I have been playing with auto
and I noticed that for most cases you can replace a variable definition with auto
and then assign the type.
In the following code w
and x
are equivalent (default initialized int
, but lets not get into potential copies). Is there a way to declare z
such that it has the same type as y
int w{};
auto x = int{};
int y[5];
auto z = int[5];
3 个解决方案
template<typename T, int N> using raw_array = T[N];
auto &&z = raw_array<int,5>{};
Your example of auto z = int[5];
isn't legal any more than auto z = int;
is, simply because a type is not a valid initializer. You can write: auto z = int{};
because int{}
is a valid initializer.
您的auto z = int[5]示例;除了auto z = int不合法;只是因为类型不是有效的初始化器。可以这样写:auto z = int{};因为int{}是一个有效的初始化器。
Once one realizes this, the next attempt would be:
auto z = int[5]{};
Note that your int y[5]
does not have any initializer. If it had then you would have jumped straight here.
注意,您的int y[5]没有任何初始化器。如果有的话,你就会直接跳到这里。
Unfortunately this does not work either for obscure syntax reasons. Instead you must find a legal way to name the array type in an initializer. For example, a typedef name can be used in an initializer. A handy reusable template type alias eliminates the burdensome requirement of a new typedef for every array type:
template<typename T, int N> using raw_array = T[N];
auto z = raw_array<int,5>{};
Aside: You can use template type aliases to fix the weird 'inside-out' syntax of C++, allowing you to name any compound type in an orderly, left-to-right fashion, by using this proposal.
Unfortunately due to the design bug in C and C++ which causes array-to-pointer conversions at the drop of a hat, the deduced type of the variable z
is int*
rather int[5]
. The resulting variable becomes a dangling pointer when the temporary array is destroyed.
不幸的是,由于在C和c++中的设计错误,导致了在帽子掉下时的arrayto -pointer转换,因此推断变量z的类型是int*而不是int[5]。当临时数组被销毁时,结果变量将成为悬浮指针。
C++14 introduces decltype(auto)
which uses different type deduction rules, correctly deducing an array type:
c++ 14介绍了使用不同类型演绎规则的decltype(auto),正确地演绎了一个数组类型:
decltype(auto) z = raw_array<int,5>{};
But now we run into another design bug with arrays; they do not behave as proper objects. You can't assign, copy construct, do pass by value, etc., with arrays. The above code is like saying:
int g[5] = {};
int h[5] = g;
By all rights this should work, but unfortunately built-in arrays behave bizarrely in C and C++. In our case, the specific problem is that arrays are not allowed to have just any kind of initializer; they are strictly limited to using initializer lists. An array temporary, initialized by an initializer list, is not itself an initializer list.
Answer 1:
At this point Johannes Schaub makes the excellent suggestion that we can use temporary lifetime extension.
在这一点上,Johannes Schaub提出了一个很好的建议,我们可以使用临时的寿命延长。
auto &&z = raw_array<int,5>{};
isn't needed because the addition of &&
changes the deduced type, so Johannes Schaub's suggestion works in C++11. This also avoids the limitation on array initializers because we're initializing a reference instead of an array.
由于添加&修改了推导的类型,所以不需要使用auto,所以Johannes Schaub的建议在c++ 11中有效。这也避免了对数组初始化器的限制,因为我们正在初始化引用而不是数组。
If you want the array to deduce its length from an initializer, you can use an incomplete array type:
template<typename T> using unsized_raw_array = T[];
auto &&z = unsized_raw_array<int>{1, 2, 3};
Although the above does what you want you may prefer to avoid raw arrays entirely, due to the fact that raw arrays do not behave like proper C++ objects, and the obscurity of their behavior and the techniques used above.
Answer 2:
The std::array
template in C++11 does act like a proper object, including assignment, being passable by value, etc., and just generally behaving sanely and consistently where built-in arrays do not.
std::在c++ 11中的数组模板表现得像一个合适的对象,包括赋值、可传递值等等,而且一般都表现得很好,而且总是在内置数组不存在的情况下运行。
auto z = std::array<int,5>{};
However, with this you miss out on being able to have the array type infer its own length from an initializer. Instead You can write a make_array
template function that does the inference. Here's a really simple version I haven't tested and which doesn't do things you might want, such as verify that all the arguments are the same type, or let you explicitly specify the type.
template<typename... T>
std::array<typename std::common_type<T...>::type, sizeof...(T)>
make_array(T &&...t) {
return {std::forward<T>(t)...};
auto z = make_array(1,2,3,4,5);
Not quite the same, but you could use array
auto z = std::array<int, 5>();
works with g++ 4.9.0 20130601 for this:
decltype与g++ 4.9.0 20130601对应:
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
static std::ostream& logger = std::clog;
class A {
static int _counter;
int _id;
A() : _id(++_counter) {
logger << "\tA #" << _id << " c'tored\n";
~A() {
//logger << "\tA #" << _id << " d'tor\n";
inline int id() const{
return _id;
int A::_counter(0);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const A& a) {
return os << a.id();
int main() {
auto dump = [](const A& a){ logger << a << " ";};
logger << "x init\n";
A x[5];
logger << "x contains: "; std::for_each(x, x+5, dump);
logger << "\ndecltype(x) y init\n";
decltype(x) y;
logger << "y contains: "; std::for_each(y, y+5, dump);
logger << std::endl;
return 0;
x init
A #1 c'tored
A #2 c'tored
A #3 c'tored
A #4 c'tored
A #5 c'tored
x contains: 1 2 3 4 5
decltype(x) y init
A #6 c'tored
A #7 c'tored
A #8 c'tored
A #9 c'tored
A #10 c'tored
y contains: 6 7 8 9 10
template<typename T, int N> using raw_array = T[N];
auto &&z = raw_array<int,5>{};
Your example of auto z = int[5];
isn't legal any more than auto z = int;
is, simply because a type is not a valid initializer. You can write: auto z = int{};
because int{}
is a valid initializer.
