
时间:2022-01-06 21:29:40

I am confused whether
int arr[n]={0} takes constant time i.e. O(1), or O(n)?

我很困惑int arr [n] = {0}是否需要恒定时间,即O(1),还是O(n)?

2 个解决方案



You should expect O(N) time, but there are caveats:


  • It is O(1) if memory occupied by array is smaller than the word size. (it may be O(1) all the way to the cache line size on modern CPUs)
  • 如果数组占用的内存小于字大小,则为O(1)。 (它可能是O(1)一直到现代CPU上的缓存行大小)

  • It is O(N) if array fits within a single tier in the memory.
  • 如果数组适合内存中的单个层,则为O(N)。

  • It is complicated if array pushes through the tiers: There are multiple tiers on all modern computers (registers, L0 cache, L1 cache, L3 cache?, NUMA on multi-CPU machines, Virtual memory(mapping to swap), ...). If array can't fit in one - there will be a severe performance penalty.
  • 如果数组推送层,则很复杂:所有现代计算机上都有多个层(寄存器,L0缓存,L1缓存,L3缓存?,多CPU机器上的NUMA,虚拟内存(映射到交换),...) 。如果数组不能合二为一,那将会造成严重的性能损失。

CPU cache architecture impacts the time needed to zero out memory quite severely. In practice calling it O(N) is somewhat misleading given that going from 100 to 101 may increase time 10x if it falls on a cache boundary (line or whole). It may be even more dramatic if swapping is involved. Beware of the tiered memory model...




Generally initialization to zero of non-static storage is linear in the size of the storage. If you are reusing the array, it will need to be zero'ed each time. There are computer architectures that try to make this free via maintaining bit masks on pages or cache lines and returning zeroes at some point in the cache fill or load unit machinery. These are somewhat rare, but the effect can often be replicated in software if performance is paramount.


Arguably zeroed static storage is free but in practice the pages to back it up will be faulted in and there will be some cost to zero them on most architectures.


(One can end up in situations where the cost of the faults to provide zero filled pages is quite noticeable. E.g. repeated malloc/free of blocks bigger than some threshold can result in the address space backing the allocation being returned to the OS at each deallocation. The OS then has to zero it for security reasons even though malloc isn't guaranteed to return zero filled storage. Worse case the program then writes zeroes into the same block after it is returned from malloc so it ends up being twice the cost.)

(最终可能会出现提供零填充页面的故障成本非常明显的情况。例如,重复的malloc /没有大于某个阈值的块可能导致支持分配的地址空间在每次释放时返回到OS操作系统然后必须出于安全原因将其归零,即使malloc不能保证返回零填充存储。更糟糕的是,程序然后在从malloc返回后将零写入同一块中,因此它最终成本的两倍。 )

For cases where large arrays of mostly zeroes will be accessed in a sparse fashion, the zero fill on demand behavior mentioned above can reduce the cost to linear in the number of pages actually used, not the total size. Arranging to do this usually requires using mmap or similar directly, not just allocating an array in C and zero initializing it.




You should expect O(N) time, but there are caveats:


  • It is O(1) if memory occupied by array is smaller than the word size. (it may be O(1) all the way to the cache line size on modern CPUs)
  • 如果数组占用的内存小于字大小,则为O(1)。 (它可能是O(1)一直到现代CPU上的缓存行大小)

  • It is O(N) if array fits within a single tier in the memory.
  • 如果数组适合内存中的单个层,则为O(N)。

  • It is complicated if array pushes through the tiers: There are multiple tiers on all modern computers (registers, L0 cache, L1 cache, L3 cache?, NUMA on multi-CPU machines, Virtual memory(mapping to swap), ...). If array can't fit in one - there will be a severe performance penalty.
  • 如果数组推送层,则很复杂:所有现代计算机上都有多个层(寄存器,L0缓存,L1缓存,L3缓存?,多CPU机器上的NUMA,虚拟内存(映射到交换),...) 。如果数组不能合二为一,那将会造成严重的性能损失。

CPU cache architecture impacts the time needed to zero out memory quite severely. In practice calling it O(N) is somewhat misleading given that going from 100 to 101 may increase time 10x if it falls on a cache boundary (line or whole). It may be even more dramatic if swapping is involved. Beware of the tiered memory model...




Generally initialization to zero of non-static storage is linear in the size of the storage. If you are reusing the array, it will need to be zero'ed each time. There are computer architectures that try to make this free via maintaining bit masks on pages or cache lines and returning zeroes at some point in the cache fill or load unit machinery. These are somewhat rare, but the effect can often be replicated in software if performance is paramount.


Arguably zeroed static storage is free but in practice the pages to back it up will be faulted in and there will be some cost to zero them on most architectures.


(One can end up in situations where the cost of the faults to provide zero filled pages is quite noticeable. E.g. repeated malloc/free of blocks bigger than some threshold can result in the address space backing the allocation being returned to the OS at each deallocation. The OS then has to zero it for security reasons even though malloc isn't guaranteed to return zero filled storage. Worse case the program then writes zeroes into the same block after it is returned from malloc so it ends up being twice the cost.)

(最终可能会出现提供零填充页面的故障成本非常明显的情况。例如,重复的malloc /没有大于某个阈值的块可能导致支持分配的地址空间在每次释放时返回到OS操作系统然后必须出于安全原因将其归零,即使malloc不能保证返回零填充存储。更糟糕的是,程序然后在从malloc返回后将零写入同一块中,因此它最终成本的两倍。 )

For cases where large arrays of mostly zeroes will be accessed in a sparse fashion, the zero fill on demand behavior mentioned above can reduce the cost to linear in the number of pages actually used, not the total size. Arranging to do this usually requires using mmap or similar directly, not just allocating an array in C and zero initializing it.
