
时间:2022-09-20 21:28:54

I'm writing a complex MySQL query with multiple LEFT JOINs to combine data from several different tables.

我正在编写一个带有多个LEFT JOIN的复杂MySQL查询来组合来自几个不同表的数据。

$public_query = 
"SELECT * FROM  `wsat_ib` 
LEFT JOIN wp_usermeta ON wsat_ib.user_id = wp_usermeta.user_id
LEFT JOIN wpjb_resume ON wsat_ib.user_id = wpjb_resume.user_id
LEFT JOIN wpjb_field_value ON 
LEFT JOIN wpjb_application ON wpjb_application.user_id = wsat_ib.user_id
WHERE wp_usermeta.meta_key =  'target_employer'
AND wp_usermeta.meta_value =  'public'
AND wpjb_resume.is_active =1

My problem: The table wp_usermeta can have multiple rows for the same user_id. For example a user (with user_id = 5) may have more then one row in the table wp_usermeta with the field: meta_key that is 'target_employer'. In case that's not clear, the rows might look like this.

我的问题:表wp_usermeta可以为同一个user_id有多行。例如,用户(具有user_id = 5)可能在表wp_usermeta中具有多于一行,其字段为:meta_key,即“target_employer”。如果不清楚,行可能看起来像这样。

id    user_id    meta_key           meta_value
1     5          target_employer    13
2     5          target_employer    53
3     79         target_employer    21

My Question: Is there any way that I can return each matching row from wp_usermeta as an array in one of my result objects? So the var_dump() would look something like this:


object(stdClass)#2906 (14) {
  string(4) "5"
  string(6) "Bilbo"
  string(3) "Baggins"
  array(2) {

UPDATE: @bpanulla: Here's the real (unsimplified query)...


"SELECT wsat_ib.user_id, wpjb_resume.firstname, wpjb_resume.lastname, wsat_ib.overall_score, wsat_ib.account_score, wsat_ib.econ_score, wsat_ib.math_score, wsat_ib.logic_score, wsat_ib.fsanaly_score, wsat_ib.corpval_score, wsat_ib.end_time, GROUP_CONCAT(wp_usermeta.meta_value) AS target_employers, wpjb_field_value.value AS school, wpjb_application.job_id
FROM  `wsat_ib` 
LEFT JOIN wp_usermeta ON wsat_ib.user_id = wp_usermeta.user_id
LEFT JOIN wpjb_resume ON wsat_ib.user_id = wpjb_resume.user_id
LEFT JOIN wpjb_field_value ON 
LEFT JOIN wpjb_application ON wpjb_application.user_id = wsat_ib.user_id AND wpjb_application.field_id=3
WHERE (wp_usermeta.meta_key =  'target_employer'
AND wp_usermeta.meta_value =  'public'
AND wpjb_resume.is_active =1)
GROUP BY user_id

1 个解决方案



I don't think MySQL can return an array to PHP, but it can return a delimited list using the GROUP_CONCAT aggregate function. Try something like:


SELECT user_id, firstname, lastname,
     GROUP_CONCAT(wp_usermeta.meta_value) as target_employer_id
FROM `wsat_ib` 
    LEFT JOIN wp_usermeta ON
        (wsat_ib.user_id = wp_usermeta.user_id
           AND wp_usermeta.meta_key = 'target_employer')
GROUP BY user_id, firstname, lastname

By default you should get a comma-separated list of elements in target_employer_id. You can use the PHP explode function to turn that into an array in your PHP logic.

默认情况下,您应该在target_employer_id中获得以逗号分隔的元素列表。您可以使用PHP explode函数将其转换为PHP逻辑中的数组。



I don't think MySQL can return an array to PHP, but it can return a delimited list using the GROUP_CONCAT aggregate function. Try something like:


SELECT user_id, firstname, lastname,
     GROUP_CONCAT(wp_usermeta.meta_value) as target_employer_id
FROM `wsat_ib` 
    LEFT JOIN wp_usermeta ON
        (wsat_ib.user_id = wp_usermeta.user_id
           AND wp_usermeta.meta_key = 'target_employer')
GROUP BY user_id, firstname, lastname

By default you should get a comma-separated list of elements in target_employer_id. You can use the PHP explode function to turn that into an array in your PHP logic.

默认情况下,您应该在target_employer_id中获得以逗号分隔的元素列表。您可以使用PHP explode函数将其转换为PHP逻辑中的数组。