您的auto z = int[5]示例;除了auto z = int不合法;只是因为类型不是有效的初始化器。可以这样写:auto z = int{};因为int{}是一个有效的初始化器。
Once one realizes this, the next attempt would be:
auto z = int[5]{};
Note that your int y[5]
does not have any initializer. If it had then you would have jumped straight here.
注意,您的int y[5]没有任何初始化器。如果有的话,你就会直接跳到这里。
Unfortunately this does not work either for obscure syntax reasons. Instead you must find a legal way to name the array type in an initializer. For example, a typedef name can be used in an initializer. A handy reusable template type alias eliminates the burdensome requirement of a new typedef for every array type:
template<typename T, int N> using raw_array = T[N];
auto z = raw_array<int,5>{};
Aside: You can use template type aliases to fix the weird 'inside-out' syntax of C++, allowing you to name any compound type in an orderly, left-to-right fashion, by using this proposal.
Unfortunately due to the design bug in C and C++ which causes array-to-pointer conversions at the drop of a hat, the deduced type of the variable z
is int*
rather int[5]
. The resulting variable becomes a dangling pointer when the temporary array is destroyed.
不幸的是,由于在C和c++中的设计错误,导致了在帽子掉下时的arrayto -pointer转换,因此推断变量z的类型是int*而不是int[5]。当临时数组被销毁时,结果变量将成为悬浮指针。
C++14 introduces decltype(auto)
which uses different type deduction rules, correctly deducing an array type:
c++ 14介绍了使用不同类型演绎规则的decltype(auto),正确地演绎了一个数组类型:
decltype(auto) z = raw_array<int,5>{};
But now we run into another design bug with arrays; they do not behave as proper objects. You can't assign, copy construct, do pass by value, etc., with arrays. The above code is like saying:
int g[5] = {};
int h[5] = g;
By all rights this should work, but unfortunately built-in arrays behave bizarrely in C and C++. In our case, the specific problem is that arrays are not allowed to have just any kind of initializer; they are strictly limited to using initializer lists. An array temporary, initialized by an initializer list, is not itself an initializer list.
Answer 1:
At this point Johannes Schaub makes the excellent suggestion that we can use temporary lifetime extension.
在这一点上,Johannes Schaub提出了一个很好的建议,我们可以使用临时的寿命延长。
auto &&z = raw_array<int,5>{};
isn't needed because the addition of &&
changes the deduced type, so Johannes Schaub's suggestion works in C++11. This also avoids the limitation on array initializers because we're initializing a reference instead of an array.
由于添加&修改了推导的类型,所以不需要使用auto,所以Johannes Schaub的建议在c++ 11中有效。这也避免了对数组初始化器的限制,因为我们正在初始化引用而不是数组。
If you want the array to deduce its length from an initializer, you can use an incomplete array type:
template<typename T> using unsized_raw_array = T[];
auto &&z = unsized_raw_array<int>{1, 2, 3};
Although the above does what you want you may prefer to avoid raw arrays entirely, due to the fact that raw arrays do not behave like proper C++ objects, and the obscurity of their behavior and the techniques used above.
Answer 2:
The std::array
template in C++11 does act like a proper object, including assignment, being passable by value, etc., and just generally behaving sanely and consistently where built-in arrays do not.
std::在c++ 11中的数组模板表现得像一个合适的对象,包括赋值、可传递值等等,而且一般都表现得很好,而且总是在内置数组不存在的情况下运行。
auto z = std::array<int,5>{};
However, with this you miss out on being able to have the array type infer its own length from an initializer. Instead You can write a make_array
template function that does the inference. Here's a really simple version I haven't tested and which doesn't do things you might want, such as verify that all the arguments are the same type, or let you explicitly specify the type.
template<typename... T>
std::array<typename std::common_type<T...>::type, sizeof...(T)>
make_array(T &&...t) {
return {std::forward<T>(t)...};
auto z = make_array(1,2,3,4,5);
Not quite the same, but you could use array
auto z = std::array<int, 5>();
works with g++ 4.9.0 20130601 for this:
decltype与g++ 4.9.0 20130601对应:
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
static std::ostream& logger = std::clog;
class A {
static int _counter;
int _id;
A() : _id(++_counter) {
logger << "\tA #" << _id << " c'tored\n";
~A() {
//logger << "\tA #" << _id << " d'tor\n";
inline int id() const{
return _id;
int A::_counter(0);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const A& a) {
return os << a.id();
int main() {
auto dump = [](const A& a){ logger << a << " ";};
logger << "x init\n";
A x[5];
logger << "x contains: "; std::for_each(x, x+5, dump);
logger << "\ndecltype(x) y init\n";
decltype(x) y;
logger << "y contains: "; std::for_each(y, y+5, dump);
logger << std::endl;
return 0;
x init
A #1 c'tored
A #2 c'tored
A #3 c'tored
A #4 c'tored
A #5 c'tored
x contains: 1 2 3 4 5
decltype(x) y init
A #6 c'tored
A #7 c'tored
A #8 c'tored
A #9 c'tored
A #10 c'tored
y contains: 6 7 8 9 10