总是在接口方法上声明“抛出异常”? [重复]

时间:2021-08-11 21:29:29

This question already has an answer here:


If you have an interface and you don't know how its methods are going to be implemented (i.e. it's a library which other users will extend), how do you know if implementations of that method will be exception-prone? Should you just declare "throws Exception" on every interface method because you don't know the implementation?


For example, I'm making an http client. This library has an Request interface that represents an http request string:


public interface Request
    String asString(); // no "throws" here  

public final class AssembledRequest implements Request
    // ...
    public AssembledRequest(Method method, Url url, Headers headers, Body body) {
        // ...
    public String asString() {
        // ...

It also has a Response class, which uses this Request interface. My own implementation (AssembledRequest) doesn't throw exceptions, it just assembles a bunch of strings and probably most implementations won't throw anything as well.


But what if a user wants to implement Request in a way that asString reads from a file? Then we're dealing with IOExcepton and it will be very difficult for a user to handle such exceptions. No throws... declared, so you'd have to handle it inside the method, which is a no no, since you want to catch it and rethrow, so it would bubble up to the top of your application and then be handled.


If Request interface had a throws Exception declared on asString it would be much easier. Which makes me conclude that for libraries, all interfaces' methods should have throws Exception. Am I right?


1 个解决方案



The interface is the API between implementation and specification. If you're authoring the API, then you would know if/when your API would allow something to be thrown.


That said, I would take one of these two actions:


  • Implement a separate interface where throwing these sorts of exceptions is acceptable, or
  • 实现一个单独的接口,可以接受抛出这些异常,或者

  • Wrap the checked exception in a RuntimeException of some sort and let it bubble up anyway.
  • 将检查过的异常包装在某种RuntimeException中,然后让它冒泡。

Exceptions are exceptional for a reason. Unless your code explicitly expects it, don't explicitly allow for it.




The interface is the API between implementation and specification. If you're authoring the API, then you would know if/when your API would allow something to be thrown.


That said, I would take one of these two actions:


  • Implement a separate interface where throwing these sorts of exceptions is acceptable, or
  • 实现一个单独的接口,可以接受抛出这些异常,或者

  • Wrap the checked exception in a RuntimeException of some sort and let it bubble up anyway.
  • 将检查过的异常包装在某种RuntimeException中,然后让它冒泡。

Exceptions are exceptional for a reason. Unless your code explicitly expects it, don't explicitly allow for it.
