、Exceptionin thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError:C:\WINDOWS\system32\jmagick.dll: Can't find dependent libraries
我在Windows xp上按照上面的流程安装完成,按理说应该没有问题了,但出现了以上错误。
我打开Eclipse已工作数个小时,然后在开发机器(我本机)Windows xp上安装ImageMagick-6.3.9-0-Q16-windows-dll.exe。也把jmagick.dll放入system32,在你的java项目中使用jmagick.jar包处理图片。
package com.xxx.tpl.utils;
import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException;
import magick.CompositeOperator; import magick.CompressionType; import magick.DrawInfo; import magick.ImageInfo; import magick.MagickException; import magick.MagickImage; import magick.PixelPacket; import magick.PreviewType;
public class JmagickUtil { public static void main(String[] args) throws MagickException, IOException {
// test for function imageResize
JmagickUtil.imageResize("E:/UCMSServer/tomcat/webapps/temp/tpl/snapshot/2016/9/25955ea769ff47ada6b84f7b39cee904.png", "D:/Installed/tomcat/webapps/tpl/special/2016/9/d26076f602284c3eac1abaa71d2378b2/thumbnail/big/2016/9/25955ea769ff47ada6b84f7b39cee904.png", 160, 160); // JMagicjWrapper.imageResize("pics.jpg", "reSize250x200.jpeg", 250, // 200); // JMagicjWrapper.imageResize("pics.jpg", "reSize50x50.jpg", 50, 50); // JMagicjWrapper.imageResize("pics.jpg", "reSize120x120.bmp", 120, // 120); // JMagicjWrapper.imageResize("pics.jpg", "reSize.tif", 20, 30);//not // create file //
// test for function createWaterPrintByImg // JmagickUtil.createWaterPrintByImg("f://1.jpg", "f://4.jpg", // "f://watermark.gif", new Point(0, 0)); // JMagicjWrapper.imageResize("wpl.gif", "logo250x200.gif", 250, 200); // Because file "wpl.gif" may not be release, the later function cause a // error, can not open file handle. // JMagicjWrapper.createWaterPrintByImg("pics.jpg", "wpl.gif", // "logoFull.jpg", new Point(1680,1050));//not create file // JMagicjWrapper.createWaterPrintByImg("pics.jpg", "wpl.gif", // "logoExt.jpg", new Point(2000,1000));//not create file
// test for function createWaterPrintByText // This function can not handle Chinese Character, I'll continue to // takle the issue // JMagicjWrapper.createWaterPrintByText("pics1.jpg", "wpt.gif", // "For Test", new Point(300,300), 100); }
private static final String[] Type = { ".JPG", ".JPEG", ".BMP", ".GIF", ".PNG" };
public static boolean checkType(String path) { for (int i = 0; i < Type.length; i++) { if (path.toUpperCase().endsWith(Type[i])) { return true; } else { continue; } } return false; }
/** * 改变图片大小 * * @param filePath * 原图片位置 toPath 新图片位置 width 新图片的宽度 height 新图片的高度 * @return * @throw * @author 2010-8-11 * @throws IOException */ public static void imageResize(String filePath, String toPath, int width, int height) throws MagickException, IOException { //必须写,否则jmagick.jar的路径找不到 System.setProperty("jmagick.systemclassloader","no");
File fileOri = new File(filePath); File fileDes = new File(toPath); if (!fileOri.exists()) { return; } if (!fileDes.exists()) { String parentPath = fileDes.getParent(); new File(parentPath).mkdirs(); fileDes.createNewFile(); }
ImageInfo info = null; MagickImage image = null; Dimension imageDim = null; MagickImage scaled = null;
if (!checkType(filePath) || !checkType(toPath)) { return; }
try { info = new ImageInfo(filePath); image = new MagickImage(info); imageDim = image.getDimension(); if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) { height = 120; width = 120; } scaled = image.scaleImage(width, height); scaled.setFileName(toPath); scaled.writeImage(info); } finally { if (scaled != null) { scaled.destroyImages(); } } }
/** * 创建图片水印 * * @param filePath * 源文件路径 toImg 生成文件位置 logoPath logo路径 pos logo在源图片中的相对位置,以像素点为单位 * @return * @throw MagickException * @author 2010-8-11 */ public static void createWaterPrintByImg(String filePath, String toImg, String logoPath, Point pos) throws MagickException { if (!checkType(filePath) || !checkType(toImg) || !checkType(logoPath)) { return; }
