
时间:2022-01-06 21:29:52

How can I initialize an integer array in Java like so: int[] array = {1,2,3}; inside a switch statement?

如何在Java中初始化整数数组,如下所示:int [] array = {1,2,3};在switch语句中?

Currently, I can write:


switch(something) {
    case 0: int[] array = {1,2,3}; break;
    default: int[] array = {3,2,1};

But when I try to access the array variable, eclipse will complain that it might not be initialized.


If I try to declare it like int[] array; or int[] array = new int[3]; and then have the switch statement, it would say I am trying to redeclare it.

如果我尝试将其声明为int [] array;或int [] array = new int [3];然后有switch语句,它会说我正在尝试重新声明它。

How can I resolve this issue? Final idea is to be able to initialize an array with 10 values in just one line of code, based on some logic (a switch statement).


4 个解决方案



Put the declaration before the switch statement. You will also need to explicitly instantiate an array of the correct type.


int[] array;
switch (something) {
    case 0: array = new int[] {1, 2, 3}; break;
    default: array = new int[] {3, 2, 1};



I would tell you to put the array declaration outside the switch block, however, you cannot use = { 1, 2, 3} syntax after the declaration. You need to initialize it the regular way, as in array = new int[] {1, 2, 3};

我会告诉你把数组声明放在switch块之外,但是,声明后你不能使用= {1,2,3}语法。您需要以常规方式初始化它,如在array = new int [] {1,2,3}中;



int[] array;
switch (something) {
    case 0: array = new int[]{1, 2, 3}; break;
    default: array = new int[]{3, 2, 1};



I had the same question before. Hope this helps you.


First Mark Byers is absolutely right. Java works with minimal possible scope. so if you try to do

第一马克拜尔斯是绝对正确的。 Java以尽可能小的范围工作。所以,如果你试图这样做

case 1: int arr = whatever and case 2 : int arr = ... it will give you an error of re-declaration because entire switch is treated as a single scope and there is no case wise / based scope.

case 1:int arr = whatever和case 2:int arr = ...它会给你一个重新声明的错误,因为整个开关被视为一个范围而且没有基于case / based的范围。

Point 2: if you say:


case 1: int arr = whatever and case 2 : arr = ... assuming that int arr will be compiled and taken from case 1 then you are still wrong and again java will give you the error, based on the principle that each and every local var has to be declared and initialized before its use.

情况1:int arr = what和case 2:arr = ...假设int arr将被编译并从案例1中获取然后你仍然是错误的并且java将根据每个原则提供错误必须在使用之前声明和初始化local var。

so the best way is to declare it outside your switch and define or initialize it in whichever case you prefer.




Put the declaration before the switch statement. You will also need to explicitly instantiate an array of the correct type.


int[] array;
switch (something) {
    case 0: array = new int[] {1, 2, 3}; break;
    default: array = new int[] {3, 2, 1};



I would tell you to put the array declaration outside the switch block, however, you cannot use = { 1, 2, 3} syntax after the declaration. You need to initialize it the regular way, as in array = new int[] {1, 2, 3};

我会告诉你把数组声明放在switch块之外,但是,声明后你不能使用= {1,2,3}语法。您需要以常规方式初始化它,如在array = new int [] {1,2,3}中;



int[] array;
switch (something) {
    case 0: array = new int[]{1, 2, 3}; break;
    default: array = new int[]{3, 2, 1};



I had the same question before. Hope this helps you.


First Mark Byers is absolutely right. Java works with minimal possible scope. so if you try to do

第一马克拜尔斯是绝对正确的。 Java以尽可能小的范围工作。所以,如果你试图这样做

case 1: int arr = whatever and case 2 : int arr = ... it will give you an error of re-declaration because entire switch is treated as a single scope and there is no case wise / based scope.

case 1:int arr = whatever和case 2:int arr = ...它会给你一个重新声明的错误,因为整个开关被视为一个范围而且没有基于case / based的范围。

Point 2: if you say:


case 1: int arr = whatever and case 2 : arr = ... assuming that int arr will be compiled and taken from case 1 then you are still wrong and again java will give you the error, based on the principle that each and every local var has to be declared and initialized before its use.

情况1:int arr = what和case 2:arr = ...假设int arr将被编译并从案例1中获取然后你仍然是错误的并且java将根据每个原则提供错误必须在使用之前声明和初始化local var。

so the best way is to declare it outside your switch and define or initialize it in whichever case you prefer.
