help me ...)


I'll open my code for easier explanation.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

const char *notes[13] = {"C", "C2", "D", "D2", "E", "F", "F2", "G", "G2", "A", "A2", "B", "c"}; // The 2's is for the "#"

int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) // Just using argv[1] to say how much numbers I want to print 
  int now, before_1 = 1, before_2 = 1, rem, steps; // "rem" stands for remainder
  char note;

  if (atoi(argv[1]) <= 2)
    for (steps = 0; steps < atoi(argv[1]); steps++)
    for (steps = 0; steps < atoi(argv[1]); steps++) // Main loop for Fibonacci's Numbers
      now = before_1 + before_2;
      rem = now % 13;
      note = notes[rem];
      printf("Note : %c <=> Rem : %d. Num : %d\n", note, rem, now);

      before_2 = before_1; // Change values of variables
      before_1 = now;

  return 0;

The idea is get the numbers of Fibonacci's Serie and transform them into all 13 notes possible (include the sharp ones), but as I've said the output is note going too good.


4 个解决方案



In the original version of this question, the problem is twofold.


First, alphabet is defined as an array of characters, i.e. char alphabet[]. According to the initial question, it should rather be declared as an array of strings, i.e. char *alphabet[].

首先,字母表定义为字符数组,即char alphabet []。根据最初的问题,它应该被声明为一个字符串数组,即char * alphabet []。

Second, which in some way follows from the first issue, the initialization values are characters, whereas they should be defined as strings. The definition of F2 as a character, hence 'F2', will not represent a literal string "F2".

其次,从第一个问题开始,在某种程度上,初始化值是字符,而它们应该被定义为字符串。 F2作为字符的定义,因此'F2',不代表文字字符串“F2”。

char *alphabet[] = {"A", "B2", "C", "D4", "E"};

Finally, in order to print strings rather than characters, the printf format identifier has to be changed from %c to %s.


Summing up, you can print the elements of a string array as follows:


char *alphabet[5] = {"A", "B2", "C", "D4", "E"};
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++){
    printf("%s} ", alphabet[i]);

If you don't know the size of the array from the beginning, you can also write:


char *alphabet[] = {"A", "B2", "C", "D4", "E"};
for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(alphabet)/sizeof(alphabet[0]); i++){
    printf("%s ", alphabet[i]);

Hope it helps!




char is used for single characters. If you want multiple characters you need to use strings.


char *strings[] = { "A", "B2", "C", "D4", "E"};

int remainder = my_number % 5;
printf("%s\n", strings[remainder]);



As odin19 pointed out, B2 and D4 are not characters in C. In order to print them you can use double quotes in the elements of the array and print them as strings using %s in your printf.




Single quotes are used to indicate a char. So 'B2' would be treated a char. Instead you want char*, and thus double quotes.

单引号用于表示char。因此'B2'将被视为char。相反,你想要char *,因此需要双引号。



In the original version of this question, the problem is twofold.


First, alphabet is defined as an array of characters, i.e. char alphabet[]. According to the initial question, it should rather be declared as an array of strings, i.e. char *alphabet[].

首先,字母表定义为字符数组,即char alphabet []。根据最初的问题,它应该被声明为一个字符串数组,即char * alphabet []。

Second, which in some way follows from the first issue, the initialization values are characters, whereas they should be defined as strings. The definition of F2 as a character, hence 'F2', will not represent a literal string "F2".

其次,从第一个问题开始,在某种程度上,初始化值是字符,而它们应该被定义为字符串。 F2作为字符的定义,因此'F2',不代表文字字符串“F2”。

char *alphabet[] = {"A", "B2", "C", "D4", "E"};

Finally, in order to print strings rather than characters, the printf format identifier has to be changed from %c to %s.


Summing up, you can print the elements of a string array as follows:


char *alphabet[5] = {"A", "B2", "C", "D4", "E"};
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++){
    printf("%s} ", alphabet[i]);

If you don't know the size of the array from the beginning, you can also write:


char *alphabet[] = {"A", "B2", "C", "D4", "E"};
for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(alphabet)/sizeof(alphabet[0]); i++){
    printf("%s ", alphabet[i]);

Hope it helps!




char is used for single characters. If you want multiple characters you need to use strings.


char *strings[] = { "A", "B2", "C", "D4", "E"};

int remainder = my_number % 5;
printf("%s\n", strings[remainder]);



As odin19 pointed out, B2 and D4 are not characters in C. In order to print them you can use double quotes in the elements of the array and print them as strings using %s in your printf.




Single quotes are used to indicate a char. So 'B2' would be treated a char. Instead you want char*, and thus double quotes.

单引号用于表示char。因此'B2'将被视为char。相反,你想要char *,因此需要双引号。