ImageInfo info = new ImageInfo(); MagickImage fImage = null; MagickImage sImage = null; MagickImage fLogo = null; MagickImage sLogo = null; Dimension imageDim = null; Dimension logoDim = null; try { // 原来图片 fImage = new MagickImage(new ImageInfo(filePath)); imageDim = fImage.getDimension(); int width = imageDim.width; int height = imageDim.height; sImage = fImage.scaleImage(width, height);
fLogo = new MagickImage(new ImageInfo(logoPath)); logoDim = fLogo.getDimension(); int lw = logoDim.width; int lh = logoDim.height; sLogo = fLogo.scaleImage(lw, lh);
// 开始打水印,从左上角开始;如果到右边界则重新开始一行的打印(x=0,y=y+h) int startX = 0; int startY = 0; do { sImage.compositeImage(CompositeOperator.AtopCompositeOp, sLogo, startX, startY); startX += (logoDim.width + 60); if (startX >= width) { startY += logoDim.height * 2; startX = 0; } } while (startY <= height);
sImage.setFileName(toImg); sImage.writeImage(info); } finally { if (fImage != null) { fImage.destroyImages(); } if (sImage != null) { sImage.destroyImages(); } if (fLogo != null) { fLogo.destroyImages(); } if (sLogo != null) { sLogo.destroyImages(); } } }
/** * 创建文字水印 * * @param filePath * 源文件路径 toImg 生成文件位置 text 水印文本 pos logo在源图片中的相对位置,以像素点为单位 * pointSize 用于设置点阵大小 * @return * @throw MagickException * @author 2010-8-11 */ public static void createWaterPrintByText(String filePath, String toImg, String text, Point pos, int pointSize) throws MagickException { if (!checkType(filePath) || !checkType(toImg)) { return; }
if (null == text || "".equals(text)) { text = ""; }
ImageInfo info = new ImageInfo(filePath); if (filePath.toUpperCase().endsWith("JPG") || filePath.toUpperCase().endsWith("JPEG")) { info.setCompression(CompressionType.JPEGCompression); // 压缩类别为JPEG格式 info.setPreviewType(PreviewType.JPEGPreview); // 预览格式为JPEG格式 info.setQuality(95); } MagickImage aImage = new MagickImage(info); Dimension imageDim = aImage.getDimension(); int width = imageDim.width; int height = imageDim.height;
if (width <= (int) pos.getX() || height <= (int) pos.getY()) { pos.setLocation(0, 0); }
int a = 0; int b = 0; String[] as = text.split(""); for (String string : as) { if (string.matches("[/u4E00-/u9FA5]")) { a++; } if (string.matches("[a-zA-Z0-9]")) { b++; } } int tl = a * 12 + b * 6;// 字符长度 MagickImage scaled = aImage.scaleImage(width, height); if (width > tl && height > 5) { DrawInfo aInfo = new DrawInfo(info); aInfo.setFill(PixelPacket.queryColorDatabase("white")); aInfo.setUnderColor(new PixelPacket(65535, 65535, 65535, 65535));// 设置为透明颜色 aInfo.setPointsize(pointSize); // 解决中文乱码问题,自己可以去随意定义个自己喜欢字体,我在这用的微软雅黑 String fontPath = "C:/WINDOWS/Fonts/MSIMHEI.TTF"; // String fontPath = "/usr/maindata/MSYH.TTF"; aInfo.setFont(fontPath); aInfo.setTextAntialias(true); aInfo.setOpacity(0);// 透明度 aInfo.setText(text); aInfo .setGeometry("+" + ((int) pos.getX() + "+" + (int) pos.getY())); scaled.annotateImage(aInfo); } scaled.setFileName(toImg); scaled.writeImage(info); scaled.destroyImages(); }
/** * 切取图片 * * @param imgPath * 原图路径 toPath 生成文件位置 w 左上位置横坐标 h 左上位置竖坐标 x 右下位置横坐标 y 右下位置竖坐标 * @return * @throw MagickException * @author 2010-8-11 */ public static void cutImg(String imgPath, String toPath, int w, int h, int x, int y) throws MagickException { ImageInfo infoS = null; MagickImage image = null; MagickImage cropped = null; Rectangle rect = null; try { infoS = new ImageInfo(imgPath); image = new MagickImage(infoS); rect = new Rectangle(x, y, w, h); cropped = image.cropImage(rect); cropped.setFileName(toPath); cropped.writeImage(infoS);
} finally { if (cropped != null) { cropped.destroyImages(); } } }
/** * 删除图片文件 * * @param src 图片位置 * @return * @throw * @author 2010-8-11 */ public static boolean removeFile(String src) throws SecurityException { try { if (!checkType(src)) { return false; }
File file = new File(src); return file.delete(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } }
} |